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Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie. Currently contains 28289 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera.

Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)

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LABOULBENIA     10: 204, 205, 206, 207, 208; 74: 134, 137; 75: 2;
LABOULBENIA   acupalpi   74: 132;
LABOULBENIA   benjaminii   75: 1, 4, 5;
LABOULBENIA   calathi   75: 1, 4, 5;
LABOULBENIA   coneglianensis   74: 134;
LABOULBENIA   cristata   74: 123, 128, 135;
LABOULBENIA   deltomeri   74: 124, 135;
LABOULBENIA   egens   74: 123, 128, 129, 134, 135;
LABOULBENIA   fasciculata   75: 1, 4, 5;
LABOULBENIA   flagellata   74: 123, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136;
LABOULBENIA   hyalopoda   74: 123, 129, 131, 134, 136;
LABOULBENIA   lecoareri   74: 124, 136;
LABOULBENIA   leisti   75: 1, 4, 5;
LABOULBENIA   luxurians   74: 123, 130, 133, 134, 136;
LABOULBENIA   melanaria   10: 205, 206, 207, 208;
LABOULBENIA   nana   75: 1, 4, 5;
LABOULBENIA   nebriae   74: 135;
LABOULBENIA   notiophili   75: 1, 5;
LABOULBENIA   olisthopi   74: 124, 136;
LABOULBENIA   oodiphila   74: 124, 136;
LABOULBENIA   ophoni   74: 134;
LABOULBENIA   patrata   74: 124, 136;
LABOULBENIA   pedicellata   74: 123, 124, 130, 133, 136;
LABOULBENIA   pitraeana   74: 124, 137;
LABOULBENIA   polystichi   75: 1, 6, 8, 12;
LABOULBENIA   pterostichi   74: 134, 137;
LABOULBENIA   rougetii   10: 205, 206, 207, 208; 74: 123, 129, 130, 136;
LABOULBENIA   slackensis   75: 1, 6;
LABOULBENIA   stenolophi   74: 124, 132, 136;
LABOULBENIA   thaxteri   74: 123, 131, 132, 134, 136;
LABOULBENIA   uncinata   74: 123, 131, 132, 134, 136;
LABOULBENIA   vulgaris   10: 205, 206, 207, 208; 74: 123, 130, 132, 134, 136;

LACCARIA     1: 97; 16: 157; 18: 10, 12, 13, 160; 19: 17, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 215; 22: 146, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 196, 265, 275; 23: 79, 199; 25: 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 74, 107; 26: 123; 27: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 215; 28: 115; 29: 27; 30: 232; 32: 223; 33: 164; 35: 241; 36: 58; 39: 187; 40: 241; 42: 158, 167, 168; 43: 185; 44: 87, 222; 45: 35, 50; 58: 288; 71: 74;
LACCARIA   affinis   46: 169, 170, 172, 187;
LACCARIA   amethystea   16: 157, 188; 18: 160; 23: 79; 27: 215; 28: 115; 29: 27, 164; 32: 223; 33: 164; 35: 241; 40: 41; 46: 169, 170, 286; 56: 271, 282; 63: 258; 67: 200;
LACCARIA   amethystina   1: 88; 4: 157; 9: 99; 10: 167, 168; 11: 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211; 14: 79, 87, 225; 16: 157; 19: 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 215; 22: 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 196; 25: 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 74; 27: 1; 44: 87; 46: 69; 52: 7, 213; 65: 199, 202, 206;
LACCARIA   bicolor   22: 146, 265, 275; 30: 232; 32: 223; 44: 87; 67: 200;
LACCARIA   echinospora   22: 146;
LACCARIA   laccata   8: 122; 10: 167, 168; 11: 197; 14: 79, 96, 225; 16: 188; 18: 10, 12, 13; 19: 17, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 215; 22: 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 196; 25: 71, 107; 27: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 28: 115; 32: 223; 33: 164; 40: 241; 44: 87, 222; 45: 50; 46: 286, 289; 52: 4, 5, 213, 215; 56: 271, 282; 63: 258; 65: 202, 211; 67: 200; 73: 30;
LACCARIA   laccata subsp. maritima   8: 144;
LACCARIA   laccata var. vulcanica   27: 2, 4;
LACCARIA   lineata   14: 77;
LACCARIA   proxima   11: 197; 19: 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 25: 107; 26: 123; 27: 2; 32: 223; 33: 164; 36: 58; 44: 87; 46: 171, 186; 67: 200;
LACCARIA   proxima var. bicolor   22: 146;
LACCARIA   pumila   45: 35;
LACCARIA   tortilis   22: 146; 23: 199; 25: 107;

LACHANCEA     70: 21;

LACHNASTER     41: 199;
LACHNASTER   gracilis   41: 199;

LACHNEA     3: 84, 86; 15: 62, 63, 64, 65, 66; 16: 107, 108, 109; 17: 62, 63; 18: 12; 19: 41, 42; 21: 239; 22: 37, 38, 39; 23: 27, 83, 84, 85, 93, 156, 158; 24: 109; 25: 77, 78, 83, 84, 85; 26: 74; 28: 22, 23, 136, 137; 29: 129; 31: 69, 70, 71; 33: 17; 35: 135, 136; 39: 135; 47: 245;
LACHNEA   abundans   35: 86;
LACHNEA   acerina   25: 83; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   aeruginosa   4: 44;
LACHNEA   ampezzana   23: 83, 94; 28: 137; 35: 16;
LACHNEA   amphidoxa   14: 112; 35: 135;
LACHNEA   appendiculata   50: 89;
LACHNEA   araneosa   35: 87;
LACHNEA   arenosa   28: 23; 31: 70; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   aurantia   35: 3;
LACHNEA   austriaca   13: 3; 47: 255;
LACHNEA   badioberbis   32: 70, 71, 72, 73;
LACHNEA   barbata   21: 239, 240; 35: 20;
LACHNEA   boudieri   47: 255;
LACHNEA   cadaverina   31: 69; 35: 8;
LACHNEA   caespitosa   35: 86;
LACHNEA   carneosanguinea   35: 67, 135;
LACHNEA   cejpii   25: 82, 83, 84; 35: 80, 109;
LACHNEA   cervorum   16: 108; 25: 83, 84, 85, 86, 109; 32: 73; 35: 80, 109;
LACHNEA   cervorum var. furcata   35: 80;
LACHNEA   chateri   25: 83; 35: 20, 82; 47: 243; 71: 213;
LACHNEA   coccinea   13: 3;
LACHNEA   colensoi   32: 72;
LACHNEA   convexa   35: 80;
LACHNEA   coprinaria   22: 32, 34, 35, 36, 40;
LACHNEA   coprogena   54: 127;
LACHNEA   dalmeniensis   35: 9;
LACHNEA   erinaceus   35: 80;
LACHNEA   erinaceus var. furcata   35: 87;
LACHNEA   flavobrunnea   25: 83; 35: 135;
LACHNEA   fleischeriana   50: 89;
LACHNEA   foliincola   35: 86;
LACHNEA   folliculata   50: 89;
LACHNEA   fulva   14: 112; 35: 20;
LACHNEA   fulvescens   47: 13;
LACHNEA   furcata   35: 87;
LACHNEA   fuscidula   35: 85;
LACHNEA   gemella   22: 34, 35; 35: 143;
LACHNEA   geneospora   50: 89;
LACHNEA   gilva   35: 85; 52: 269;
LACHNEA   gintlii   25: 82, 83; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   gintlii var. rigidula   25: 83; 35: 82;
LACHNEA   glareosa   14: 168, 223, 227, 228; 16: 109; 35: 87;
LACHNEA   gregaria   15: 66; 35: 86;
LACHNEA   gregaria f. ferruginea   35: 86;
LACHNEA   gregaria f. nigrella   35: 86;
LACHNEA   gregaria f. obtusipilosa   35: 86;
LACHNEA   gregaria f. pseudogregaria   15: 66; 35: 87;
LACHNEA   gregaria var. uliginosa   35: 86;
LACHNEA   hemisphaerica   7: 154; 14: 75, 225; 16: 107; 18: 12; 23: 27; 35: 23, 144;
LACHNEA   hemisphaerica f. infusoria   35: 23;
LACHNEA   hemisphaerioides   14: 79; 15: 66; 35: 86;
LACHNEA   hemisphaerioides var. tenuipilosa   35: 86;
LACHNEA   hirta   35: 82, 135;
LACHNEA   hirta var. alnea   35: 79;
LACHNEA   hrabanovi   25: 83, 84; 31: 70; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   humana   1: 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124; 35: 12, 73;
LACHNEA   humillima   1: 124;
LACHNEA   hystrix   25: 83; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   hystrix var. carpathica   25: 84; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   hystrix var. prunicola   25: 84; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   ignea   14: 112; 15: 64; 22: 39; 35: 8;
LACHNEA   insignis   47: 31;
LACHNEA   intermixta   35: 4;
LACHNEA   iuliana   35: 67, 88;
LACHNEA   kerguelensis   32: 75, 76;
LACHNEA   laricina   31: 70; 33: 17; 35: 86;
LACHNEA   leporina   14: 112; 35: 87;
LACHNEA   limosa   25: 84; 28: 136; 35: 81;
LACHNEA   livida   35: 135;
LACHNEA   lojkeana   14: 112;
LACHNEA   longisetosa   35: 86;
LACHNEA   lusatiae   16: 109; 25: 84; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   lusatiae var. macrospora   25: 85; 35: 81;
LACHNEA   lysimachiae   35: 83;
LACHNEA   macrospora   35: 135;
LACHNEA   mariae   1: 124; 35: 85, 88;
LACHNEA   maurilabra   1: 124;
LACHNEA   melaloma   1: 124; 3: 86; 35: 4, 142;
LACHNEA   melaloma f. combusta   35: 4;
LACHNEA   melaloma f. dubia   35: 4;
LACHNEA   melaloma var. combusta   35: 3;
LACHNEA   melaloma var. dubia   35: 4;
LACHNEA   melaloma var. fusca   35: 4;
LACHNEA   miniata   35: 20; 47: 243; 71: 208, 210, 211, 212;
LACHNEA   minuta   22: 38, 39; 35: 9;
LACHNEA   moravica   14: 112; 35: 86;
LACHNEA   nigrohirtula   25: 85;
LACHNEA   nuda   14: 112; 35: 8; 71: 212;
LACHNEA   nympharum   17: 62; 25: 84; 28: 22; 32: 76; 35: 81;
LACHNEA   oligochaeta   62: 2;
LACHNEA   oligotricha   62: 2;
LACHNEA   pediseta   22: 36; 50: 192;
LACHNEA   pilatii   25: 82, 84; 35: 81;
LACHNEA   pseudoampezzana   7: 137; 9: 192; 14: 70; 23: 83, 93, 94; 35: 143; 74: 17;
LACHNEA   pseudotrechispora   25: 82, 84; 35: 80, 81, 82;
LACHNEA   radiculata   9: 17; 42: 197;
LACHNEA   radiculata var. percevalii   42: 199;
LACHNEA   ramosa   1: 124; 35: 73;
LACHNEA   regalis   35: 81;
LACHNEA   rubicunda   47: 243;
LACHNEA   salicina   31: 71; 35: 87;
LACHNEA   scubalonta   47: 13;
LACHNEA   scutellata   35: 82; 71: 211;
LACHNEA   scutellata f. balnei   25: 83;
LACHNEA   scutellata f. bulbopilosa   35: 82;
LACHNEA   scutellata f. depauperata   12: 192;
LACHNEA   scutellata var. alnea   25: 83, 84; 35: 79;
LACHNEA   scutellata var. subaurantiaca   25: 85;
LACHNEA   setosa   25: 84, 85; 35: 80, 136;
LACHNEA   setosa f. cervorum   16: 108; 32: 73; 35: 80;
LACHNEA   setosa var. cervorum   32: 73;
LACHNEA   setosa var. gintlii   35: 80;
LACHNEA   setosa var. nigrohirtula   25: 85; 35: 81;
LACHNEA   speluncarum   14: 112; 16: 109; 21: 240; 35: 20;
LACHNEA   stercorea   35: 8; 47: 12;
LACHNEA   stercorea f. citrinella   35: 8;
LACHNEA   stercorea var. citrinella   31: 69; 35: 8; 50: 192;
LACHNEA   stercorea var. glacilis   47: 13;
LACHNEA   stercorea var. maialis   35: 8;
LACHNEA   stercorea var. microspora   47: 7, 21, 25, 26;
LACHNEA   superba   15: 64; 17: 63; 23: 156, 158; 25: 82, 85; 35: 81, 82, 136;
LACHNEA   tenuis   15: 65; 35: 83;
LACHNEA   tenuis var. kavinae   35: 83, 89;
LACHNEA   terrestris   35: 86;
LACHNEA   theleboloides   22: 32, 35, 37, 38, 40; 35: 9;
LACHNEA   umbrata   17: 63; 35: 8, 136;
LACHNEA   umbrorum   25: 86; 35: 82, 136; 71: 213;
LACHNEA   umbrorum f. arenosa   35: 80;
LACHNEA   umbrorum var. limosa   25: 84; 28: 136; 35: 81;
LACHNEA   umbrorum var. pratensis   25: 84; 35: 82;
LACHNEA   velenovskyi   35: 86, 88;
LACHNEA   vernalis   31: 70; 35: 87;
LACHNEA   violacea   29: 129; 35: 67, 137; 39: 135, 137;
LACHNEA   violacea var. rosella   14: 112; 35: 67;
LACHNEA   vitellina   11: 110; 14: 167; 22: 32, 40; 35: 9, 137, 143;
LACHNEA   vitellina f. subglabra   35: 9, 137;
LACHNEA   votrubae   22: 38, 39; 35: 9;

LACHNELLA     16: 113; 30: 9; 31: 193; 37: 175; 41: 198; 43: 223;
LACHNELLA   brunneola   57: 145;
LACHNELLA   brunneola var. fagicola   57: 150;
LACHNELLA   ciliata   16: 104;
LACHNELLA   corticalis   12: 223, 229;
LACHNELLA   craterellus   54: 94;
LACHNELLA   dematiicola   31: 193, 194;
LACHNELLA   filicina   43: 223;
LACHNELLA   flammea   41: 198; 57: 170;
LACHNELLA   gallica   16: 104;
LACHNELLA   prasina   30: 9;
LACHNELLA   stercorea   14: 90;
LACHNELLA   subflammea   41: 198;
LACHNELLA   winteri   70: 171;

LACHNELLULA     16: 102, 104; 35: 92, 95, 97; 41: 202; 44: 144;
LACHNELLULA   abietis   44: 144; 67: 200;
LACHNELLULA   calyciformis   35: 95; 44: 144; 72: 214;
LACHNELLULA   calycina   67: 215;
LACHNELLULA   chrysophthalma   16: 102;
LACHNELLULA   fuckelii   35: 92;
LACHNELLULA   fuscosanguinea   35: 92;
LACHNELLULA   gallica   67: 200;
LACHNELLULA   hahniana   44: 144;
LACHNELLULA   occidentalis   35: 92; 63: 217, 237;
LACHNELLULA   subtilissima   35: 92, 97; 63: 217, 222, 225, 237; 67: 200; 72: 214; 76: 74;
LACHNELLULA   suecica   16: 102, 104; 41: 202;
LACHNELLULA   willkommii   44: 144; 56: 276, 277;

LACHNOBOLUS     13: 51; 18: 181; 22: 134;
LACHNOBOLUS   arcyrella   13: 51; 22: 134;

LACHNUM     1: 3; 12: 222; 13: 156, 212, 213; 16: 10, 94; 21: 64; 30: 9; 33: 193, 194, 195, 197, 201, 202, 203, 204; 38: 201; 39: 208; 41: 91, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204; 42: 77, 137, 139, 140, 141; 43: 69, 71, 72, 215, 223, 225, 226; 44: 144; 45: 136, 139, 140; 57: 140, 142, 164, 167, 168, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190, 208, 218; 62: 30;
LACHNUM   aberrans   43: 71, 72;
LACHNUM   acicularum   41: 201;
LACHNUM   acutipilum   41: 202; 70: 170;
LACHNUM   acutum   33: 201, 202, 203, 204;
LACHNUM   acutum var. holci   33: 204;
LACHNUM   acutum var. majus   33: 203;
LACHNUM   agaricinum   41: 204; 57: 167, 186;
LACHNUM   agropyri   33: 197;
LACHNUM   albotestaceum   70: 170;
LACHNUM   alneum   57: 163, 195, 205;
LACHNUM   alnisedum   57: 212, 215;
LACHNUM   atropae   16: 94;
LACHNUM   autumnale   45: 136;
LACHNUM   badium   43: 69, 71;
LACHNUM   belanense   12: 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 228, 229;
LACHNUM   bicolor   14: 75; 57: 151, 155, 167;
LACHNUM   bicolor var. rubi   44: 144; 63: 233;
LACHNUM   brevipilosum   43: 226; 57: 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 202; 67: 215;
LACHNUM   brevipilum   57: 187, 190;
LACHNUM   calycioides   56: 67;
LACHNUM   calyculiforme   14: 226; 57: 143;
LACHNUM   capitatum   39: 214;
LACHNUM   cerinum   57: 168;
LACHNUM   clandestinum   44: 144;
LACHNUM   claviculatum   14: 76;
LACHNUM   conisedum   57: 200, 215;
LACHNUM   controversum   42: 141; 70: 170, 181;
LACHNUM   corticale   12: 223, 229; 13: 156, 212;
LACHNUM   corylinum   57: 183, 186, 190, 191, 192, 195;
LACHNUM   cotoneastris   45: 139, 141;
LACHNUM   crataegi   16: 94; 57: 183, 184, 186, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 205, 212;
LACHNUM   crystallinum   14: 75; 57: 160, 215;
LACHNUM   diminutum   55: 231, 232, 233, 234; 56: 203, 205, 218, 219;
LACHNUM   elongatisporum   42: 141;
LACHNUM   eriophori   39: 208;
LACHNUM   fasciculare   57: 183, 184, 186, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 205;
LACHNUM   flammeum   14: 72; 57: 170;
LACHNUM   flavofuligineum   42: 77;
LACHNUM   fulvellum   57: 183, 184, 191, 192, 195, 198, 203, 215;
LACHNUM   fuscescens   14: 74, 87; 57: 143; 67: 213;
LACHNUM   fuscescens f. fagicola   57: 150;
LACHNUM   fuscescens var. fagicola   57: 150;
LACHNUM   grande   57: 183, 191, 208, 211, 216, 217, 218;
LACHNUM   impudicum   43: 226; 57: 183, 184, 186, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203; 67: 215;
LACHNUM   laeve   30: 9; 45: 140, 141;
LACHNUM   legaliae   69: 186;
LACHNUM   longisporum   42: 141;
LACHNUM   microsporum   57: 190;
LACHNUM   minutum   57: 205;
LACHNUM   mughonicolum   44: 140, 144;
LACHNUM   nidulus   3: 42; 41: 200;
LACHNUM   niveum   57: 162;
LACHNUM   nudipes   44: 144;
LACHNUM   papyraceum   14: 224; 57: 157, 185, 200, 205, 212, 215;
LACHNUM   patulum   14: 76;
LACHNUM   piceum   57: 183, 205, 208, 211, 217;
LACHNUM   pinicolum   57: 205;
LACHNUM   pseudocorticale   12: 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229;
LACHNUM   pubescens   43: 215, 223, 225; 57: 183, 186, 190, 191, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 212;
LACHNUM   pudibundum   57: 185, 187, 191, 192, 195, 196, 200, 203, 204, 205, 211;
LACHNUM   pudicellum   45: 140;
LACHNUM   pulverulentum var. fructicola   57: 157;
LACHNUM   pygmaeum   14: 71; 44: 144; 57: 183, 185, 190, 191, 200, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 216, 217, 218;
LACHNUM   radovii   38: 201;
LACHNUM   relicinum   44: 140, 144;
LACHNUM   rhizophilum   14: 224; 57: 183, 185, 191, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211;
LACHNUM   rhytismatis   14: 73;
LACHNUM   roseum   56: 63, 73, 82, 219;
LACHNUM   sagarum   33: 204; 42: 141; 45: 140;
LACHNUM   silvicola   67: 160, 213;
LACHNUM   subvirgineum   57: 183, 184, 186, 212, 213;
LACHNUM   sulphureum   33: 193;
LACHNUM   tenuipilosum   42: 137, 139, 140;
LACHNUM   tyrolense   3: 42;
LACHNUM   virgineum   14: 87; 41: 204; 43: 225; 57: 160, 186, 198, 200, 212, 214, 215; 67: 200, 215; 72: 266;
LACHNUM   virgineum f. carpophila   57: 215;
LACHNUM   winteri   70: 169, 170, 171, 175, 181;
LACHNUM   xanthippae   57: 192;

LACRYMARIA     15: 205; 19: 114, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 44: 222; 60: 138;
LACRYMARIA   lacrymabunda   44: 222; 46: 82;
LACRYMARIA   velutina   19: 114, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238;

LACTARIA   deliciosa   5: 75;
LACTARIA   piperata   5: 75;
LACTARIA   volema   5: 75;

LACTARIUS     1: 8, 91, 97, 99, 100; 2: 3, 4, 104, 106, 110; 3: 53; 4: 50; 5: 112, 115, 116, 126; 6: 112; 7: 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 142; 8: 40, 46, 58, 154, 158; 9: 114, 117; 10: 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 163, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172; 11: 6, 50, 51, 52, 61, 62, 119, 120, 121, 122, 188; 12: 60, 61, 122, 153, 154, 156, 157, 195, 199, 205, 206, 207; 13: 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241; 15: 14, 155, 157, 159, 160, 225; 16: 21, 158, 188; 18: 10, 11, 12, 13, 115, 144, 160, 223, 224, 225, 234; 19: 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 114, 115; 20: 59, 126, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248; 21: 17, 54, 56, 59, 97, 161, 195, 236; 22: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 50, 53, 54, 147, 180, 196, 313; 23: 6, 78, 154, 172, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 205; 24: 105, 117; 25: 62, 107, 144, 149; 26: 61, 123, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 185; 27: 31, 34, 215, 216; 28: 121, 211; 29: 27, 32, 111, 185; 30: 25, 52, 196, 228; 31: 115, 123, 240; 32: 11, 198, 200, 223; 33: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 156, 164, 165; 34: 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 95; 35: 110, 116, 200, 241; 36: 75, 184, 187; 37: 128, 214; 38: 51, 179, 220; 39: 222; 40: 38, 102, 241, 245, 252; 41: 163; 42: 115, 158, 161, 163, 166, 168, 195, 246; 43: 51, 54, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213; 44: 87, 222; 45: 34, 35, 49; 46: 164, 172, 180, 188; 47: 45, 91; 48: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48, 49, 98, 99; 52: 317, 319; 56: 272; 58: 43, 44, 55, 67, 68, 72, 73; 63: 233; 65: 179, 180, 181, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 199; 66: 171, 172, 173; 67: 170; 71: 74; 75: 129; 76: 2;
LACTARIUS   acerrimus   11: 51; 15: 14; 18: 11, 13; 23: 183, 184, 186;
LACTARIUS   acris   4: 89, 90; 7: 111; 18: 10; 23: 183, 184, 186; 65: 40;
LACTARIUS   adscitus   10: 170; 23: 184; 26: 141, 145, 146, 147, 148;
LACTARIUS   akahatsu   4: 38;
LACTARIUS   albivellus   40: 241, 245;
LACTARIUS   albocarneus   67: 157, 158, 170, 181, 200;
LACTARIUS   albocremeus   12: 207, 208, 208, 209, 211; 20: 245; 21: 59; 52: 59;
LACTARIUS   albus   2: 112; 43: 206;
LACTARIUS   alpigenes   12: 207;
LACTARIUS   aspideus   3: 110; 8: 168; 12: 207; 14: 75, 112, 225; 44: 87, 140;
LACTARIUS   atlanticus   52: 10; 65: 28, 193, 199, 203, 206, 211;
LACTARIUS   aurantiacoochraceus   8: 40, 41; 22: 17;
LACTARIUS   aurantiacus   1: 114; 2: 5; 3: 53; 8: 158; 23: 184; 33: 164; 67: 200;
LACTARIUS   azonites   1: 114; 4: 85, 86, 89, 90; 9: 152, 155, 156; 10: 149, 150, 153; 12: 120, 121; 22: 147; 23: 183, 184, 186; 33: 164; 73: 30, 38, 39;
LACTARIUS   badiosanguineus   10: 150, 154; 24: 105, 117; 56: 272; 67: 170, 200;
LACTARIUS   bertillonii   48: 43, 45;
LACTARIUS   blennius   1: 114; 2: 110, 111, 112, 113, 114; 3: 53; 4: 88, 157; 5: 52, 116; 7: 110, 112, 154; 8: 168; 10: 150, 154; 11: 52; 14: 74, 87, 225; 16: 188; 18: 160; 21: 236; 23: 183, 184, 186; 26: 142; 27: 31, 215; 30: 196; 34: 76, 77; 46: 170, 172, 288; 48: 43; 56: 271; 58: 48, 50, 53, 55; 67: 200;
LACTARIUS   blennius f. albidopallens   2: 112;
LACTARIUS   blumii   43: 206;
LACTARIUS   bresadolianus   8: 44, 45, 170; 23: 185;
LACTARIUS   britannicus   65: 36;
LACTARIUS   brunneoviolaceus   58: 72;
LACTARIUS   camphoratus   5: 101; 8: 168; 10: 149, 154; 11: 120, 174, 175; 14: 87, 126; 18: 12, 160; 23: 185; 27: 215; 32: 223; 34: 77; 38: 220; 44: 87; 48: 43; 52: 10; 56: 271; 58: 52, 53, 55; 63: 258; 65: 28, 199, 203, 206; 67: 200;
LACTARIUS   campylopus   26: 145;
LACTARIUS   capsicoides   10: 170;
LACTARIUS   cavinae   8: 155, 156, 158; 9: 119;
LACTARIUS   chrysophyllus   11: 50, 51, 51, 52, 52, 53, 53; 13: 234, 236, 239;
LACTARIUS   chrysorrheus   1: 114; 3: 49, 53; 4: 148; 7: 108, 109, 111; 10: 150, 154; 14: 126; 18: 115; 22: 147; 23: 183, 184, 186; 32: 223; 34: 76, 77; 48: 43, 45; 52: 4, 5; 65: 203, 206, 211; 66: 149; 73: 30;
LACTARIUS   chrysorrheus var. immutabilis   10: 150;
LACTARIUS   cilicioides   10: 150, 154; 14: 75, 112, 117, 235; 15: 14; 22: 20, 21, 22, 23; 23: 183, 184, 186, 205; 25: 62; 43: 206;
LACTARIUS   cimicarius   8: 154; 11: 174;
LACTARIUS   circellatus   10: 157, 170; 11: 51; 13: 236, 239; 15: 14; 23: 183, 184, 186; 26: 141, 147, 148; 34: 77, 79; 35: 110, 241; 58: 50, 51, 53, 56;
LACTARIUS   citriolens   22: 20, 21, 22, 23; 23: 205; 25: 62; 29: 27, 32; 43: 206;
LACTARIUS   controversus   6: 145; 7: 109, 111; 10: 154, 168; 14: 117; 15: 14; 16: 21; 23: 184; 32: 223; 33: 1; 40: 252; 52: 10; 66: 171, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 187, 190;
LACTARIUS   cookei   14: 230, 232, 236, 237; 52: 59;
LACTARIUS   cremor   1: 110, 115; 8: 154; 11: 174, 175; 23: 184; 65: 25, 27, 34;
LACTARIUS   crinitus   22: 22;
LACTARIUS   cupricolor   20: 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159;
LACTARIUS   curtus   13: 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240; 36: 187;
LACTARIUS   cyathula   5: 101; 6: 41; 8: 156; 15: 160; 40: 38;
LACTARIUS   deceptivus   5: 115, 117; 14: 233, 234, 237;
LACTARIUS   decipiens   3: 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54; 7: 108, 109, 111; 8: 122, 153; 9: 118; 10: 150, 154; 11: 119; 20: 151, 156, 157; 23: 184; 30: 228; 32: 223; 34: 76, 77; 38: 51;
LACTARIUS   deliciosus   1: 7, 114; 2: 44; 3: 4, 52; 4: 38, 60, 88, 96; 5: 75, 127, 128; 6: 145, 146, 148, 150; 7: 73, 77, 79, 110; 8: 40, 44, 45; 9: 98, 147, 148; 10: 44, 164, 192; 11: 121, 134; 14: 26; 15: 155, 157; 18: 144; 19: 16; 22: 50, 53, 54, 196; 23: 185; 27: 34; 29: 111, 185; 30: 25; 32: 223; 34: 76, 77, 79; 38: 220; 42: 115, 166; 45: 34; 48: 41, 48, 99; 65: 185, 186, 187, 189;
LACTARIUS   deliciosus var. pini   8: 52, 53;
LACTARIUS   deliciosus var. sanguifluus   5: 75;
LACTARIUS   delicious   73: 31;
LACTARIUS   deterrimus   42: 161, 163; 44: 87; 45: 34; 48: 41, 48, 99; 56: 270, 272, 282; 67: 200;
LACTARIUS   eburneus   33: 1, 4, 5, 6, 12;
LACTARIUS   echinosporus   14: 230, 231, 233, 234, 237; 20: 245;
LACTARIUS   evosmus   23: 183, 184, 186; 66: 178;
LACTARIUS   exsuccus   43: 196, 197;
LACTARIUS   fascinans   13: 233, 237; 23: 184; 52: 318, 319, 320, 321, 322;
LACTARIUS   favrei   43: 207;
LACTARIUS   flavidulus   48: 42;
LACTARIUS   flavidus   10: 186; 14: 75, 98; 15: 14; 20: 126, 165; 23: 183, 184, 186; 29: 27; 58: 50, 53, 57;
LACTARIUS   flexuosus   7: 110, 112; 10: 170; 19: 114; 23: 185; 26: 145; 44: 222, 223;
LACTARIUS   fluens   2: 113, 114; 23: 184; 67: 170, 200;
LACTARIUS   fuliginosus   4: 85, 86, 87, 89, 90; 7: 111; 8: 168; 9: 152, 155, 156; 10: 150; 14: 75, 112, 117; 27: 216; 34: 77; 48: 42; 67: 217;
LACTARIUS   fulvissimus   15: 14; 20: 126; 58: 52, 53, 56; 65: 36, 39, 40;
LACTARIUS   fuscus   67: 200;
LACTARIUS   glaucescens   5: 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117; 7: 110, 111, 112; 8: 41, 42; 10: 151, 155; 11: 121, 122; 14: 74; 16: 21; 23: 184; 33: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 12; 35: 110; 36: 184; 58: 52, 53, 57, 61;
LACTARIUS   glaucescens f. sphaerospora   5: 116, 117;
LACTARIUS   glutinopallens   10: 28, 155; 12: 206; 13: 239; 23: 185; 48: 43;
LACTARIUS   glyciosmus   5: 51, 101; 7: 110; 10: 155, 168; 11: 122; 14: 125; 15: 14, 225; 16: 21; 19: 114; 23: 185; 28: 211; 34: 76, 77, 79; 43: 205; 44: 87; 58: 47, 53, 55;
LACTARIUS   griseus   12: 210, 212;
LACTARIUS   hatsudake   4: 38; 8: 43;
LACTARIUS   helvus   8: 168; 9: 118; 10: 149, 171, 186; 12: 251; 14: 94, 96, 125, 230, 236, 237; 22: 50, 53, 54; 23: 185; 25: 149; 30: 52; 34: 76, 78; 37: 128, 214; 42: 195; 44: 87; 47: 257; 48: 98; 54: 198, 200; 56: 270, 271, 282; 63: 258; 65: 188; 67: 200; 75: 122, 127;
LACTARIUS   hepaticus   10: 150; 65: 188, 190;
LACTARIUS   hibbardiae   15: 14; 16: 21; 34: 77, 79;
LACTARIUS   hometii   33: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12;
LACTARIUS   hortensis   10: 170; 26: 141, 144, 146, 147, 148; 29: 27, 32; 34: 40; 43: 51, 54;
LACTARIUS   hortensis var. hortensis   26: 143;
LACTARIUS   hortensis var. olivaceus   26: 143, 146, 147, 148;
LACTARIUS   hortensis var. tephroleucus   26: 143, 146, 147, 148;
LACTARIUS   hradecensis   2: 83, 84, 85; 9: 114, 116, 119; 20: 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 244;
LACTARIUS   hrdovensis   58: 67, 68, 69, 70, 72;
LACTARIUS   hysginoides   52: 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322;
LACTARIUS   hysginus   5: 52; 10: 28, 155, 170; 11: 50, 52; 13: 233, 234, 237, 239, 240, 241; 14: 225; 23: 185; 26: 142; 58: 47, 53, 59;
LACTARIUS   ichoratus   1: 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115; 2: 84, 85; 4: 88; 8: 153; 9: 118; 10: 152, 155, 186; 11: 122; 14: 74, 225, 230, 235, 237; 15: 14; 18: 10; 20: 154, 157; 23: 184; 33: 164; 34: 77, 79; 58: 56;
LACTARIUS   ichoratus var. pulcherrima   1: 113, 114;
LACTARIUS   indigo   10: 150; 23: 154; 48: 48;
LACTARIUS   iners   65: 35;
LACTARIUS   insulsus   1: 114; 3: 52; 4: 88; 8: 40, 44, 45; 10: 186; 11: 50, 51, 52; 15: 14; 32: 223; 52: 6;
LACTARIUS   intermedius   22: 22, 23;
LACTARIUS   jecorinus   8: 154; 11: 50;
LACTARIUS   krombholzii   5: 52; 11: 50; 27: 216;
LACTARIUS   laccatus   21: 161;
LACTARIUS   lacunarum   10: 150; 11: 119; 23: 183, 185, 186; 58: 53, 59; 66: 143;
LACTARIUS   langei   65: 36, 39;
LACTARIUS   lateritioroseus   10: 170, 171; 12: 210;
LACTARIUS   lignyotus   4: 85, 87, 88, 89; 7: 111; 10: 28, 149, 156, 186; 11: 122; 14: 125, 230, 232; 18: 160; 23: 78, 183, 185, 186; 24: 117; 43: 205; 44: 87; 46: 171, 172, 186; 54: 198, 199; 56: 271, 281; 63: 258; 67: 200;
LACTARIUS   lilacinus   7: 110; 8: 158; 10: 156, 168, 170, 171; 11: 122; 15: 159, 160; 21: 54, 56; 22: 180; 26: 145, 146, 147; 34: 38, 39, 42, 43, 95;
LACTARIUS   luridus   7: 111; 58: 72;
LACTARIUS   luteus   12: 206, 207, 207, 208, 211; 20: 245;
LACTARIUS   mairei   8: 40, 41; 22: 12; 65: 203, 211;
LACTARIUS   mairei var. zonatus   8: 40, 41; 10: 156; 22: 14, 15, 16, 17;
LACTARIUS   mammosus   23: 185;
LACTARIUS   marcipanis   4: 149; 9: 114, 115, 116, 119; 23: 184; 33: 164;
LACTARIUS   mitissimus   1: 111, 114, 115; 8: 158; 9: 118; 10: 156, 186; 18: 13; 19: 114; 22: 196; 23: 185; 25: 107; 33: 164; 34: 77, 79; 44: 87; 46: 288; 54: 200; 56: 271;
LACTARIUS   mititicus   26: 146, 147;
LACTARIUS   moravicus   33: 1, 10, 11, 12;
LACTARIUS   musteus   5: 52; 12: 205, 206; 52: 322;
LACTARIUS   nanus   45: 35; 47: 45, 53, 54;
LACTARIUS   necans   43: 205;
LACTARIUS   necator   9: 98; 16: 158; 18: 223, 224, 225; 21: 97; 23: 185; 34: 76, 77; 43: 205, 206; 48: 43, 45, 99; 56: 270, 281;
LACTARIUS   noncamphoratus   11: 174;
LACTARIUS   obnubilis   8: 154, 156; 11: 174;
LACTARIUS   obscuratus   8: 154; 14: 78; 15: 159, 160; 33: 156; 34: 38, 39, 43, 95; 44: 87; 56: 272; 66: 95;
LACTARIUS   odoratus   2: 37; 5: 101; 15: 14; 22: 147; 34: 76;
LACTARIUS   omphaliformis   66: 95;
LACTARIUS   pallidus   1: 114; 3: 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54; 5: 52; 7: 110, 112; 9: 118; 10: 156; 11: 50, 52, 123; 12: 208; 13: 239; 14: 112; 18: 160; 20: 126, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158; 23: 183, 184, 186; 27: 216; 46: 170, 172, 173, 186; 52: 322; 56: 272; 58: 48, 50, 53, 55; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   paludestris   22: 17;
LACTARIUS   pearsonii   22: 19; 23: 184;
LACTARIUS   pergamenus   5: 115, 117; 33: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
LACTARIUS   persooni   4: 85;
LACTARIUS   picinus   1: 114; 4: 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90; 7: 111; 10: 28, 150, 156; 12: 127; 14: 230, 232, 236, 237; 18: 160; 23: 183, 185, 186; 24: 117; 34: 77; 46: 171, 172; 48: 42; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   picinus var. elongatus   4: 88;
LACTARIUS   picinus var. montanus   4: 88, 89;
LACTARIUS   pilatii   22: 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19;
LACTARIUS   pinicola   29: 27;
LACTARIUS   piperatus   1: 57; 5: 41, 75, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 127; 6: 145; 7: 110, 111, 112, 158; 8: 41, 42, 43; 10: 148, 150, 155, 156, 168; 11: 122, 123; 16: 188; 18: 10; 20: 60; 23: 177, 185; 25: 107; 33: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 12, 164; 34: 77; 35: 110, 116; 42: 161, 166; 46: 171; 48: 41; 52: 7; 56: 272; 58: 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 56, 61; 66: 180, 181, 185, 186;
LACTARIUS   piperatus β exsuccus   43: 196;
LACTARIUS   plumbeus   6: 145; 43: 205;
LACTARIUS   porninsis   8: 45, 62, 65, 66; 9: 114; 10: 28, 156; 11: 123; 14: 78, 83, 126; 24: 117; 33: 164; 34: 77;
LACTARIUS   pterosporus   14: 230; 23: 184; 58: 50, 53, 60; 65: 40;
LACTARIUS   pubescens   10: 156; 12: 205, 206; 20: 156, 158; 23: 185; 32: 223; 34: 77, 79; 43: 206, 207; 44: 87; 58: 47, 53, 59;
LACTARIUS   pyrogalus   4: 148; 7: 110, 112; 8: 168; 10: 156, 157, 170, 171; 11: 52; 12: 214; 14: 87, 225; 15: 225; 23: 184; 26: 141, 144; 27: 216; 34: 39, 40, 76, 77; 43: 54; 52: 318; 67: 217; 73: 31;
LACTARIUS   pyrogalus var. polyzonus   26: 144;
LACTARIUS   pyrogalus var. umbrosus   26: 145;
LACTARIUS   quietus   1: 111, 112, 114; 2: 83, 84; 3: 53; 4: 148; 7: 112; 9: 114, 116, 119; 10: 157, 186; 11: 123, 175; 14: 75, 130; 15: 225; 18: 11, 144; 19: 115; 20: 152, 153, 154, 157; 23: 184; 32: 223; 33: 164; 34: 76, 77, 79; 35: 110; 58: 52, 53, 55; 65: 35, 203;
LACTARIUS   quietus var. nigrescens   9: 116;
LACTARIUS   radiatus   11: 174;
LACTARIUS   repraesentaneus   3: 7, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114; 5: 47; 7: 111; 10: 149, 150, 152, 157; 14: 89; 27: 34, 216; 28: 121; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   resimus   6: 145; 7: 109; 10: 150, 154; 12: 209, 211; 14: 230, 233, 234, 237; 22: 20, 21; 34: 77; 66: 172;
LACTARIUS   retisporus   27: 216; 67: 217;
LACTARIUS   robertianus   58: 72;
LACTARIUS   romagnesii   58: 43, 48, 50, 53, 56, 60; 59: 73, 76; 65: 40; 67: 170, 201;
LACTARIUS   roseozonatus   32: 223; 34: 77, 79; 36: 187;
LACTARIUS   rostratus   65: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 42; 67: 170, 201;
LACTARIUS   rubescens   3: 49, 52, 53, 54; 7: 109;
LACTARIUS   rubrocinctus   8: 154; 9: 114, 116, 117, 118, 119; 23: 185; 24: 105; 65: 25, 26, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42;
LACTARIUS   rubrofuscus   10: 170, 171;
LACTARIUS   rufus   3: 53; 4: 147, 149; 6: 6, 145; 7: 152; 8: 168; 9: 118; 10: 157, 168; 14: 94, 96, 125; 18: 115, 160; 19: 15, 17, 19, 20, 115; 20: 59; 23: 177, 185; 25: 144; 32: 223; 34: 77, 79; 37: 128; 38: 220; 42: 158, 161, 163, 166, 168; 44: 87; 45: 49; 46: 67, 68, 69, 71, 72; 48: 43, 100; 54: 200; 56: 270, 271; 58: 53, 55, 59; 63: 258; 65: 184, 185, 187, 190; 67: 201; 75: 117, 118, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132;
LACTARIUS   rugatus   65: 203, 211;
LACTARIUS   ruginosus   23: 183, 184, 186; 56: 270, 272; 65: 40; 67: 170, 201;
LACTARIUS   rugosus   8: 156, 157, 158, 159; 9: 119; 14: 87; 20: 154, 157; 27: 216; 67: 217;
LACTARIUS   russuloides   12: 205, 206;
LACTARIUS   salicis-reticulatae   45: 35; 47: 54;
LACTARIUS   salmoneus   8: 44; 15: 14;
LACTARIUS   salmonicolor   10: 157; 15: 14; 22: 196; 52: 213, 215; 66: 16; 67: 170, 201;
LACTARIUS   sanguifluus   4: 38; 7: 110; 8: 43; 10: 186; 14: 77, 225; 30: 196; 48: 41, 48, 99; 65: 188;
LACTARIUS   scoticus   43: 206, 207;
LACTARIUS   scrobiculatus   1: 114; 3: 110, 113; 4: 88; 5: 47; 6: 145; 7: 109, 111; 10: 150, 157; 12: 209, 211; 14: 77, 126, 235; 22: 20; 24: 117; 27: 216; 48: 41, 43; 65: 203; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   semisanguifluus   8: 44; 15: 14; 18: 13; 34: 78; 65: 185, 186, 187, 188;
LACTARIUS   serifluus   1: 114; 5: 101; 8: 156, 159; 9: 117, 118; 10: 149, 157, 186; 11: 174, 175; 14: 225; 18: 10, 12; 23: 184; 32: 223; 33: 164; 34: 76, 77, 79; 58: 48, 52, 53, 56, 61; 65: 28, 203; 73: 31;
LACTARIUS   siccus   4: 89, 90; 14: 225, 227;
LACTARIUS   sordidus   9: 114;
LACTARIUS   sphagneti   10: 157; 23: 183, 185, 186; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   spinosulus   7: 110; 10: 157; 26: 141, 145, 147; 44: 87, 140;
LACTARIUS   subdulcis   1: 111; 7: 109, 111; 8: 153, 154, 158; 9: 117, 118, 119; 10: 152, 158; 12: 214; 14: 87, 117; 16: 188; 18: 160; 20: 152, 154, 157; 23: 183, 184, 186; 27: 216; 31: 115; 32: 223; 40: 241; 46: 169, 170, 172; 52: 7; 56: 270, 271, 285; 58: 47, 48, 50, 53, 55; 63: 258; 65: 36, 203; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   subsalmoneus   8: 44; 15: 14;
LACTARIUS   subsericeus   65: 35;
LACTARIUS   subtomentosus   14: 230, 235, 236, 237;
LACTARIUS   subumbonatus   8: 154; 9: 117; 11: 174; 14: 112; 58: 61;
LACTARIUS   subvellereus   5: 115, 117; 7: 109; 33: 10, 11;
LACTARIUS   sulphurescens   40: 252;
LACTARIUS   syringinus   10: 168, 169, 170, 171, 172;
LACTARIUS   tabidus   1: 115; 7: 108; 8: 154; 11: 119, 123, 124, 174; 44: 87; 56: 271; 58: 47, 53, 56; 63: 258; 65: 190; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   tatrorum   12: 209, 210, 211, 212; 20: 245; 52: 59;
LACTARIUS   theiogalus   1: 114, 115; 3: 49, 50, 53; 7: 108, 109, 111; 8: 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159; 9: 114, 118; 10: 150, 158, 168, 186; 11: 119; 23: 183, 185, 186; 26: 123; 34: 39, 41; 58: 56;
LACTARIUS   tithymalinus   23: 184; 65: 36;
LACTARIUS   tomentosus   14: 230, 235, 236, 237; 22: 20, 22;
LACTARIUS   torminosus   3: 113; 6: 145, 149; 7: 111, 112; 8: 40, 168; 10: 158; 11: 191; 12: 209, 211; 19: 114; 22: 17, 21; 23: 172, 185; 26: 147; 29: 27; 32: 223; 34: 76, 78, 79; 35: 110, 200; 38: 220; 48: 43, 98; 58: 53, 55, 59;
LACTARIUS   torminosus subsp. cilicioides   43: 206;
LACTARIUS   torminosus subsp. pubescens   43: 206, 207;
LACTARIUS   torminosus var. cilicioides   7: 111;
LACTARIUS   torminosus var. gracillimus   43: 207;
LACTARIUS   torminosus var. pubescens   7: 111; 43: 206, 207;
LACTARIUS   trivialis   3: 53; 5: 49, 50, 51, 52; 7: 110, 112; 11: 50, 52; 13: 233, 234, 237, 239, 240; 14: 125, 127, 128; 15: 14; 23: 185; 24: 105; 26: 123; 52: 321; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   turpis   2: 5, 113; 8: 168; 10: 158; 11: 124, 170; 16: 158; 18: 115; 19: 114; 29: 27; 32: 198, 223; 38: 220; 43: 205; 44: 87; 46: 67, 71; 56: 271; 63: 258; 67: 201; 75: 122, 125, 127, 128, 132;
LACTARIUS   umbrinus   7: 110; 10: 170; 26: 144;
LACTARIUS   utilis   52: 318, 321;
LACTARIUS   uvidus   1: 114; 2: 5; 3: 113; 7: 111; 10: 150; 12: 123; 14: 75; 23: 184; 26: 142; 29: 27; 32: 223; 33: 165; 34: 76, 77; 38: 220; 48: 43; 52: 10; 58: 72;
LACTARIUS   uvidus var. candidulus   24: 105;
LACTARIUS   uvidus var. flavida   3: 114;
LACTARIUS   vellereus   4: 148; 5: 115, 117; 7: 109, 110, 111; 8: 42; 10: 158, 168, 186; 12: 156; 14: 74, 230, 233, 234, 237; 16: 188; 18: 13, 160; 19: 114; 21: 17; 23: 185; 32: 11; 33: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; 34: 76, 77; 35: 110; 43: 213; 46: 171, 187; 48: 41, 43, 45; 52: 6; 56: 272, 285; 58: 52, 53; 65: 203, 211; 66: 175, 177; 67: 201;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. bertillonii   10: 158; 33: 9, 10, 11, 12;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. boudierii   33: 9;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. brunnensis   7: 111;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. fuscescens   33: 9;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. hometii   33: 9; 65: 203;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. odorans   33: 9, 12; 65: 203, 211;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. queletii   33: 9;
LACTARIUS   vellereus var. velutinus   10: 158; 33: 9;
LACTARIUS   velutinus   33: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;
LACTARIUS   velutinus var. fuscescens   33: 11;
LACTARIUS   vietus   7: 110, 112; 10: 150, 158; 18: 160; 20: 153, 154, 157; 22: 17, 18; 23: 185; 34: 77; 44: 87; 56: 272; 66: 99;
LACTARIUS   vietus f. constans   10: 150;
LACTARIUS   vietus f. decolorans   66: 99, 100, 101;
LACTARIUS   vietus f. vietus   66: 101;
LACTARIUS   vinosus   30: 228;
LACTARIUS   violascens   15: 14; 23: 185; 58: 72;
LACTARIUS   viridis   2: 110;
LACTARIUS   volemus   1: 114; 5: 75, 128, 129, 132; 7: 77, 79; 8: 158, 168; 10: 118, 149, 150, 151, 152, 158; 11: 62, 119, 124, 137; 14: 111; 23: 185; 34: 77; 35: 110; 45: 34; 58: 48, 50, 52, 53, 56;
LACTARIUS   zonarioides   8: 45; 67: 170, 201;
LACTARIUS   zonarius   8: 45; 12: 207; 14: 111, 117, 225; 34: 78, 79; 65: 203; 73: 31;
LACTARIUS   zonarius var. insulsus   6: 145;
LACTARIUS   zonarius var. scrobipes   25: 62;

LACTIFLUUS     65: 180, 181; 66: 172, 173;
LACTIFLUUS   bertillonii   66: 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 185, 187, 190; 73: 31;
LACTIFLUUS   glaucescens   66: 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179, 180, 181, 183, 188, 190, 191; 73: 31;
LACTIFLUUS   piperatus   66: 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191; 73: 31; 75: 122, 128;
LACTIFLUUS   rubrocinctus   65: 35;
LACTIFLUUS   vellereus   66: 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 189, 190; 73: 31; 75: 122, 125;

LACTOBACILLUS   acidophilus   52: 162;
LACTOBACILLUS   reuteri   52: 162;
LACTOBACILLUS   rhamnosus   52: 162;

LAESTADIA     18: 187, 188;
LAESTADIA   niesslii   18: 187, 188;
LAESTADIA   steppani   52: 57;

LAETICORTICIUM   lombardiae   71: 157;

LAETINAEVIA     9: 113; 30: 8, 11; 31: 132, 133; 43: 217;
LAETINAEVIA   adonis   9: 113;
LAETINAEVIA   carneoflavida   43: 217;
LAETINAEVIA   epilobii   9: 113;
LAETINAEVIA   fagicola   30: 8, 11; 67: 215;

LAETIPORUS     10: 59; 11: 155, 167; 15: 181, 189; 17: 182; 20: 87, 101; 23: 177, 178; 24: 84; 26: 194; 30: 55; 32: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 223; 35: 199; 36: 34; 41: 51, 53; 43: 31, 32, 33, 34, 87, 93, 245; 44: 142, 208, 213;
LAETIPORUS   montanus   43: 245; 67: 112, 117, 169, 174, 201;
LAETIPORUS   persicinus   64: 17;
LAETIPORUS   speciosus   11: 155, 167;
LAETIPORUS   sulphureus   10: 59; 11: 155, 167; 17: 182; 20: 87, 101; 23: 177, 178; 24: 84; 30: 55; 32: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 223; 35: 199; 36: 34, 35, 45; 41: 51, 53; 43: 31, 32, 33, 34, 87, 93; 44: 142, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216; 46: 84, 224; 47: 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 199, 202; 49: 135, 179; 63: 258; 67: 117; 68: 17, 146; 71: 74, 79, 82; 74: 149; 75: 91, 92, 95;

LAETISARIA     38: 7;
LAETISARIA   arvalis   38: 7;
LAETISARIA   lichenicola   72: 33, 35, 36, 39;

LAGAROBASIDIUM   detriticum   72: 144;

LAGENIDIUM     18: 39;
LAGENIDIUM   callinectes   1: 29;


LAMBERTELLA     30: 8, 14, 16; 36: 151; 47: 107; 72: 268;
LAMBERTELLA   carpatica   30: 8, 14;
LAMBERTELLA   corni-maris   72: 268;
LAMBERTELLA   tropicalis   30: 16;

LAMPRODERMA     24: 103, 104; 35: 95; 45: 39; 75: 191, 194, 197, 199, 200, 202, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   acanthosporum   75: 195;
LAMPRODERMA   aeneum   75: 195;
LAMPRODERMA   arcyrioides   24: 103, 104; 53: 324; 75: 195, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   arcyrionema   53: 324;
LAMPRODERMA   carpatiense   75: 195, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   columbinum   75: 192, 195, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   cristatum   75: 195;
LAMPRODERMA   cucumer   75: 195;
LAMPRODERMA   echinosporum   75: 195, 196;
LAMPRODERMA   lycopodiicola   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   maculatum   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   muscicola   75: 196, 200, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   ovoideoechinulatum   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   ovoideum   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   pseudomaculatum   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   pulchellum   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   pulveratum   75: 196;
LAMPRODERMA   puncticulatum   75: 192, 196, 197, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   retirugisporum   75: 197;
LAMPRODERMA   sauteri   24: 103, 104; 75: 197;
LAMPRODERMA   scintillans   35: 95; 53: 324, 333; 75: 197;
LAMPRODERMA   spinulosporum   75: 197;
LAMPRODERMA   vietnamense   75: 197, 203;
LAMPRODERMA   violaceum var. sauteri   24: 103, 104;
LAMPRODERMA   zonatopulchellum   75: 197;

LAMPROSPORA     15: 62, 67, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76; 17: 61, 65, 67; 19: 35, 40, 41; 22: 181, 212, 213, 214, 215; 23: 25, 205, 222, 227, 228, 229, 230; 25: 109, 198, 199; 26: 37, 76, 78; 31: 69; 32: 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77; 35: 137, 238; 39: 180; 67: 120; 71: 206; 73: 138; 74: 18;
LAMPROSPORA   amethystina   12: 223, 229; 14: 166, 175;
LAMPROSPORA   aneurae   67: 123; 76: 48;
LAMPROSPORA   annulata   15: 62, 67, 70, 76; 26: 39, 40, 41; 35: 17, 141, 142; 67: 122;
LAMPROSPORA   arvensis   35: 17, 142; 67: 120;
LAMPROSPORA   asperella   32: 77;
LAMPROSPORA   biannulata   15: 70, 71;
LAMPROSPORA   calospora   23: 228, 229; 35: 18, 141;
LAMPROSPORA   campylopodis   76: 59;
LAMPROSPORA   carbonaria   23: 205, 228, 229; 35: 18, 138;
LAMPROSPORA   crechqueraultii   17: 61; 22: 181; 23: 229, 230; 26: 39, 40, 76, 78; 35: 18, 137, 141, 142; 67: 215;
LAMPROSPORA   crechqueraultii f. ovalispora   22: 182;
LAMPROSPORA   crechqueraultii var. macracantha   22: 181; 35: 18;
LAMPROSPORA   crechqueraultii var. macrantha   15: 71; 17: 67; 23: 229, 230; 26: 40; 32: 77; 35: 18;
LAMPROSPORA   crechqueraultii var. modesta   32: 76, 77;
LAMPROSPORA   crechqueraultii var. ovalispora   17: 67; 23: 229, 230; 26: 40, 41; 35: 18; 39: 180;
LAMPROSPORA   crouanii   22: 212, 213, 214, 214, 215; 23: 230; 26: 40; 35: 18, 138, 141, 142;
LAMPROSPORA   crouanii f. magnihyphosa   22: 212, 213, 214, 215; 23: 230; 35: 18;
LAMPROSPORA   dicranellae   67: 122;
LAMPROSPORA   dictydiola   15: 62, 67, 71, 76; 23: 229; 35: 18, 141, 238; 74: 4; 76: 48;
LAMPROSPORA   esterlechnerae   67: 122; 76: 58;
LAMPROSPORA   georgii   12: 223, 226, 229; 17: 65; 23: 25; 25: 198, 199; 26: 39; 35: 75; 39: 180; 47: 195;
LAMPROSPORA   gibbosa   76: 48;
LAMPROSPORA   hispanica   74: 4; 76: 48;
LAMPROSPORA   jetelae   14: 112; 26: 39; 35: 75, 88;
LAMPROSPORA   lutziana   26: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41; 35: 18, 137, 138;
LAMPROSPORA   macracantha   35: 18, 137, 142;
LAMPROSPORA   macrantha   23: 230;
LAMPROSPORA   maireana   67: 122;
LAMPROSPORA   miniata   14: 218; 15: 62, 67, 72, 75, 76; 23: 230; 25: 109; 26: 39, 40; 35: 18; 76: 48;
LAMPROSPORA   miniata f. magnihyphosa   35: 18;
LAMPROSPORA   minuta   31: 69; 35: 18, 141; 67: 120;
LAMPROSPORA   modestissima   17: 67; 35: 18, 141; 67: 121, 122;
LAMPROSPORA   ovalispora   23: 230; 35: 18, 141, 142;
LAMPROSPORA   planchonis   12: 223, 229;
LAMPROSPORA   rehmii   67: 122;
LAMPROSPORA   sylvatica   74: 4; 76: 48;
LAMPROSPORA   tuberculata   67: 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128; 76: 58;
LAMPROSPORA   tuberculatella   67: 122;
LAMPROSPORA   verrucispora   74: 4; 76: 48, 58;
LAMPROSPORA   wrightii   23: 222, 227, 228; 26: 40, 41; 35: 18, 138;

LAMPTEROMYCES     30: 52; 41: 51;
LAMPTEROMYCES   japonicus   30: 52; 41: 51; 48: 98;

LANGERMANNIA     17: 204; 28: 176; 42: 161, 163, 164, 166; 43: 185; 64: 69;
LANGERMANNIA   gigantea   5: 133; 9: 40; 11: 62; 17: 204; 28: 176; 42: 160, 163, 164, 166; 43: 185; 57: 311; 60: 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241;

LANGERONIA     39: 160, 164;
LANGERONIA   soudanensis   39: 164;

LANZIA     33: 155; 36: 149, 150, 151, 153; 43: 65, 71, 73, 74; 44: 144; 47: 106;
LANZIA   aesculi   43: 65, 71, 73, 74;
LANZIA   echinophila   47: 101, 102, 103, 104, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136;
LANZIA   filicis-maris   36: 149, 150, 151;
LANZIA   henningsiana   36: 153; 48: 265, 266, 266, 267, 267, 268, 268, 269, 269, 270, 270;
LANZIA   longipes   33: 155;
LANZIA   luteovirescens   44: 144; 47: 101, 106, 125;

LARICIFOMES     11: 158, 168; 13: 141, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151; 44: 230;
LARICIFOMES   officinalis   11: 158, 168; 13: 141, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151; 57: 311;

LARIDOSPORA   appendiculata   63: 140;

LASALLIA   pustulata   51: 175;

LASCHIA     22: 253;
LASCHIA   cinerascens   46: 320; 49: 164;
LASCHIA   cinereopruinosa   46: 320;

LASIOBELONIUM     41: 196, 200, 202; 57: 140;
LASIOBELONIUM   subflavidum   41: 196;

LASIOBOLUS     13: 93, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102; 16: 107; 19: 39; 22: 32, 185, 303, 305, 306, 308; 23: 30, 31; 24: 144; 25: 109, 150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160; 26: 26, 31; 27: 224; 35: 136; 38: 148, 150; 44: 144; 47: 10, 271, 274; 54: 123;
LASIOBOLUS   brachytrichus   13: 97, 102; 22: 303, 305, 306, 308; 25: 157, 160; 35: 19;
LASIOBOLUS   capreoli   13: 96, 101; 24: 144; 25: 151, 156, 157, 160; 26: 38; 35: 19;
LASIOBOLUS   ciliatus   16: 107; 22: 185, 305, 306, 308; 23: 30, 31; 25: 109, 156; 27: 224; 35: 19, 138, 139, 143; 44: 144; 67: 215;
LASIOBOLUS   cuniculi   13: 96, 102; 25: 151, 157, 160; 35: 19, 138, 139, 143;
LASIOBOLUS   diversisporus   25: 156, 157, 160; 35: 19, 139; 47: 271;
LASIOBOLUS   dubius   54: 118, 120, 122, 124, 129;
LASIOBOLUS   equinus   13: 93, 96, 99, 102; 14: 79, 90; 16: 107; 22: 305; 23: 31; 25: 156, 157; 27: 224; 35: 19, 143; 47: 10; 67: 215;
LASIOBOLUS   equinus var. major   35: 136;
LASIOBOLUS   equinus var. rupicaprarum   13: 96, 101; 25: 157, 160;
LASIOBOLUS   intermedius   35: 19; 67: 201; 70: 156, 157; 72: 266;
LASIOBOLUS   lasioboloides   35: 19, 139; 70: 156, 157;
LASIOBOLUS   leporinus   13: 96; 25: 157; 35: 19, 138, 139, 143;
LASIOBOLUS   macrotrichus   35: 19, 139;
LASIOBOLUS   minimus   35: 19;
LASIOBOLUS   papillatus   67: 215;
LASIOBOLUS   pilosus   22: 305; 25: 151, 156, 157, 160; 35: 19;
LASIOBOLUS   pilosus var. vaccinus   25: 156;
LASIOBOLUS   pulcherrimus   35: 19;
LASIOBOLUS   raripilus   54: 117;
LASIOBOLUS   ruber   25: 157, 160; 35: 19, 138, 139;
LASIOBOLUS   stercoreus   47: 13;
LASIOBOLUS   vaccinus   35: 19;

LASIOBOTRYS   implexa   52: 59;

LASIOCHLAENA     44: 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 98, 99, 100;
LASIOCHLAENA   anisea   44: 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 97, 98, 99, 100;
LASIOCHLAENA   benzoina   44: 98;

LASIODIPLODIA     39: 158, 160, 163; 61: 158; 65: 93, 96;
LASIODIPLODIA   pseudotheobromae   65: 93; 73: 98, 99;
LASIODIPLODIA   rhodina   39: 158;
LASIODIPLODIA   theobromae   39: 160; 60: 80, 82; 61: 153, 155, 158; 65: 93; 68: 208; 73: 91, 92, 97, 98, 99, 100;

LASIOSORDARIA   lignicola   49: 214;

LASIOSPHAERA     15: 17; 16: 13; 17: 204;
LASIOSPHAERA   gigantea   14: 117; 15: 17; 16: 13; 17: 204;

LASIOSPHAERIA     25: 35, 37, 41, 56, 57, 58; 27: 86; 28: 123; 33: 152; 34: 131; 35: 94; 44: 146; 49: 215; 50: 78; 51: 2; 61: 82, 85;
LASIOSPHAERIA   britzelmayri   51: 27;
LASIOSPHAERIA   britzelmayri subsp. fennica   51: 3, 12, 24;
LASIOSPHAERIA   canescens   27: 86; 61: 87, 92;
LASIOSPHAERIA   capensis   46: 320;
LASIOSPHAERIA   caudata   25: 37; 35: 94; 61: 87, 90;
LASIOSPHAERIA   glabrata   28: 123; 61: 87;
LASIOSPHAERIA   hemipsila   50: 81;
LASIOSPHAERIA   hirsuta   28: 123; 33: 152; 61: 87;
LASIOSPHAERIA   hispida   25: 37; 61: 87;
LASIOSPHAERIA   immersa   61: 87, 90, 91, 92;
LASIOSPHAERIA   larvispora   34: 131;
LASIOSPHAERIA   meznaensis   61: 82;
LASIOSPHAERIA   muscicola   25: 57, 58;
LASIOSPHAERIA   ovina   28: 123; 44: 146; 61: 87;
LASIOSPHAERIA   porifera   67: 201;
LASIOSPHAERIA   rehmiana   50: 81;
LASIOSPHAERIA   rhacodium   28: 123; 61: 88;
LASIOSPHAERIA   sorbina   25: 37; 28: 123;
LASIOSPHAERIA   spermoides   49: 215; 56: 275; 61: 88, 90, 92;
LASIOSPHAERIA   sphagni   25: 57, 58;
LASIOSPHAERIA   sphagnorum   25: 56, 57, 58;
LASIOSPHAERIA   strigosa   25: 35, 37, 41; 61: 88;
LASIOSPHAERIA   sublanosa   28: 123;
LASIOSPHAERIA   velutina   51: 23;

LASIOSTICTIS     35: 93, 96; 37: 70;
LASIOSTICTIS   fimbriata   35: 93, 96; 37: 70;

LATERIRAMULOSA   quadriradiata   53: 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24;
LATERIRAMULOSA   uniinflata   54: 255; 60: 72; 63: 120, 128, 142, 148;

LATERNEA   brasiliensis   70: 189;
LATERNEA   columnata   70: 189;

LAURERA   benguelensis   65: 229;
LAURERA   elatior   56: 158;

LAURILIA     13: 12, 14; 36: 74; 40: 129; 41: 129;
LAURILIA   sulcata   13: 12, 15; 14: 89; 27: 223; 40: 129; 59: 61; 67: 157, 158, 169, 171, 172, 186, 201; 72: 110; 73: 129;

LAWRYNOMYCES     72: 131;
LAWRYNOMYCES   capitatus   72: 109, 116, 131, 132;

LAXITEXTUM     13: 12; 21: 55; 22: 252; 23: 198, 201; 36: 184; 41: 129; 43: 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146; 45: 15; 60: 213;
LAXITEXTUM   bicolor   13: 12; 14: 98; 21: 55; 22: 252; 23: 198, 201; 36: 184; 43: 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146; 45: 15; 56: 276; 60: 213, 216, 218; 67: 201; 68: 17;

LAZULINOSPORA     45: 75, 76, 77, 78, 79;
LAZULINOSPORA   cyanea   45: 75, 76, 77, 78, 79;
LAZULINOSPORA   wakefieldiae   45: 75; 59: 181;

LEANGIUM   stipatum   22: 141;

LECANACTIS     23: 107;
LECANACTIS   grumulosa   56: 158;
LECANACTIS   lyncea var. spilomatica   58: 114;
LECANACTIS   totarae   56: 158;

LECANIA   coeruleorubella   58: 109, 112;
LECANIA   cyrtella   50: 282, 283; 72: 36, 37;
LECANIA   cyrtellina   58: 109;
LECANIA   furfuracea   56: 154, 158;
LECANIA   fuscella   68: 26;
LECANIA   hutchinsiae   58: 110;
LECANIA   nylanderiana   58: 112;
LECANIA   nylanderiana var. athallina   56: 154, 158;
LECANIA   suavis   58: 112;

LECANICILLIUM     57: 226, 227, 229, 232, 234, 235; 68: 206; 71: 125;
LECANICILLIUM   acerosum   57: 235; 70: 20;
LECANICILLIUM   aphanocladii   68: 208;
LECANICILLIUM   fungicola   68: 206; 74: 142;
LECANICILLIUM   lecanii   57: 231; 70: 114;
LECANICILLIUM   longisporum   59: 208, 210, 211;
LECANICILLIUM   muscarium   57: 226, 227, 229, 231, 234; 59: 208, 210, 211;
LECANICILLIUM   psalliotae   57: 235; 75: 24;

LECANIDION     33: 162;
LECANIDION   atratum   33: 162;

LECANOGRAPHA   amylacea   68: 2, 24, 27, 30;

LECANORA     39: 252; 61: 78; 65: 222;
LECANORA   argentata   68: 30; 72: 39;
LECANORA   arizonica   23: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
LECANORA   campestris   50: 233, 238;
LECANORA   campestris subsp. gulmargia   65: 225;
LECANORA   carpinea   68: 30;
LECANORA   chlarotera   68: 22, 30;
LECANORA   chondroderma   23: 23;
LECANORA   concilians   65: 225;
LECANORA   conizaeoides   48: 218; 50: 287, 290; 68: 30, 33;
LECANORA   coronulans   65: 225;
LECANORA   culbersonii   56: 158;
LECANORA   demissa   50: 232;
LECANORA   dispersoareolata   23: 23;
LECANORA   epibryon subsp. broccha   56: 158;
LECANORA   expallens   68: 27, 31;
LECANORA   expersa   56: 158;
LECANORA   flavidomarginata   65: 225;
LECANORA   garovaglii   50: 232;
LECANORA   glabrata   68: 22, 31;
LECANORA   hagenii   68: 33;
LECANORA   intumescens   68: 31;
LECANORA   leprosa   65: 225;
LECANORA   leuckertiana   68: 28;
LECANORA   marginalis   23: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
LECANORA   meridionalis   56: 158;
LECANORA   perplexa   65: 225;
LECANORA   phryganitis   23: 23;
LECANORA   polytropa   51: 175;
LECANORA   pringlei   23: 23;
LECANORA   pseudistera   50: 231, 232, 232, 233, 237, 238; 65: 225;
LECANORA   pulicaris   65: 225; 68: 22, 31;
LECANORA   ripartii   50: 233;
LECANORA   rubina   23: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
LECANORA   rugosella   65: 225;
LECANORA   rupicola   47: 142;
LECANORA   saligna   50: 290; 56: 158; 68: 31;
LECANORA   soralifera   50: 230; 51: 175;
LECANORA   subaurea   50: 230;
LECANORA   subimmersa   65: 225;
LECANORA   subintricata   68: 31;
LECANORA   sulphurella   56: 158;
LECANORA   symmicta   72: 38;
LECANORA   varia   68: 31;
LECANORA   xylophila   65: 225;

LECCINELLUM     69: 164;
LECCINELLUM   crocipodium   69: 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 174, 175, 176;
LECCINELLUM   lepidum   65: 193, 203, 206, 211;
LECCINELLUM   pseudoscabrum   73: 31;

LECCINUM     15: 13; 17: 89; 18: 2, 5, 12; 19: 70; 21: 55, 110, 111; 22: 110, 146; 25: 11, 12, 13, 14, 183, 184; 26: 57; 27: 9, 10, 214; 29: 185; 30: 25; 31: 32, 114; 32: 220, 221, 223; 33: 165; 36: 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 202; 42: 161, 163, 166, 167; 43: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 44: 88, 113, 124, 125; 57: 2, 4, 11, 14, 25, 26, 30, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45; 58: 272; 60: 31, 32, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59; 66: 163; 69: 167, 175;
LECCINUM   americanum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   arenicola   36: 81;
LECCINUM   areolatum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   atrostipitatum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   aurantiacum   1: 38; 11: 120; 14: 89; 22: 110; 25: 183, 184; 27: 9, 214; 29: 111, 185; 30: 25; 32: 223; 36: 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84; 42: 161, 163; 43: 3, 4, 6; 57: 43, 45; 65: 165; 66: 143; 75: 122, 127;
LECCINUM   aurantiacum f. aurantiacum   29: 185;
LECCINUM   aurantiacum var. decipiens   22: 110;
LECCINUM   aurantiacum var. quercinum   14: 75; 15: 13; 22: 110, 146; 36: 82;
LECCINUM   avellaneum   58: 272;
LECCINUM   carpini   14: 75, 106; 42: 161; 57: 45; 58: 272;
LECCINUM   chalybaeum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   chromapes   57: 44, 45;
LECCINUM   cinnamomeum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   coffeatum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   constrictum   36: 78;
LECCINUM   crocipodium   65: 165; 69: 166, 167, 174;
LECCINUM   crocistipidosum   44: 113;
LECCINUM   decipiens   32: 223;
LECCINUM   depilatum   43: 1, 3, 4, 11; 60: 55;
LECCINUM   duriusculum   14: 112; 15: 13; 22: 110; 32: 223; 43: 4; 57: 45; 66: 143, 201;
LECCINUM   edule   36: 78, 80;
LECCINUM   elephantinum   36: 78;
LECCINUM   eximium   57: 44;
LECCINUM   fibrillosum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   flavostipitatum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   fragrans   43: 1, 3, 4, 5, 11; 57: 30; 60: 53;
LECCINUM   griseum   22: 110; 27: 10; 33: 165; 42: 163; 43: 3, 5, 6; 44: 124; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   holopus   18: 2, 5; 22: 110; 25: 11, 12; 31: 114; 32: 221, 223; 43: 6; 44: 124; 57: 45; 75: 122, 130;
LECCINUM   holopus var. americanum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   impolitum   60: 55;
LECCINUM   insignis   36: 81;
LECCINUM   lactifluum   36: 78;
LECCINUM   luridum   36: 78;
LECCINUM   luteoporum   43: 1, 3, 5, 6; 57: 10, 45; 69: 175, 176;
LECCINUM   melaneum   31: 114; 32: 223;
LECCINUM   molle   58: 272;
LECCINUM   nigrescens   14: 41, 75, 111, 117; 15: 13; 22: 110; 33: 165; 69: 175, 176;
LECCINUM   niveum   43: 1, 3, 6; 44: 124, 125; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   obscurum   36: 81;
LECCINUM   olivaceopallidum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   olivaceosum   58: 272;
LECCINUM   oxydabile   27: 9, 10; 31: 114; 44: 125;
LECCINUM   pellstonianum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   percandidum   27: 9, 10; 43: 3, 6;
LECCINUM   piceinum   36: 82; 43: 3, 6; 44: 113; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   piperatum   36: 78;
LECCINUM   ponderosum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   potteri   36: 82;
LECCINUM   pseudoscabrum   43: 1, 3, 6; 57: 45; 58: 272;
LECCINUM   quercinum   31: 32; 32: 223; 36: 82; 43: 4; 57: 45; 65: 165;
LECCINUM   rimulosum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   roseofractum   36: 82; 59: 73, 76;
LECCINUM   roseotinctum   36: 82; 43: 6; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   rotundifoliae   21: 55; 25: 11, 12, 13, 14; 43: 3, 6; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   rubeolarium   36: 78;
LECCINUM   rubropunctum   57: 44;
LECCINUM   rufescens   43: 1, 3, 7;
LECCINUM   rufum   43: 3, 4, 6; 57: 45; 66: 143;
LECCINUM   rugosum   14: 225; 22: 110;
LECCINUM   salicola   36: 82;
LECCINUM   scabrum   1: 38; 12: 120, 121, 122; 18: 12; 19: 70; 22: 110; 25: 11, 12, 183; 26: 57; 32: 223; 36: 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84; 42: 161, 163, 166, 167; 43: 7; 44: 88; 57: 45; 66: 201; 75: 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130;
LECCINUM   scabrum f. chioneum   21: 110, 111;
LECCINUM   scabrum f. cinnamomeum   22: 110;
LECCINUM   scabrum f. melaneum   22: 110;
LECCINUM   scabrum var. avellaneum   58: 272;
LECCINUM   scabrum var. niveum   15: 13;
LECCINUM   snellii   36: 82;
LECCINUM   subatratum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   subcinnamomeum   32: 223; 44: 113;
LECCINUM   subglabripes   43: 3, 4, 7, 11; 57: 44;
LECCINUM   subleucophaeum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   subrobustum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   subtestaceum   36: 82;
LECCINUM   subtomentosum   36: 78;
LECCINUM   tessellatum   69: 166, 175, 176;
LECCINUM   testaceoscabrum   18: 12; 19: 70; 22: 110; 27: 9; 32: 223; 43: 7; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   thalassinum   27: 10; 30: 233; 32: 220, 221, 223; 43: 5; 44: 113;
LECCINUM   variabile   36: 83;
LECCINUM   variicolor   36: 83; 43: 5; 57: 45;
LECCINUM   variobrunneum   36: 83;
LECCINUM   versipelle   44: 88; 57: 45; 58: 272; 64: 157; 67: 215;
LECCINUM   vulpinum   32: 223; 36: 83;

LECIDEA     17: 156; 65: 225;
LECIDEA   fuscoatra   53: 288, 291, 292;
LECIDEA   gypsicola   56: 158;
LECIDEA   speirodes   56: 158;
LECIDEA   variegatula   50: 290, 292; 56: 158;

LECIDELLA     47: 142;
LECIDELLA   alaiensis   65: 225;
LECIDELLA   carpathica   47: 140, 142;
LECIDELLA   elaeochroma   68: 31;
LECIDELLA   endolithea   47: 142;
LECIDELLA   scabra   68: 31;

LECIOGRAPHA     17: 155, 156, 157; 23: 107; 24: 220, 224, 227;
LECIOGRAPHA   inspersa   17: 155, 156, 156, 157;
LECIOGRAPHA   parasitica   23: 107; 24: 220, 224, 226, 227;

LECYTHOPHORA   canina   68: 190;
LECYTHOPHORA   hoffmannii   59: 231;

LEIFIDIUM   tenerum   56: 158;

LEIOPODA     20: 69, 70;
LEIOPODA   moranae   20: 70;

LEISHMANIA   donovani   44: 130;

LEMALIS     35: 97;
LEMALIS   aurea   35: 97;

LEMONNIERA     23: 136; 67: 51; 68: 118, 120;
LEMONNIERA   aquatica   54: 255; 63: 120, 124, 128, 135, 142, 148; 67: 49, 50, 51; 68: 117, 118, 119;
LEMONNIERA   centrosphaera   63: 143;
LEMONNIERA   cornuta   63: 143;
LEMONNIERA   filiformis   63: 143; 67: 51;
LEMONNIERA   pseudofloscula   54: 255; 63: 143; 67: 51;
LEMONNIERA   terrestris   23: 136; 54: 255; 63: 120, 124, 128, 143; 67: 50, 51;

LEMPHOLEMMA     19: 205;

LENTARIA     12: 191, 256; 13: 76; 25: 129, 133; 27: 34, 221; 31: 115;
LENTARIA   epichnoa   68: 12, 17;
LENTARIA   michenerii   13: 76;
LENTARIA   mucida   27: 34, 221; 31: 115; 59: 73, 75;
LENTARIA   soluta   25: 133;

LENTINELLUS     7: 162, 165, 166, 167; 16: 21, 157, 173, 190; 18: 159, 160, 170, 178, 223; 19: 182, 183, 184, 185; 21: 55, 56, 57, 59; 22: 252; 23: 79; 24: 84, 109; 26: 218; 27: 216; 30: 60; 31: 32, 33, 117; 32: 223; 33: 165; 35: 110; 36: 114, 187; 44: 125, 216; 64: 211;
LENTINELLUS   bisus   19: 184;
LENTINELLUS   bisus f. flabellinus   16: 179;
LENTINELLUS   castoreus   7: 165, 166, 167; 16: 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 190; 18: 159, 160, 170, 178; 19: 182, 184, 185; 21: 56, 57; 27: 216; 36: 114; 44: 125; 67: 112, 201;
LENTINELLUS   cochleatus   7: 165; 16: 21, 157; 18: 223; 19: 184, 185; 23: 79; 31: 117; 32: 223; 36: 187; 44: 216; 46: 178, 183, 184; 53: 53; 56: 274; 67: 201;
LENTINELLUS   cochleatus subsp. inolens   33: 165; 35: 110;
LENTINELLUS   flabelliformis   7: 140; 16: 173, 178, 179, 190; 19: 184, 185; 21: 55, 59; 31: 33;
LENTINELLUS   laurocerasi   19: 183, 184, 184, 185;
LENTINELLUS   omphalodes   7: 140, 165; 16: 190; 19: 183, 184, 184, 185;
LENTINELLUS   pilatii   7: 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167; 19: 184, 185; 30: 60; 48: 234; 52: 93;
LENTINELLUS   tridentinus   7: 140; 19: 184;
LENTINELLUS   ursinus   7: 165; 16: 177, 178, 190; 19: 182, 183, 184, 185; 24: 84, 109; 59: 77, 78; 67: 106; 68: 12, 17; 75: 74, 75;
LENTINELLUS   vulpinus   7: 165, 166, 167; 16: 177, 178, 190; 19: 182, 183, 184, 184, 185; 31: 32; 59: 77, 78;

LENTINULA   edodes   56: 167; 66: 202; 71: 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183; 72: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; 73: 53; 75: 87, 88, 91, 92, 95, 96;

LENTINUS     6: 56; 7: 147, 148, 156, 157, 157, 158, 158, 161, 162, 165; 9: 68; 10: 246; 11: 154; 15: 14; 16: 21; 17: 170; 18: 76; 19: 18, 115, 175, 177, 183, 184, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 77; 21: 2, 24, 161; 22: 196, 245; 23: 5, 7, 176; 24: 84; 25: 107, 188, 193; 26: 84, 87, 89, 123; 27: 49, 50, 51, 52, 53; 28: 36, 113; 30: 21, 52, 167, 228; 31: 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222; 32: 67, 120, 122; 34: 71; 37: 125, 200; 38: 169, 173; 40: 55, 199; 41: 51, 53; 43: 37, 93; 44: 209, 210, 221; 53: 29, 30, 32, 35, 41, 51; 65: 234, 255; 71: 231;
LENTINUS   adhaerens   7: 138; 9: 161; 12: 124, 198; 14: 125; 16: 176, 179; 19: 115; 25: 107; 46: 178, 183; 56: 274;
LENTINUS   arcularius   73: 31;
LENTINUS   auricula   7: 166; 13: 40, 47; 19: 184;
LENTINUS   bisus   16: 179;
LENTINUS   castoreus   7: 165, 166, 167; 16: 176, 177, 178, 179;
LENTINUS   cochleatus   16: 157; 53: 35;
LENTINUS   crinitus   53: 61; 65: 258, 260;
LENTINUS   cyathiformis   4: 21; 11: 233, 234, 235; 21: 24, 28; 53: 54;
LENTINUS   degener   14: 125, 128, 129; 21: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; 24: 84; 25: 193; 26: 84, 123; 30: 228; 46: 320; 53: 54;
LENTINUS   edodes   30: 52; 32: 67, 120, 122; 37: 125; 38: 169, 173; 40: 55; 48: 57, 58; 52: 155; 57: 311; 71: 168;
LENTINUS   fastuosus   46: 320;
LENTINUS   flabellinus   16: 178, 179;
LENTINUS   fuscopurpureus   46: 320;
LENTINUS   hirtus   65: 262;
LENTINUS   holumbrinus   21: 161;
LENTINUS   hyracinus   46: 320;
LENTINUS   jugis   2: 37; 7: 154, 166;
LENTINUS   laeviceps   46: 320;
LENTINUS   lecomtei   53: 61; 65: 262, 263;
LENTINUS   lepideus   11: 127, 187; 12: 197; 14: 112, 226, 246; 16: 21; 19: 18, 175, 177; 21: 24, 27; 22: 196; 23: 176; 26: 84; 30: 52; 40: 199; 41: 51; 44: 209, 210, 221, 223; 46: 82;
LENTINUS   martianoffianus   46: 320;
LENTINUS   melzeri   23: 5, 7;
LENTINUS   miserculus   46: 320;
LENTINUS   murrayi   46: 320;
LENTINUS   omphalodes var. flabelliformis   4: 97; 16: 178, 179;
LENTINUS   rigidulus   65: 258;
LENTINUS   rudis   65: 263;
LENTINUS   schaefferi   53: 54;
LENTINUS   sparsibarbis   65: 262, 263;
LENTINUS   squamosus   10: 78, 83;
LENTINUS   strigellus   65: 262, 263;
LENTINUS   strigosus   53: 61; 65: 262; 68: 17;
LENTINUS   suavissimus   7: 156; 8: 180; 11: 231, 232, 233, 234, 235; 12: 123; 14: 97; 15: 14; 18: 76; 26: 84, 87; 53: 31, 33, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 50;
LENTINUS   subcervinus   65: 258;
LENTINUS   substrictus   71: 231;
LENTINUS   suffrutescens   53: 58;
LENTINUS   tigrinus   3: 27; 5: 18; 7: 154; 8: 88; 21: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27; 25: 188, 193; 26: 84, 89; 27: 49, 50, 51, 52, 53; 28: 113; 30: 21, 52, 167; 31: 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222; 41: 51, 53; 53: 30, 31, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47; 71: 232;
LENTINUS   tigrinus var. dunalii   53: 50;
LENTINUS   ursinus var. incolorabilis   16: 177; 75: 74;
LENTINUS   vellereus   65: 262;
LENTINUS   veraecrucis   34: 71, 72;
LENTINUS   villosus   65: 258;
LENTINUS   vulpinus   7: 165, 166, 167; 16: 177, 190; 27: 216;
LENTINUS   vulpinus f. auricula   16: 177;
LENTINUS   woodii   46: 320;
LENTINUS   wrightii   65: 258;

LENTODIOPSIS   albida   53: 67;

LENTOMITA     50: 162;

LENTOMITELLA   cirrhosa   61: 88;
LENTOMITELLA   crinigera   61: 88;

LENZITES     2: 37; 4: 13; 6: 36; 10: 248; 11: 159, 169; 17: 174; 19: 79, 80, 81; 20: 122; 24: 84; 25: 105; 31: 114; 32: 223; 35: 219; 36: 32; 43: 43; 44: 228; 45: 91, 96; 47: 208;
LENZITES   abietina   5: 17; 10: 78;
LENZITES   abietina f. resupinata   44: 228;
LENZITES   acuta   19: 80, 81;
LENZITES   beckleri   19: 80, 81;
LENZITES   betulina   6: 93; 11: 160, 169; 19: 79, 80, 81; 25: 105; 32: 223; 46: 284, 287, 288; 49: 135, 143; 55: 155; 63: 258; 68: 17, 146; 73: 31;
LENZITES   betulina f. decolorata   19: 80;
LENZITES   betulina f. flaccida   19: 80;
LENZITES   betulina f. variegata   19: 80;
LENZITES   betulina var. cubensis   19: 80, 81;
LENZITES   cinnamomea   19: 80;
LENZITES   cubensis   19: 80;
LENZITES   elegans   55: 24;
LENZITES   flaccida   19: 80;
LENZITES   isabellina   19: 80;
LENZITES   japonica   19: 80, 81;
LENZITES   laricina   45: 91;
LENZITES   madagascariensis   64: 18;
LENZITES   ochracea   19: 80;
LENZITES   pinastri   46: 320;
LENZITES   quercina f. minutipora   45: 96;
LENZITES   reichardtii   19: 80, 81; 20: 122; 24: 84; 31: 114; 43: 43;
LENZITES   rhabarbarina   55: 22;
LENZITES   sepiaria   3: 7; 5: 17, 125, 126; 7: 51; 8: 88, 91; 35: 219;
LENZITES   sepiaria f. monstrosa   44: 228;
LENZITES   sepiaria f. resupinata   44: 228;
LENZITES   sepiaria var. dentifera   17: 174;
LENZITES   torrida   46: 320;
LENZITES   tricolor   36: 32; 66: 110, 114, 117;
LENZITES   variegata   19: 80;
LENZITES   warnieri   31: 114; 43: 43; 47: 209; 68: 146;
LENZITES   wranyi   43: 134;

LENZITOPSIS     22: 254;
LENZITOPSIS   oxycedri   22: 254; 57: 326;

LEOCARPUS     18: 164; 35: 95; 45: 39;
LEOCARPUS   fragilis   18: 164; 35: 95; 53: 324;

LEOTIA     1: 97; 9: 163; 38: 53; 48: 273; 52: 256; 59: 103;
LEOTIA   atrovirens   14: 73;
LEOTIA   elegantula   46: 320;
LEOTIA   gelatinosa   14: 225;
LEOTIA   lubrica   52: 7; 56: 273; 63: 258; 65: 203; 67: 201;

LEPIDELLA     4: 137; 42: 67;
LEPIDELLA   beillei   20: 239;
LEPIDELLA   codinae   20: 239;
LEPIDELLA   echinocephala   20: 239;
LEPIDELLA   vittadinii   20: 239;

LEPIDOSPHAERIA   nicotiae   72: 102;

LEPIOTA     1: 106; 3: 106; 4: 137, 143, 145; 5: 126, 132; 6: 51; 7: 141, 142, 151, 152; 8: 82; 9: 126; 10: 248; 11: 6, 62; 12: 60; 13: 39, 46, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 148; 15: 16, 82, 217, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 254; 16: 13, 158, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234; 18: 13, 116, 159, 160, 171, 178, 233; 19: 15, 16, 17, 19, 43, 48, 49, 115; 20: 126; 21: 53; 22: 196; 23: 13, 14, 78, 176, 205; 24: 44, 217, 218, 219; 25: 62, 107, 147; 29: 27, 111, 185; 30: 25, 51, 52, 193, 196, 197, 232, 233; 32: 223; 33: 161, 165, 251, 252; 34: 39, 41, 99, 100; 35: 110, 241; 36: 187, 188; 37: 216; 39: 174, 222; 40: 55, 102, 120; 42: 224, 225; 44: 124, 125, 221, 222, 223; 46: 19; 47: 291; 48: 14, 109, 112, 234; 52: 93, 95, 330; 58: 225, 226, 227, 228, 248, 249, 251, 253, 254, 260; 65: 199;
LEPIOTA   acicularis   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   acutesquamosa   13: 57; 14: 77; 15: 16, 82; 20: 126; 30: 196; 35: 241; 58: 234, 254;
LEPIOTA   acutesquamosa f. gigantea   58: 235, 254;
LEPIOTA   acutesquamosa var. furcata   14: 45, 226; 16: 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228; 58: 234, 235, 254;
LEPIOTA   acutesquamosa var. typica   16: 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228;
LEPIOTA   adulterina   15: 226, 234;
LEPIOTA   affinis   58: 241, 242, 256;
LEPIOTA   alba   14: 113; 44: 221; 58: 229, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   americana   13: 117;
LEPIOTA   amianthina   4: 149; 58: 246, 257;
LEPIOTA   amianthina var. evae   58: 246, 257;
LEPIOTA   amianthina var. foetidissima   58: 246, 257;
LEPIOTA   areolata   58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   aspera   33: 161, 162, 163, 164, 165; 44: 222; 58: 234, 235, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   aurantiaca   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   badhamii   13: 117, 118, 119; 58: 236, 255, 256;
LEPIOTA   badhamii var. badhamii   58: 256;
LEPIOTA   barlae   58: 249, 259;
LEPIOTA   bettinae   58: 249, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   betulina   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   bohemica   58: 243, 244, 257;
LEPIOTA   boudieri   13: 108, 109, 114; 58: 232, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   brebissonii   2: 82;
LEPIOTA   bresadolae   13: 117; 58: 237, 255;
LEPIOTA   brunneoincarnata   12: 123; 14: 77, 113; 16: 233; 18: 116; 20: 126; 48: 111, 112; 58: 231, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   brunnescens   15: 226; 20: 126; 58: 249, 259;
LEPIOTA   bucknallii   8: 40; 14: 73; 20: 126; 21: 53; 23: 78, 205; 25: 62; 37: 216, 231; 58: 240, 256;
LEPIOTA   bulbosa   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   carcharias   11: 128; 58: 246, 258;
LEPIOTA   carinii   16: 220, 221, 222; 58: 249, 260;
LEPIOTA   caroli   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   castanea   13: 57; 14: 77, 117, 226; 16: 233; 18: 13; 25: 62; 29: 27; 52: 11; 58: 232, 250, 254, 255, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   cepaestipes   2: 81; 9: 126; 13: 58, 110, 114; 58: 244, 257;
LEPIOTA   cepaestipes var. cretacea   58: 244, 257;
LEPIOTA   cepaestipes var. lutea   9: 125;
LEPIOTA   cinnabarina   58: 246, 258;
LEPIOTA   citrina   2: 78, 81; 9: 125;
LEPIOTA   citrinella   13: 110, 114;
LEPIOTA   clypeolaria   3: 52; 14: 106; 15: 217; 16: 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227; 18: 13; 20: 126; 22: 196; 29: 27; 32: 223; 33: 165; 52: 5; 58: 228, 229, 254, 260; 73: 31;
LEPIOTA   clypeolaria var. alba   58: 229;
LEPIOTA   clypeolaria var. crocea   58: 228, 254;
LEPIOTA   clypeolaria var. latispora   58: 249, 259;
LEPIOTA   clypeolaria var. metulaespora   13: 57;
LEPIOTA   clypeolaria var. ochraceosulfurescens   58: 228, 229, 254;
LEPIOTA   collariata   58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   cortinarius   16: 233; 58: 230, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   cortinarius var. cortinarius   58: 230, 254;
LEPIOTA   cosici   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   cretacea   2: 78; 9: 126, 130, 131;
LEPIOTA   cretini   16: 234;
LEPIOTA   cristata   2: 82; 10: 162; 12: 214; 14: 106, 226; 15: 225; 16: 224, 226, 232; 19: 17, 115; 20: 126; 29: 27; 32: 223; 33: 165; 44: 222; 58: 233, 254, 260; 65: 203;
LEPIOTA   cristata f. pseudoexcoriata   52: 59; 58: 233, 254;
LEPIOTA   cristata var. cristata   58: 249, 254, 259;
LEPIOTA   cristata var. exannulata   58: 233; 65: 203;
LEPIOTA   cristata var. pallidior   58: 233; 65: 203;
LEPIOTA   cristata var. sericea   13: 57;
LEPIOTA   crustata   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   cygneoaffinis   13: 57; 58: 245, 257;
LEPIOTA   cystophora   47: 289, 290, 291;
LEPIOTA   cystophoroides   47: 291; 65: 203;
LEPIOTA   decipiens   58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   delicata   58: 247, 258;
LEPIOTA   densesquamosa   58: 238, 255;
LEPIOTA   denudata   2: 37; 13: 58, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116; 58: 244, 257;
LEPIOTA   dumetorum   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   echinacea   13: 57; 14: 113; 16: 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227; 58: 235, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   echinata   3: 106; 8: 82, 86, 87; 13: 57;
LEPIOTA   echinella   16: 220, 221; 58: 231, 250, 254, 255, 259, 260, 261;
LEPIOTA   echinella var. asperula   16: 220, 221;
LEPIOTA   echinella var. eriophora   16: 220, 221;
LEPIOTA   echinellus   58: 231;
LEPIOTA   eriophora   16: 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227; 58: 235, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   erminea   13: 57; 14: 44, 104; 16: 226; 18: 13, 116; 58: 229, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   exannulata   58: 230, 254;
LEPIOTA   exannulata var. striata   58: 230, 254;
LEPIOTA   excoriata   2: 31; 13: 57; 58: 242, 256, 257;
LEPIOTA   excoriata subsp. mastoidea   2: 31;
LEPIOTA   eyrei   3: 104, 105, 106; 4: 157, 158; 58: 245, 257;
LEPIOTA   felina   14: 44, 45, 77; 18: 159, 160, 171, 178; 20: 126; 36: 187; 58: 230, 254, 260; 63: 251, 258; 67: 201;
LEPIOTA   flammula   2: 78, 81;
LEPIOTA   flos-sulphuris   2: 78; 9: 126, 130, 131;
LEPIOTA   forquignonii   16: 228, 234; 58: 231, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   forquignonii var. forquignonii   58: 254;
LEPIOTA   friesii   34: 100; 58: 235, 254;
LEPIOTA   fulvella   14: 77, 226; 16: 226, 233; 20: 126; 21: 53; 23: 205; 25: 62; 58: 232, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   furnacea   6: 51, 52;
LEPIOTA   fuscovinacea   23: 205; 30: 193, 197; 58: 249, 259, 261;
LEPIOTA   georginae   34: 39, 41;
LEPIOTA   glabra   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   glioderma   58: 247, 258;
LEPIOTA   globularis   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   glyciosma   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   gracilenta   2: 29, 30, 31; 14: 75; 58: 241, 256;
LEPIOTA   gracilis   58: 230;
LEPIOTA   gracilis var. laevigata   58: 230;
LEPIOTA   grangei   16: 219, 228; 18: 116; 58: 233, 254, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   grangei f. brunneoolivacea   13: 57; 16: 228; 58: 233, 255;
LEPIOTA   granulata   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   granulosa   30: 51; 58: 247, 258;
LEPIOTA   granulosa var. amianthina   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   granulosa var. carcharias   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   granulosa var. mesomorpha   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   granulosa var. rufescens   15: 226, 227, 234;
LEPIOTA   griseovirens   16: 233, 234; 58: 233, 250, 255, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   gueguenii   13: 108, 109, 114;
LEPIOTA   haematites   58: 246, 258;
LEPIOTA   haematosperma   3: 106; 8: 82, 86; 13: 57, 117; 16: 158;
LEPIOTA   hederacea   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   hedrychii   4: 141, 144; 23: 13, 14; 58: 247, 258;
LEPIOTA   heimii   58: 249, 259;
LEPIOTA   helveola   2: 36; 6: 40; 14: 223; 15: 16; 33: 251, 252; 48: 111, 112; 58: 232, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   helveola var. helveola   58: 255;
LEPIOTA   heterospora   58: 245, 257;
LEPIOTA   hetieri   14: 112; 15: 217, 225, 226, 226, 227, 229, 230, 232, 234; 58: 239, 256;
LEPIOTA   hetieri f. gracilis   15: 226; 58: 239, 256;
LEPIOTA   hetieri var. semiglobata   15: 226; 58: 239;
LEPIOTA   hetieriana   15: 226;
LEPIOTA   hispida   16: 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232; 20: 126; 30: 197; 58: 235, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   hispida f. ionobasis   16: 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232; 58: 236, 255;
LEPIOTA   holosericea   58: 237, 255;
LEPIOTA   huysmani   15: 226, 227; 58: 239, 256;
LEPIOTA   hystrix   16: 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228; 58: 250, 259, 261;
LEPIOTA   ignicolor   16: 233; 58: 232, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   ignipes   16: 226, 233; 20: 126; 23: 205; 58: 250, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   ignivolvata   58: 230, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   illinita   58: 247, 258;
LEPIOTA   incerta   2: 81, 82; 9: 130;
LEPIOTA   irrorata   14: 112; 58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   josserandii   48: 111, 112, 113; 58: 250, 259, 261;
LEPIOTA   konradii   58: 242, 256;
LEPIOTA   kuehneriana   58: 249, 259;
LEPIOTA   lacerata   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   laevigata   8: 122; 18: 116; 58: 229, 230, 255;
LEPIOTA   langei   15: 226;
LEPIOTA   latisquamosa   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   lenticularis   58: 251;
LEPIOTA   leucothites   25: 147; 30: 52; 58: 237, 255;
LEPIOTA   licmophora   9: 130, 131;
LEPIOTA   lignicola   16: 220, 221, 222;
LEPIOTA   lilacea   30: 233; 44: 221, 223; 58: 233, 255, 260; 65: 203;
LEPIOTA   lilacinogranulosa   58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   littoralis   36: 188;
LEPIOTA   locquinii   58: 231, 249, 255, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   lutea   2: 78, 80, 81; 9: 126, 130, 131; 13: 58, 109, 110, 114; 58: 245, 257;
LEPIOTA   magnispora   58: 250, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   mastoidea   2: 29, 30, 31; 13: 57; 14: 104; 58: 241, 256;
LEPIOTA   mastoidea var. pobudae   58: 241, 256;
LEPIOTA   medullata   58: 245, 257;
LEPIOTA   meleagris   2: 78; 4: 109; 58: 238, 255;
LEPIOTA   meleagris var. nigricans   58: 238, 256;
LEPIOTA   menieri   58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   mesomorpha   58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   metulaespora   19: 15, 16, 19;
LEPIOTA   micropholis   58: 233, 234, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   micropholis f. moravica   14: 113; 58: 251;
LEPIOTA   micropholis var. felinoides   58: 234, 255;
LEPIOTA   microsperma   58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   minuta   58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   morieri   2: 82;
LEPIOTA   naucina   13: 57, 59, 60; 46: 19, 20; 58: 237, 256;
LEPIOTA   nigricans   58: 238;
LEPIOTA   nitens   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   nitida   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   nivea   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   nuda   23: 176;
LEPIOTA   nympharum   58: 238, 256;
LEPIOTA   ochraceocyanea   16: 228;
LEPIOTA   ochraceosulfurescens   58: 228, 229, 254, 260;
LEPIOTA   olgae   13: 59, 60; 58: 237, 256;
LEPIOTA   olivieri   58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   oreadiformis   14: 43, 226; 58: 229, 230, 254, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   oreadiformis var. laevigata   58: 229;
LEPIOTA   ossaeiformispora   16: 233, 234;
LEPIOTA   pallida   58: 250, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   pandorae   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   parvannulata   58: 232, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   parvula   1: 92; 14: 104; 58: 252;
LEPIOTA   perplexa   47: 195; 58: 250, 259, 261;
LEPIOTA   pilatiana   24: 219; 58: 236;
LEPIOTA   pilodes   58: 232;
LEPIOTA   pinguis   58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   polinea   13: 117; 58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   pomacea   14: 223, 227, 228; 15: 217; 52: 23; 58: 252;
LEPIOTA   pratensis   58: 229, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   procera   1: 7; 2: 29; 4: 148; 5: 73; 7: 77, 79, 152; 10: 248; 11: 177; 13: 39, 46, 48, 57; 20: 126; 29: 111, 185; 30: 25, 52; 35: 110; 58: 240, 257;
LEPIOTA   procera var. umbrosa   58: 240, 257;
LEPIOTA   prominens   2: 29, 30, 31; 14: 75, 117; 58: 241, 257;
LEPIOTA   pseudocristata   58: 242, 257;
LEPIOTA   pseudofelina   16: 233, 234; 58: 250, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   pseudogranulosa   58: 252;
LEPIOTA   pseudohelveola   13: 57; 14: 77; 18: 13; 20: 126; 23: 205; 25: 62; 58: 231, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   pseudohelveola var. pseudohelveola   58: 255;
LEPIOTA   pseudohelveola var. sabulosa   58: 231;
LEPIOTA   pseudolilacea   58: 231, 255;
LEPIOTA   pudica   29: 27; 46: 19, 20;
LEPIOTA   puellaris   14: 126;
LEPIOTA   pulverulenta   15: 217;
LEPIOTA   pusilla   58: 253;
LEPIOTA   pyrochroa   58: 234, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   rachodes   58: 243;
LEPIOTA   rachodes var. hortensis   58: 243;
LEPIOTA   rachodes var. puellaris   58: 243;
LEPIOTA   retinosa   58: 253;
LEPIOTA   rhacodes   3: 7; 4: 109, 148; 8: 37; 9: 99; 10: 186; 11: 120; 13: 57; 14: 117; 18: 12; 20: 126; 30: 52; 35: 110; 40: 55; 58: 243, 257;
LEPIOTA   rhacodes var. hortensis   18: 233; 58: 243, 257;
LEPIOTA   rhacodes var. puellaris   58: 243, 257;
LEPIOTA   rhodorhiza   16: 226, 233; 20: 126; 23: 205; 30: 232; 58: 231, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   rickenii   2: 30, 31; 58: 241, 257;
LEPIOTA   rubella   58: 249, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   rubens   10: 31; 14: 42, 49;
LEPIOTA   rubescens   58: 242, 257;
LEPIOTA   rufescens   15: 217, 224, 226, 227, 234;
LEPIOTA   rufipes   65: 203;
LEPIOTA   rufovelutina   10: 29, 30, 31; 13: 57; 14: 41; 24: 217, 219; 58: 236, 256;
LEPIOTA   rufovelutina var. sanguinescens   10: 30, 31; 58: 236, 256;
LEPIOTA   rufovelutina var. subrubens   14: 42; 58: 237, 256;
LEPIOTA   seminuda   12: 59; 14: 73, 126; 15: 217, 219, 233; 20: 126; 23: 205; 25: 107; 35: 110; 44: 124; 58: 239, 240, 256;
LEPIOTA   serena   13: 57; 14: 113; 58: 238, 256;
LEPIOTA   sericata   58: 238, 239, 256;
LEPIOTA   setulosa   18: 13, 116; 20: 126; 58: 250, 259, 261;
LEPIOTA   shiitake   4: 36;
LEPIOTA   sinopica   16: 228;
LEPIOTA   sistrata   15: 217, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 233; 58: 240, 256;
LEPIOTA   sladkyi   58: 253;
LEPIOTA   smithiana   15: 226, 227;
LEPIOTA   stepophila   58: 248, 258;
LEPIOTA   straminella   2: 82; 13: 110;
LEPIOTA   subalba   16: 233;
LEPIOTA   subfelinoides   58: 233;
LEPIOTA   subgracilis   19: 43, 48, 49; 58: 230, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   subincarnata   16: 226, 233; 18: 116; 48: 111, 112; 58: 250, 259, 261;
LEPIOTA   sublaevigata   58: 250, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   sublittoralis   24: 217, 219;
LEPIOTA   tenella   2: 82;
LEPIOTA   thymiphila   14: 223, 227, 228; 58: 248, 251, 258;
LEPIOTA   tomentella   16: 233; 20: 126; 58: 232, 255, 260;
LEPIOTA   variegata   58: 253;
LEPIOTA   ventriosospora   20: 126; 22: 196; 33: 165; 44: 125; 58: 250, 259, 260;
LEPIOTA   ventriosospora var. fulva   58: 250;
LEPIOTA   ventriosospora var. umbrinorufescens   58: 250;
LEPIOTA   ventriosospora var. ventriosospora   58: 250, 259;
LEPIOTA   wichanskyi   13: 57; 14: 42; 15: 254; 16: 13; 24: 217, 218, 219; 58: 239, 256;
LEPIOTA   xanthophylla   58: 250, 259, 261; 59: 73, 76;

LEPIOTOPHYLLUM     13: 117, 118, 119;
LEPIOTOPHYLLUM   badhamii   13: 117, 118, 119;
LEPIOTOPHYLLUM   heterosporum   58: 245;

LEPIOTULA     13: 7, 9;
LEPIOTULA   helveola   2: 105; 13: 7, 9;

LEPISTA     12: 78; 15: 16, 201; 16: 144; 18: 13, 20, 160; 19: 17, 43, 49, 50, 100, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 126, 229; 21: 56; 25: 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209; 26: 67; 30: 52; 31: 35; 32: 208, 218, 223; 34: 76, 77, 79; 37: 128, 175; 40: 55; 41: 51; 42: 161, 166, 167; 43: 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 181; 44: 88, 204, 207, 209, 216, 221, 222, 223; 45: 50; 46: 78, 173;
LEPISTA   alboalutacea   10: 173; 19: 100;
LEPISTA   amara   12: 78;
LEPISTA   barbara   10: 173;
LEPISTA   densifolia   67: 201;
LEPISTA   flaccida   44: 222; 52: 6; 63: 258; 65: 203, 211;
LEPISTA   gilva   56: 273;
LEPISTA   glaucocana   21: 56; 31: 35;
LEPISTA   graveolens   32: 218, 219;
LEPISTA   inversa   33: 165; 44: 88; 46: 82;
LEPISTA   irina   19: 43, 49, 50; 46: 82;
LEPISTA   luscina   14: 78; 19: 49, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 126; 26: 67; 30: 52; 32: 208; 41: 51; 43: 86; 44: 209; 46: 82; 75: 85, 91, 92;
LEPISTA   nebularis   33: 165; 41: 51; 43: 89, 90, 93; 44: 222; 46: 82; 73: 22;
LEPISTA   nuda   3: 61; 14: 77; 15: 16, 201; 18: 13, 20, 160; 19: 17, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 25: 203, 209; 30: 52; 31: 35; 32: 223; 33: 165; 34: 77; 37: 128; 40: 55; 42: 161, 166, 167; 43: 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 181; 44: 209, 216, 222, 223; 46: 78, 82; 52: 10; 65: 203, 211; 67: 201; 73: 53;
LEPISTA   nuda var. tridentina   31: 35;
LEPISTA   panaeola   14: 104;
LEPISTA   personata   14: 78; 26: 67; 32: 208; 34: 77, 79; 46: 78, 82;
LEPISTA   phyllophila   33: 165;
LEPISTA   saeva   4: 109; 20: 229, 234; 32: 223; 42: 166, 167; 43: 86, 91; 44: 204, 207;
LEPISTA   sordida   14: 72; 19: 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 30: 52; 32: 223; 43: 86; 46: 6, 13, 16, 78, 82; 65: 203;
LEPISTA   truncata   16: 144;

LEPOLICHEN   coccophorus   53: 288, 291, 292;

LEPORINA     25: 152, 153, 158;
LEPORINA   multispora   25: 152, 153, 158; 35: 77;

LEPRARIA     50: 282, 287, 290; 51: 175; 58: 111; 63: 230; 72: 38;
LEPRARIA   caesioalba   51: 175;
LEPRARIA   ecorticata   68: 28;
LEPRARIA   incana   68: 22, 31;
LEPRARIA   lobificans   68: 22, 31;
LEPRARIA   membranacea   68: 33;

LEPROCYBE     24: 215, 216; 33: 250;

LEPROLOMA     50: 226;
LEPROLOMA   membranaceum   50: 232;

LEPTOCLADIA   neglecta   63: 144;

LEPTODISCUS     49: 1;
LEPTODISCUS   terrestris   49: 1, 4;

LEPTODONTIDIUM     74: 60, 64;
LEPTODONTIDIUM   elatius   55: 76;
LEPTODONTIDIUM   orchidicola   74: 58, 59, 62;
LEPTODONTIDIUM   trabinellum   74: 64;

LEPTODONTIUM     38: 107;
LEPTODONTIUM   elatius var. elatius   67: 215;
LEPTODONTIUM   elatius var. ovalisporum   38: 107;

LEPTODOPHORA     74: 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65;
LEPTODOPHORA   echinata   74: 63;
LEPTODOPHORA   gamsii   74: 63;
LEPTODOPHORA   orchidicola   74: 60, 62, 63, 64, 65;
LEPTODOPHORA   variabilis   74: 63;

LEPTOGIUM     19: 207; 73: 14;
LEPTOGIUM   corniculatum   56: 158;
LEPTOGIUM   cyanescens   68: 27, 31, 33;
LEPTOGIUM   ferax   56: 158;
LEPTOGIUM   lichenoides   68: 33;
LEPTOGIUM   phyllocarpum var. daedaleum   56: 158;
LEPTOGIUM   saturninum   68: 28;
LEPTOGIUM   subfoveolatum   56: 158;
LEPTOGIUM   tuckermanii   56: 158;

LEPTOGLOSSUM     2: 36, 37; 7: 8, 12, 89, 91, 183, 185; 25: 107, 111; 31: 115; 33: 45; 37: 99, 100; 39: 221, 222; 44: 88;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   acerosum   25: 107, 111; 31: 115; 44: 88;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   candidum   54: 152;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   glaucum   7: 8, 10, 12, 13, 184, 185; 14: 104; 39: 221;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   lobatum   7: 89; 14: 174, 176; 33: 45;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   muscigenum   33: 45; 39: 221;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   muscorum   7: 89; 52: 34;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   polycephalum   37: 99, 100;
LEPTOGLOSSUM   spathulatum   7: 184; 14: 104;

LEPTOGRAPHIUM     8: 80, 138, 139; 20: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53; 27: 98, 99, 105; 53: 249; 55: 80; 56: 20; 57: 93, 94;
LEPTOGRAPHIUM   lundbergii   20: 45, 47, 50, 53; 56: 20;
LEPTOGRAPHIUM   wingfieldii   59: 237;

LEPTOMELANCONIUM   allescheri   35: 97;

LEPTOMITUS     26: 233, 234, 235, 236; 74: 162, 168;
LEPTOMITUS   lacteus   14: 158, 160; 26: 233, 234, 235, 236; 74: 162, 163, 168;

LEPTONIA     7: 56, 172; 10: 1, 97; 18: 5, 160, 204, 205, 206; 21: 55; 23: 205; 25: 108, 111; 26: 219; 27: 216; 29: 25, 27, 32; 30: 197; 44: 88; 45: 35;
LEPTONIA   anatina   7: 57, 62, 175; 29: 27;
LEPTONIA   asprella   7: 58, 173;
LEPTONIA   atromarginata   7: 56;
LEPTONIA   calcarea   52: 59;
LEPTONIA   caliginosa   7: 56;
LEPTONIA   catalaunica   18: 5; 45: 35;
LEPTONIA   cervicolor   7: 56, 57, 174;
LEPTONIA   chalybaea   4: 149; 7: 57, 58;
LEPTONIA   chloropolia   7: 59;
LEPTONIA   coelestina   18: 205;
LEPTONIA   corvina   18: 5;
LEPTONIA   dysthales   7: 56;
LEPTONIA   euchlora   7: 59;
LEPTONIA   euchroa   5: 123; 7: 57; 8: 46; 18: 205; 21: 55;
LEPTONIA   ianthina   7: 56;
LEPTONIA   incana   7: 59, 60; 29: 25, 27, 32; 30: 197;
LEPTONIA   involuta   7: 62;
LEPTONIA   lampropus   7: 58, 173, 175; 29: 27;
LEPTONIA   lazulina   1: 92;
LEPTONIA   lepidissima   18: 204, 206;
LEPTONIA   linkii   4: 83; 7: 61;
LEPTONIA   mamillata   7: 173, 174, 175, 176;
LEPTONIA   murina   7: 59;
LEPTONIA   papillata   7: 174;
LEPTONIA   pilatii   7: 174, 175, 176;
LEPTONIA   placida   5: 123; 7: 60, 61, 62; 23: 205; 27: 216; 67: 217;
LEPTONIA   placida f. obscura   7: 56, 60, 61;
LEPTONIA   rhombispora   7: 57;
LEPTONIA   rickenii   7: 172;
LEPTONIA   rosea   18: 5;
LEPTONIA   sarcita   7: 174;
LEPTONIA   sarcitula   18: 5; 29: 27, 32;
LEPTONIA   sericella   7: 58, 59; 18: 160; 44: 88;
LEPTONIA   serrulata   7: 57, 175; 18: 5;
LEPTONIA   solstitialis   7: 173;
LEPTONIA   sphagnorum   7: 57, 174; 8: 180; 11: 147, 148, 149;
LEPTONIA   tenella   7: 57;
LEPTONIA   whiteae   7: 57;

LEPTOPODIA     19: 37, 41; 22: 217;
LEPTOPODIA   albella   22: 217; 35: 13;
LEPTOPODIA   atra   22: 217; 35: 13, 143;
LEPTOPODIA   branzeziana   63: 178;
LEPTOPODIA   elastica   14: 72; 22: 217; 35: 14, 143;
LEPTOPODIA   ephippium   14: 78; 22: 217; 35: 14;
LEPTOPODIA   pezizoides   22: 217; 35: 15;

LEPTOPORUS     10: 59, 97; 11: 216; 12: 96; 13: 30, 219; 17: 179; 18: 13, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 208, 214; 19: 9; 20: 175, 176, 185, 187; 21: 206; 22: 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128; 25: 15; 26: 38; 27: 223; 30: 55; 31: 165; 33: 99, 100; 39: 38; 42: 129, 130, 131, 132; 43: 37, 38, 39; 44: 98, 228, 229, 230; 45: 92, 93, 147;
LEPTOPORUS   albellus   45: 92;
LEPTOPORUS   albellus f. raduloides   45: 92;
LEPTOPORUS   albidus   45: 93;
LEPTOPORUS   albidus f. osseiformis   45: 93;
LEPTOPORUS   albobrunneus   10: 61;
LEPTOPORUS   alma-atensis   22: 128; 42: 130;
LEPTOPORUS   amorphus   44: 230;
LEPTOPORUS   asiaticus   19: 72, 76; 21: 206, 208; 42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   borealis   5: 167, 168; 11: 186, 187, 188, 189; 27: 220;
LEPTOPORUS   borealis var. spathulatus   12: 101;
LEPTOPORUS   bourdotii   18: 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74; 42: 130;
LEPTOPORUS   braunii   31: 165;
LEPTOPORUS   bredecelensis   12: 200; 33: 99, 100; 42: 130;
LEPTOPORUS   bulgaricus   42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   caesius   5: 170; 6: 94; 8: 88, 89, 90; 13: 219;
LEPTOPORUS   caesius f. dealbata   43: 37;
LEPTOPORUS   caesius var. rhenanus   43: 37;
LEPTOPORUS   carpatorossicus   43: 37;
LEPTOPORUS   chioneus f. resupinata   18: 68, 73;
LEPTOPORUS   dalmaticus   42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   destructor subsp. sericeomollis   21: 206;
LEPTOPORUS   dichrous   18: 68, 70, 74;
LEPTOPORUS   dichrous f. carpathicus   18: 66;
LEPTOPORUS   ellipsosporus   43: 39;
LEPTOPORUS   epileucinus   44: 228, 229, 230, 235;
LEPTOPORUS   erubescens   13: 27;
LEPTOPORUS   fissilis   4: 52; 12: 156; 20: 185, 187; 59: 144;
LEPTOPORUS   foetidus   19: 73, 77;
LEPTOPORUS   fragilis   5: 170;
LEPTOPORUS   imberbis   7: 154;
LEPTOPORUS   immitis   43: 36;
LEPTOPORUS   jacksonii   43: 38;
LEPTOPORUS   kmetii   19: 69, 74, 75, 76, 77;
LEPTOPORUS   kymatodes   22: 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128; 42: 130;
LEPTOPORUS   lacteus f. resupinatus   18: 66, 69, 74;
LEPTOPORUS   lapponicus   19: 9; 75: 66;
LEPTOPORUS   litschaueri   11: 216; 19: 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77; 21: 206; 42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   lowei   43: 38; 66: 39, 40, 41, 47, 50;
LEPTOPORUS   micantiformis   43: 38;
LEPTOPORUS   minusculoides   12: 128; 43: 38; 66: 47;
LEPTOPORUS   moeszii   42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   mollis   10: 63; 13: 27; 39: 38; 44: 98; 63: 230; 67: 201;
LEPTOPORUS   ptychogaster   18: 13;
LEPTOPORUS   revolutus   43: 38;
LEPTOPORUS   rufoflavus   31: 165;
LEPTOPORUS   schulzeri   19: 69, 76;
LEPTOPORUS   semipileatus   7: 140; 20: 175, 176;
LEPTOPORUS   semisupinus f. resupinata   75: 71;
LEPTOPORUS   sericeomollis   21: 208;
LEPTOPORUS   simanii   42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   spumeus   4: 75; 19: 71, 72, 73, 76, 77;
LEPTOPORUS   stipticus   5: 170; 6: 94; 8: 88, 90, 91; 11: 186, 189; 30: 55;
LEPTOPORUS   stipticus f. osseiformis   45: 93;
LEPTOPORUS   trabeus subsp. fragilis var. resupinatus   10: 61;
LEPTOPORUS   undatus   7: 155;
LEPTOPORUS   undosus   5: 18; 8: 88, 90, 91; 18: 207, 208, 210, 213, 214; 26: 38;
LEPTOPORUS   uralensis   44: 230;
LEPTOPORUS   werneri   7: 157; 42: 129, 131;
LEPTOPORUS   wynnei f. ellipsospora   43: 39;
LEPTOPORUS   zameriensis   18: 65, 66, 69, 74; 42: 131;
LEPTOPORUS   zilingianus   42: 129, 132;

LEPTOSPHAERIA     13: 157, 158; 24: 221, 223; 26: 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 55; 27: 86; 33: 152; 34: 177, 178; 35: 95, 240; 36: 66; 39: 160, 163, 164; 54: 156; 72: 261;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   acuta   13: 157, 158; 26: 46, 47, 55; 72: 263, 264, 271, 272, 273, 276;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   atropurpurea   52: 59; 72: 273;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   avenae   57: 315;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   bulgarica   52: 59;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   carneomaculans   52: 59;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   culmifraga   33: 152;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   cycadis   34: 177, 178;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   depressa   13: 158;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   derasa   26: 46, 49, 55;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   doliolum   72: 273;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   doliolum var. dissimilis   72: 273;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   dumetorum   72: 273;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   galeopsidicola   52: 59;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   huthiana   52: 59;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   italica   72: 272;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   leucomelaria   24: 222;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   longipedicellata   72: 261;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   macrospora   26: 46, 49, 55;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   maculans   65: 70;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   malyi   52: 59;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   microscopica   54: 156;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   modesta   26: 46, 49, 50, 51, 55;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   multiseptata   72: 272;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   neottizans   24: 222;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   nitschkei   26: 49;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   nodorum   54: 156; 57: 315;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   ogilviensis   35: 240; 72: 273;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   oligospora   24: 221, 223;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   onagrae   52: 59;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   petrakii   52: 60;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   pini   35: 95;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   priuscheggiana   52: 60;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   purpurea   72: 273;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   rivana   24: 222;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   sclerotioides   72: 272;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   senegalensis   39: 160;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   sepincola   27: 86;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   tompkinsii   39: 160;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   urticae   72: 263, 264, 271, 272, 276;
LEPTOSPHAERIA   valesiaca   72: 257;

LEPTOSPORA     13: 154; 35: 240;
LEPTOSPORA   muscicola   25: 57, 58;
LEPTOSPORA   rubella   35: 240;
LEPTOSPORA   spermoides   13: 154;

LEPTOSPOROMYCES   fuscostratus   67: 202;

LEPTOSTROMA     35: 97;
LEPTOSTROMA   austriacum   35: 97;
LEPTOSTROMA   pinastri   63: 158;
LEPTOSTROMA   pinorum   35: 97;
LEPTOSTROMA   pinorum var. cembrae   35: 97;
LEPTOSTROMA   rostrupii   35: 97;
LEPTOSTROMA   strobilicola   35: 97;
LEPTOSTROMA   vincetoxici   9: 113;

LEPTOTHYRIUM   pomi   4: 101;

LEPTOTREMA   wightii   56: 158;

LEPTOTRIMITUS     20: 171, 175, 176; 21: 53; 22: 146; 23: 206; 31: 117; 35: 109;
LEPTOTRIMITUS   semipileatus   20: 171, 175, 176; 22: 146; 23: 206; 31: 117; 35: 109;

LEPTOTROCHILA     44: 144;
LEPTOTROCHILA   bistortae   44: 144;
LEPTOTROCHILA   ranunculi   44: 144;

LEPTOTUS     7: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 89, 91; 9: 144; 22: 251;
LEPTOTUS   glaucus   7: 8, 9, 91, 160;
LEPTOTUS   lobatus   7: 89, 90, 91, 160; 9: 144;
LEPTOTUS   muscigenus   7: 91;
LEPTOTUS   queletii   7: 12, 13;
LEPTOTUS   retirugus   7: 91;

LESPIAULTINIA   requienii   39: 68;

LETENDRAEOPSIS   palmarum   56: 36;

LETHARIA     23: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
LETHARIA   columbiana   56: 158;
LETHARIA   poeppigii   23: 23;
LETHARIA   vulpina   23: 23;

LETHARIELLA   intricata   56: 158;

LETROUITIA   domingensis   56: 158; 65: 225;
LETROUITIA   flavocrocea   65: 225;

LEUCOAGARICUS     2: 78; 13: 117, 118, 119, 148; 19: 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 25: 147; 30: 52; 32: 223; 43: 86, 87, 89, 91; 44: 204, 207, 222; 46: 19; 58: 227, 236, 238, 253, 255;
LEUCOAGARICUS   americanus   58: 237, 255; 68: 94;
LEUCOAGARICUS   badhamii   13: 117, 118, 119; 46: 20; 58: 236, 255, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   badhamii var. badhamii   58: 236, 255, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   badhamii var. erubescens   58: 237, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   bresadolae   46: 4, 8, 9, 19, 20;
LEUCOAGARICUS   bresadolae var. bresadolae   58: 237, 255;
LEUCOAGARICUS   brunnescens   58: 249;
LEUCOAGARICUS   cretaceus   46: 20;
LEUCOAGARICUS   crystallifer   58: 238;
LEUCOAGARICUS   erubescens   58: 237, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   excoriatus   13: 148;
LEUCOAGARICUS   holosericeus   58: 237, 255;
LEUCOAGARICUS   leucothites   44: 222; 46: 6, 8, 19, 20, 82; 58: 237, 255, 256; 65: 203;
LEUCOAGARICUS   meleagris   46: 4, 19, 20; 55: 167; 58: 238, 255; 68: 94;
LEUCOAGARICUS   meleagris f. minor   46: 19;
LEUCOAGARICUS   menieri   58: 250, 259;
LEUCOAGARICUS   naucinus   19: 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 25: 147; 30: 52; 32: 223;
LEUCOAGARICUS   nympharum   58: 238, 243, 255, 256, 257;
LEUCOAGARICUS   olgae   58: 237, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   pilatianus   58: 236;
LEUCOAGARICUS   pudicus   14: 78; 43: 86, 87, 89, 91; 44: 204, 207; 46: 20;
LEUCOAGARICUS   pulverulentus   58: 240, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   roseolanatus   58: 250, 259;
LEUCOAGARICUS   serenus   58: 238, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   sericeus   58: 239, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   sericifer   58: 239, 256;
LEUCOAGARICUS   subcretaceus   46: 8, 9, 20;
LEUCOAGARICUS   wichanskyi   58: 239, 256;

LEUCOCOPRINUS     2: 78, 79, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83; 9: 126; 13: 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119; 21: 115; 23: 141; 24: 217; 34: 39, 41; 44: 204, 207, 221; 46: 10, 12, 19, 22; 58: 226, 227, 244, 248, 253, 257;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   badhamii   13: 117, 118, 119; 21: 115;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   birnbaumii   46: 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 21; 58: 245, 257;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   brebissonii   9: 130; 34: 39, 41; 46: 21, 22; 58: 244, 257;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   bresadolae   44: 221; 46: 6, 19, 82;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   brunnescens   58: 249, 259;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   calidarium   46: 19;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   cepistipes   2: 78, 79, 82; 9: 130; 44: 221, 223; 46: 4, 8, 9, 21, 22; 58: 257; 68: 94;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   cepistipes var. cepistipes   58: 244, 257;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   cepistipes var. cretacea   2: 78;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   cretaceus   2: 78;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   cretatus   46: 4, 6, 8, 9, 21;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   denudatus   9: 130; 13: 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116; 14: 45; 23: 141; 44: 204, 207; 46: 8, 22, 82; 58: 244, 257;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   flos-sulphuris   2: 78, 79, 80, 81, 83; 9: 126;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   flos-sulphuris var. incerta   2: 78, 82, 83;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   flos-sulphuris var. nigrescens-minor   2: 82;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   gueguenii   13: 108, 109, 114;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   heinemannii   46: 21;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   heterosporus   58: 245, 257;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   ianthinus   58: 250, 259;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   licmophorus   9: 130;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   lilacinogranulosus   46: 8, 9, 21, 22; 58: 250, 259;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   luteus   2: 78, 80; 9: 125, 126, 127, 130, 131; 13: 109, 110, 114;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   magnusianus   13: 109;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   meleagris   2: 78;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   pilatianus   24: 217;
LEUCOCOPRINUS   straminellus   58: 244, 257;

LEUCOCORTINARIUS     18: 13; 19: 16; 22: 196; 32: 223; 33: 165; 37: 174, 175;
LEUCOCORTINARIUS   bulbiger   18: 10, 13; 19: 16; 22: 196; 32: 223; 33: 165;

LEUCOCYTOSPORA   massariana   31: 2;

LEUCOFOMES     11: 157, 168; 13: 147;
LEUCOFOMES   ulmarius   11: 157; 13: 147;

LEUCOGASTER   fragrans   4: 93;
LEUCOGASTER   liosporus   4: 93;

LEUCOGLOSSUM     67: 85;
LEUCOGLOSSUM   leucosporum   75: 182;

LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS     26: 217, 219, 220; 27: 229; 29: 27; 30: 81;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   glutinosus   26: 219;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   maculatus   26: 220; 29: 27;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   nigricans   26: 219;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   oregonensis   26: 219;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   pseudomaculatus   26: 220;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   roseus   26: 219;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   smithii   26: 219;
LEUCOGOMPHIDIUS   subroseus   26: 219;

LEUCOGYROPHANA     12: 31, 32, 32, 33, 35, 36; 44: 124, 125; 76: 95, 96, 104;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   lichenicola   71: 232;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   mollusca   12: 33; 65: 16, 17; 76: 97, 98, 107;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   montana   76: 96, 98, 100, 103;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   olivascens   58: 154;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   pouzarii   47: 92;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   pseudomollusca   44: 124, 125;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   romellii   72: 118; 76: 98, 99;
LEUCOGYROPHANA   sororia   67: 146, 152; 76: 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, 106;

LEUCOLOMA     28: 135; 35: 136;
LEUCOLOMA   araneosum   35: 136;
LEUCOLOMA   asperior   73: 145;
LEUCOLOMA   axillare   35: 64;
LEUCOLOMA   chateri   47: 243;
LEUCOLOMA   hedwigii   35: 64, 136;
LEUCOLOMA   humosum var. bicoctisporum   35: 64;
LEUCOLOMA   lividulum   35: 136;
LEUCOLOMA   pinetorum   28: 135;
LEUCOLOMA   schenckii   35: 136;
LEUCOLOMA   subumbrinum   35: 136;
LEUCOLOMA   sydowii   26: 214, 215, 216;
LEUCOLOMA   tetraspora   26: 138; 35: 65;

LEUCONEUROSPORA   capsici   70: 114;

LEUCOPAXILLUS     4: 125, 126; 10: 172, 173, 174; 12: 30, 78, 79, 81, 82; 16: 20; 19: 43, 101; 20: 30, 31, 65, 66, 67, 68, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236; 21: 53, 55, 56, 59; 22: 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; 23: 78, 141; 26: 67; 28: 57; 30: 193, 197, 228, 233; 31: 115; 32: 219, 220; 35: 110, 241; 36: 186; 37: 175; 43: 197;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   albissimus   19: 101; 20: 65, 67, 68;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   albissimus var. barbarus   10: 173;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   albissimus var. lentus   10: 173;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   albissimus var. paradoxus   10: 173;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   alboalutaceus   10: 173; 19: 100, 101; 20: 230, 233; 21: 53; 22: 105;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus   10: 173; 12: 78, 79, 80, 81; 14: 125, 128, 129; 19: 43, 50, 100; 20: 68, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235; 23: 141; 30: 228; 31: 115; 65: 203;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. alboalutaceus   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. bicolor   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. gracilis   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. roseibrunneus   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. roseibrunneus subf. majusculus   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. roseibrunneus subf. subminutus   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. typicus   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. typicus subf. major   12: 79, 80;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. typicus subf. minor   12: 78, 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus f. vulpeculus   12: 79; 19: 50, 101;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   amarus typicus   12: 79;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   candidus   10: 173; 26: 67; 35: 241;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   cerealis   19: 101; 20: 65, 67, 68;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   cerealis var. barbarus   20: 68;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   cerealis var. lentus   20: 68;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   cerealis var. paradoxus   20: 68;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   gentianeus   20: 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235; 21: 55, 56, 59; 30: 193, 197;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   giganteus   10: 173; 16: 20; 22: 95; 26: 67; 35: 110; 43: 197;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   lentus   30: 228;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   lepistoides   10: 173; 22: 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104; 26: 67; 28: 57, 174, 176;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   lepistoides var. pannonicus   22: 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   mirabilis   10: 174;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   nauseosodulcis   10: 173; 71: 232;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   paradoxus   3: 8; 21: 56, 59; 36: 186;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   pseudoacerbus   4: 125; 32: 219;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   pseudogambosus   20: 66, 67, 68;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   pulcherrimus   10: 173;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   rhodoleucus   10: 173; 20: 30, 31;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   spinosulus   10: 173;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   tricolor   10: 172; 12: 79, 81, 82; 19: 101; 23: 78; 30: 228, 233; 32: 219, 220; 65: 203;
LEUCOPAXILLUS   vulpeculus   20: 230;


LEUCOPORUS     26: 83, 85, 88, 89; 38: 141;
LEUCOPORUS   megaloporus   38: 141;

LEUCORHIZON     2: 36;
LEUCORHIZON   nidificum   2: 36; 4: 99;

LEUCOSCYPHA     19: 39; 22: 180, 182, 183; 23: 231, 232, 233; 28: 132, 133; 31: 70; 35: 19, 135, 137, 138, 139; 36: 111; 44: 145; 49: 152, 154, 156, 158; 71: 206;
LEUCOSCYPHA   albodiscina   31: 70; 35: 19, 138, 139, 140;
LEUCOSCYPHA   borealis   49: 156;
LEUCOSCYPHA   catharinaea   49: 152;
LEUCOSCYPHA   erminea   22: 180, 182, 183; 35: 19, 137, 141; 44: 140, 145;
LEUCOSCYPHA   hetieri   23: 231, 232; 35: 19, 138;
LEUCOSCYPHA   leucotricha   22: 182; 35: 20, 142; 49: 156, 158;
LEUCOSCYPHA   pallida   49: 158;
LEUCOSCYPHA   patavina   28: 132;
LEUCOSCYPHA   rhodoleuca   28: 132; 35: 20, 142;
LEUCOSCYPHA   ricciaecola   35: 20, 23, 135, 138;
LEUCOSCYPHA   rutilans   23: 233; 35: 20, 138;
LEUCOSCYPHA   semiimmersa   28: 132; 35: 20, 137, 138, 140, 141;
LEUCOSCYPHA   subimmersa   47: 195; 52: 60;
LEUCOSCYPHA   virginea   49: 158;
LEUCOSCYPHA   vivida   23: 231, 232; 35: 20, 138, 141, 143;

LEUCOSPORIDIUM     39: 159, 160;
LEUCOSPORIDIUM   neoformans   39: 159;
LEUCOSPORIDIUM   scottii   46: 272, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 281; 68: 44, 46;

LEUCOSTOMA     10: 212; 13: 155, 156, 157; 27: 181; 28: 1;
LEUCOSTOMA   kunzei   13: 155;
LEUCOSTOMA   nivea   13: 156;
LEUCOSTOMA   persoonii   13: 157;

LEUCOTELIUM   cerasi   56: 128;

LEVEILLULA     12: 168, 169; 39: 253; 49: 117; 61: 116;
LEVEILLULA   papaveracearum   65: 129;
LEVEILLULA   saxifragacearum f. ribis   12: 163, 168, 169;
LEVEILLULA   solanacearum   39: 253;
LEVEILLULA   taurica   12: 168; 46: 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311; 53: 288, 291, 292; 60: 259; 65: 129;

LEWIA     65: 70;
LEWIA   infectoria   49: 123;

LIBERTELLA     13: 217; 27: 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149; 28: 123;
LIBERTELLA   betulina   27: 145;
LIBERTELLA   disciformis   27: 144;
LIBERTELLA   faginea   13: 217; 27: 140, 141, 148; 61: 87;
LIBERTELLA   faginea f. minor   27: 142;

LICEA     13: 156, 214; 16: 41; 17: 47, 48; 22: 307, 308; 33: 150; 75: 192;
LICEA   biforis   53: 324, 333, 335;
LICEA   castanea   13: 156, 214; 16: 41; 17: 47, 48;
LICEA   kleistobolus   53: 324, 331, 334, 336, 340;
LICEA   minima   17: 48; 53: 324, 334, 337;
LICEA   operculata   53: 325, 338, 339;
LICEA   parasitica   33: 150; 53: 325, 339, 340, 341;
LICEA   pusilla   22: 307, 308;
LICEA   variabilis   17: 48; 53: 325;

LICHEN   aurantius   60: 277;
LICHEN   flavescens   60: 282;

LICHENOCHORA   obscuroides   72: 36;
LICHENOCHORA   weillii   72: 37, 39;

LICHENOCONIUM   erodens   72: 35, 38, 39;
LICHENOCONIUM   lecanorae   72: 38, 39;
LICHENOCONIUM   pyxidatae   72: 33, 38, 39;
LICHENOCONIUM   usneae   51: 183, 184;

LICHENOMPHALIA   umbellifera   63: 247, 258; 67: 202; 68: 31;

LICHENOMYCES     24: 222, 225;
LICHENOMYCES   lichenum   24: 222, 225;

LICHINA   confinis   56: 158;

LICHTHEIMIA     22: 72; 34: 113, 119, 120; 37: 166, 167, 168, 169; 43: 243;
LICHTHEIMIA   cornealis   22: 72; 37: 167;
LICHTHEIMIA   corymbifera   22: 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75; 34: 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121; 37: 166, 167, 168, 169, 252, 253, 254, 255; 43: 243;
LICHTHEIMIA   corymbifera var. ramosa   37: 168;
LICHTHEIMIA   corymbifera var. regnieri   22: 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75;
LICHTHEIMIA   italiana   37: 169;
LICHTHEIMIA   ramosa   34: 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121;
LICHTHEIMIA   ramosa var. rastii   37: 168, 169;
LICHTHEIMIA   ramosa var. zurcheri   37: 169;
LICHTHEIMIA   regnieri   22: 72; 34: 113; 37: 167;
LICHTHEIMIA   sartoryi   37: 167;
LICHTHEIMIA   truchisii   37: 168;
LICHTHEIMIA   ucrainica   22: 72; 37: 167;

LIGNOMYCES     70: 225;

LIGNOSUS   goetzei   64: 17;
LIGNOSUS   rhinocerus   71: 173;

LIMACELLA     6: 51, 54; 15: 16, 225; 18: 10; 19: 151; 20: 239; 21: 53, 57; 58: 227, 253, 258;
LIMACELLA   delicata   15: 225;
LIMACELLA   delicata var. delicata   58: 247, 258;
LIMACELLA   delicata var. glioderma   58: 247, 258;
LIMACELLA   furnacea   6: 49, 50, 51, 52, 53;
LIMACELLA   glioderma   15: 16;
LIMACELLA   guttata   19: 151; 21: 53, 57; 58: 251; 67: 215;
LIMACELLA   illinita   15: 16; 18: 10; 58: 247, 258;
LIMACELLA   megalopoda   6: 51;

LIMACIUM     1: 91; 3: 96, 107, 109; 5: 105; 13: 41, 48; 16: 157; 18: 13, 116; 19: 115; 20: 179; 23: 177; 24: 125; 25: 107;
LIMACIUM   agathosmum   1: 80, 81; 3: 28, 107; 10: 232; 23: 177;
LIMACIUM   arbustivum   14: 112;
LIMACIUM   aurantiorubrum   4: 148;
LIMACIUM   camarophyllum   3: 27, 60, 61, 93, 96, 107, 109;
LIMACIUM   camarophyllum subsp. calophyllum   3: 107, 109;
LIMACIUM   camarophyllum subsp. marzuolum   3: 26, 29, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 92, 93, 107, 108, 109; 5: 122; 14: 75;
LIMACIUM   caprinum   3: 107;
LIMACIUM   chrysodon   4: 149; 14: 74, 112; 21: 57;
LIMACIUM   cossum   10: 232, 235;
LIMACIUM   discoideum   14: 77; 18: 13;
LIMACIUM   eburneum   1: 80, 81; 10: 232; 12: 124; 14: 75;
LIMACIUM   erubescens   5: 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108; 14: 77;
LIMACIUM   fuscoalbum   12: 123; 14: 77, 113;
LIMACIUM   gliocyclum   10: 29; 14: 77;
LIMACIUM   hedrychii   1: 80, 81; 10: 29, 232; 14: 78, 83, 117; 18: 13; 19: 115; 34: 232;
LIMACIUM   hypothejum   13: 41, 48; 14: 77;
LIMACIUM   leucophaeum   4: 149; 10: 232, 235; 14: 74, 75;
LIMACIUM   lucorum   14: 78;
LIMACIUM   marzuolum   3: 26, 107; 5: 75; 16: 157; 20: 179;
LIMACIUM   nemoreum   3: 107, 109;
LIMACIUM   olivaceoalbum   1: 97;
LIMACIUM   penarium   14: 74;
LIMACIUM   piceae   12: 124, 125;
LIMACIUM   poetarum   14: 75, 112;
LIMACIUM   poncae   5: 108;
LIMACIUM   purpurascens   5: 106;
LIMACIUM   queletii   5: 106; 14: 78; 18: 116;
LIMACIUM   russula   5: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106; 8: 190; 14: 75, 111, 118, 120;
LIMACIUM   subpurpurascens   10: 232, 234;
LIMACIUM   vulpinum   14: 106;

LINDERIA   columnata   70: 189;

LINDERIELLA   columnata   9: 54, 55; 70: 189;

LINDQUISTIA     53: 303;

LINDTNERIA     7: 157; 20: 119; 22: 254, 255; 45: 79; 71: 94;
LINDTNERIA   flava   45: 79;
LINDTNERIA   trachyspora   14: 32, 33, 35, 36, 39;

LINODOCHIUM     35: 99;
LINODOCHIUM   formosum   35: 99;
LINODOCHIUM   hyalinum   35: 99;

LIRULA     37: 111;
LIRULA   macrospora   37: 111;

LITSCHAUERELLA     22: 250; 33: 241;

LITSCHAUERIA     33: 241;

LLOYDELLA     13: 15, 16; 27: 222;
LLOYDELLA   bicolor   43: 139;
LLOYDELLA   fusca   43: 139;
LLOYDELLA   spadicea   13: 144; 40: 224;
LLOYDELLA   striata   27: 222;
LLOYDELLA   subpileata   39: 195, 203, 204;
LLOYDELLA   vinosa   49: 165;

LLOYDELLOPSIS     13: 12, 15, 16, 17;
LLOYDELLOPSIS   areolata   13: 12, 16;
LLOYDELLOPSIS   chailletii   13: 12, 16, 17; 14: 88; 27: 220;

LOBARIA     39: 252;
LOBARIA   adscripta   56: 158;
LOBARIA   amplissima   56: 158;
LOBARIA   pulmonaria   68: 25, 27, 28, 31, 33;
LOBARIA   pulmonaria var. meridionalis   56: 158;
LOBARIA   retigera   56: 158;

LOBOA     39: 157, 160, 161; 44: 1, 6, 132;
LOBOA   loboi   39: 160, 161; 44: 1, 6, 10, 13, 132;

LOBULICIUM     37: 208;

LOCELLINA   californica   52: 60;

LODDEROMYCES     32: 136; 35: 213, 219; 39: 158, 159, 160;
LODDEROMYCES   elongisporus   32: 136; 35: 213; 39: 158;

LONGIA     8: 144;

LOPADOSTOMA     26: 48, 49, 50, 55; 33: 215; 34: 124, 139; 69: 104;
LOPADOSTOMA   gastrinum   12: 145, 146, 147; 33: 215; 49: 197;
LOPADOSTOMA   helveticum   34: 139;
LOPADOSTOMA   pouzarii   69: 95;
LOPADOSTOMA   turgidum   26: 48, 49; 33: 215;

LOPHARIA     13: 12, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17; 30: 159; 36: 28; 39: 195; 40: 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233; 41: 129; 42: 205; 45: 15, 21; 46: 316; 60: 213;
LOPHARIA   cinerascens   13: 12; 60: 213, 216;
LOPHARIA   crassa   60: 215;
LOPHARIA   heterospora   30: 159;
LOPHARIA   lirellosa   46: 320;
LOPHARIA   papyrina   60: 215;
LOPHARIA   spadicea   36: 28; 40: 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233; 42: 205; 45: 15, 21, 23;

LOPHIOSPHAERA     13: 153; 18: 164;
LOPHIOSPHAERA   fuckelii f. rubi   13: 153;

LOPHIOSTOMA     13: 155, 157, 158; 18: 187, 188;
LOPHIOSTOMA   insidiosum   13: 155, 157;
LOPHIOSTOMA   mangrovei   61: 111;
LOPHIOSTOMA   niessleanum   18: 187, 188;
LOPHIOSTOMA   nucula   13: 158; 61: 88, 91;

LOPHIOTREMA     13: 156, 157, 158; 33: 152;
LOPHIOTREMA   boreale   61: 81, 88, 90, 91, 93;
LOPHIOTREMA   crenatum   13: 157, 158;
LOPHIOTREMA   duplex   12: 146; 13: 156;
LOPHIOTREMA   neoarundinaria   72: 102;
LOPHIOTREMA   nucula   12: 146; 33: 152;
LOPHIOTREMA   vagabundum   72: 102;

LOPHIUM     35: 95;
LOPHIUM   mytilinum   35: 95;

LOPHODERMELLA     35: 93, 96, 97;
LOPHODERMELLA   sulcigena   35: 93, 96, 97;

LOPHODERMIUM     16: 88; 18: 187, 188; 22: 51, 53, 54; 34: 197; 35: 93, 97; 37: 111, 112; 41: 244; 44: 145;
LOPHODERMIUM   abietis   67: 202;
LOPHODERMIUM   arundinaceum   14: 104; 70: 170;
LOPHODERMIUM   caricinum   44: 140, 145;
LOPHODERMIUM   conigenum   35: 93, 97; 37: 111;
LOPHODERMIUM   juncinum   56: 63;
LOPHODERMIUM   juniperinum   16: 88;
LOPHODERMIUM   melaleucum   14: 126;
LOPHODERMIUM   niesslii   18: 187, 188;
LOPHODERMIUM   piceae   37: 111; 63: 233;
LOPHODERMIUM   pinastri   6: 152; 14: 126; 34: 197; 35: 93, 97; 37: 111; 41: 244; 74: 186;
LOPHODERMIUM   pinicolum   22: 51, 53, 54;
LOPHODERMIUM   seditiosum   35: 93, 97;
LOPHODERMIUM   tumidum   16: 88;

LOPHOPHYTON   gallinae   12: 43;

LOPHOTRICHUS     27: 98; 28: 66;

LORAMYCES   juncicola   53: 312;

LOTINIA   verna   73: 138;

LOWEOMYCES   fractipes   55: 197;

LOWEPORUS     38: 142, 143;
LOWEPORUS   inflexibilis   55: 27;
LOWEPORUS   lividus   38: 142;

LUCIOTRICHUS     47: 271, 272, 274;
LUCIOTRICHUS   lasioboloides   47: 271, 272, 274;

LUELLIA   recondita   67: 137, 140, 146;

LULWORTHIA     61: 111, 112;
LULWORTHIA   grandispora   61: 111, 112, 113;

LUNULOSPORA     23: 136; 60: 71; 68: 123;
LUNULOSPORA   curvula   23: 136; 53: 281; 54: 255, 256; 60: 67; 63: 120, 124, 127, 128, 143; 67: 49, 51; 68: 111, 112, 117, 118, 119, 120;
LUNULOSPORA   cymbiformis   60: 67; 63: 124, 127, 128;

LUTYPHA     69: 129;

LYCOGALA     6: 156; 13: 223, 224, 225, 226; 17: 115, 124; 18: 164; 29: 29; 35: 95; 36: 249; 44: 146; 45: 39;
LYCOGALA   conicum   13: 223, 225, 226;
LYCOGALA   epidendrum   2: 90; 6: 156; 13: 223, 224, 226; 14: 96, 106; 17: 115, 124; 18: 164; 29: 29; 35: 95; 44: 146; 53: 325; 63: 223, 225, 230;
LYCOGALA   flavofuscum   6: 156, 156, 157, 158, 159; 13: 223; 14: 73; 36: 249; 53: 325;
LYCOGALA   flavofuscum var. albidum   13: 224;
LYCOGALA   flavofuscum var. armeniacum   13: 223;
LYCOGALA   repletum   6: 158;
LYCOGALA   rostafinskii   6: 159;

LYCOGALOPSIS     70: 186;
LYCOGALOPSIS   africana   70: 202;
LYCOGALOPSIS   dussi   70: 202;
LYCOGALOPSIS   solmsii   70: 185, 200, 202, 204;
LYCOGALOPSIS   subiculosa   70: 202;

LYCOPERDON     1: 8, 9, 50, 82, 97, 117; 2: 35, 72; 4: 23; 5: 132, 133; 6: 14, 15, 16, 17, 164; 7: 142, 152; 10: 6, 142; 11: 62; 12: 5; 13: 41, 42, 46, 155, 200; 15: 17, 96, 97, 196, 197, 199; 16: 158; 17: 203, 204; 18: 9, 12, 13, 15, 110, 112, 116, 163, 187; 19: 15, 17, 19, 114; 20: 126, 194, 196; 21: 57; 22: 138; 25: 62, 161, 188; 26: 37, 238, 240; 27: 222; 28: 176; 29: 25, 28, 153, 154, 155; 30: 56; 32: 208, 223; 33: 157, 159, 161, 166; 35: 110, 199; 38: 220; 41: 51; 42: 115, 158; 43: 93; 44: 141, 204, 207, 209; 70: 202; 75: 124;
LYCOPERDON   acuminatum   17: 203, 204;
LYCOPERDON   albinum   70: 202;
LYCOPERDON   atropurpureum   52: 7;
LYCOPERDON   bovista   16: 158;
LYCOPERDON   caffrorum   46: 320;
LYCOPERDON   calcareum   3: 46;
LYCOPERDON   candidum   14: 119, 120; 18: 9, 15, 110, 112, 116;
LYCOPERDON   coliforme   73: 209;
LYCOPERDON   corollinum   70: 194;
LYCOPERDON   cretaceum   16: 158;
LYCOPERDON   cyathiforme   7: 160; 70: 188, 189;
LYCOPERDON   decipiens   14: 111, 118, 120, 124, 224, 227, 228; 17: 204; 18: 9, 15; 29: 25, 28;
LYCOPERDON   decipiens var. rimulatum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   echinatum   12: 214; 14: 74; 15: 17; 17: 204; 21: 57; 26: 238, 240; 43: 93; 46: 175, 179, 181; 65: 203;
LYCOPERDON   echinulatum   17: 203, 204;
LYCOPERDON   equinum   10: 143;
LYCOPERDON   ericetorum   14: 71, 104, 224, 227, 228; 17: 204; 18: 9, 15, 112, 116;
LYCOPERDON   ericetorum var. pusillum   15: 97; 28: 176;
LYCOPERDON   excipuliforme   71: 232;
LYCOPERDON   foetidum   17: 204; 46: 84, 177, 182; 67: 202;
LYCOPERDON   fragile   17: 203;
LYCOPERDON   fucatum   70: 188;
LYCOPERDON   furfuraceum   1: 50, 51; 3: 46;
LYCOPERDON   gemmatum   13: 41, 42, 46;
LYCOPERDON   giganteum   18: 187;
LYCOPERDON   gossypinum   10: 144;
LYCOPERDON   herculeum   15: 196, 197, 199;
LYCOPERDON   hungaricum   18: 110, 112, 116;
LYCOPERDON   kalchbrenneri   49: 166;
LYCOPERDON   leprosum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   lividum   44: 204, 207; 46: 84;
LYCOPERDON   lumbicale   20: 196;
LYCOPERDON   mammiforme   12: 214; 14: 75, 113, 226; 15: 17; 17: 204; 19: 114; 20: 126; 21: 57; 25: 62; 26: 37; 29: 28; 33: 159, 161, 166; 36: 189; 58: 154;
LYCOPERDON   marginatum   46: 320; 49: 166;
LYCOPERDON   molle   12: 214; 14: 113, 126, 226; 18: 13; 19: 17; 25: 188; 43: 93; 52: 213; 73: 31;
LYCOPERDON   molle var. atropurpureum   14: 111;
LYCOPERDON   mundula   46: 320;
LYCOPERDON   muscorum   7: 192; 17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   nigrescens   68: 17;
LYCOPERDON   omnium minimum   10: 144;
LYCOPERDON   pachydermum   64: 66, 70;
LYCOPERDON   perlatum   4: 109; 14: 106, 226; 18: 12, 13; 19: 15, 16, 19; 29: 153, 154, 155; 30: 56; 32: 223; 33: 166; 35: 199; 38: 220; 41: 51; 42: 115, 158; 44: 141, 209; 46: 177, 182, 185, 286; 52: 5, 213, 215; 63: 258; 65: 203, 211; 67: 202; 68: 17; 73: 31; 75: 122, 124, 125, 128;
LYCOPERDON   perlatum var. albidum   14: 113;
LYCOPERDON   perlatum var. nigrescens   17: 204; 33: 166;
LYCOPERDON   pilatii   7: 146;
LYCOPERDON   polymorphum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   pusillum   1: 50, 51; 3: 46, 49; 4: 23; 8: 144; 17: 203; 18: 112, 116; 32: 223; 33: 157;
LYCOPERDON   pyriforme   4: 109; 8: 86; 9: 99; 14: 88, 106, 226; 15: 17; 18: 163; 26: 37; 27: 222; 29: 28; 35: 110; 44: 141; 46: 177, 183, 184, 288, 289; 52: 8; 56: 276; 63: 258; 65: 203; 67: 202; 68: 17;
LYCOPERDON   pyriforme var. acuminatum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   pyriforme var. desmazierii   27: 222;
LYCOPERDON   pyriforme var. icterinum   46: 324;
LYCOPERDON   pyriforme var. serotinum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   pyriforme var. tesselatum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   rimulatum   17: 203, 204;
LYCOPERDON   rufum   22: 138;
LYCOPERDON   serotinum   17: 204;
LYCOPERDON   spadiceum   1: 50, 51; 3: 46; 8: 122; 13: 155; 14: 71, 104, 224, 227, 228; 15: 96; 18: 9, 15, 110, 112, 116; 32: 208, 223;
LYCOPERDON   tabellatum   46: 320;
LYCOPERDON   umbrinum   14: 76, 126; 17: 204; 25: 188; 52: 11;
LYCOPERDON   umbrinum var. hirtellum   14: 76;
LYCOPERDON   velatum   14: 75; 25: 62;
LYCOPERDON   xerophilum   3: 46;

LYLEA     33: 146;
LYLEA   tetracoila   33: 146; 61: 88;

LYOMYCES   crustosus   73: 31;
LYOMYCES   juniperi   72: 83, 87, 89, 90, 92;
LYOMYCES   sambuci   67: 146; 73: 75;

LYOPHYLLUM     4: 80; 5: 120; 10: 181; 15: 225; 16: 157; 18: 13, 233; 19: 16, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238; 20: 127; 21: 53, 54; 23: 79, 205; 26: 123, 211, 212; 28: 175; 29: 81; 30: 52, 228; 31: 33; 34: 58, 59; 36: 7, 186; 37: 175; 41: 51; 43: 30, 51, 55, 56, 57; 44: 88, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224;
LYOPHYLLUM   aggregatum   19: 128, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238;
LYOPHYLLUM   ambustum   14: 104; 23: 205;
LYOPHYLLUM   atratum   14: 79;
LYOPHYLLUM   caerulescens   43: 55, 56;
LYOPHYLLUM   carbonarium   23: 205;
LYOPHYLLUM   connatum   14: 126; 28: 175; 29: 81; 44: 88, 221;
LYOPHYLLUM   crassifolium   43: 52;
LYOPHYLLUM   decastes   28: 175; 43: 56; 44: 222, 223; 65: 203;
LYOPHYLLUM   deliberatum   52: 5;
LYOPHYLLUM   erosum   10: 180, 183; 26: 212;
LYOPHYLLUM   gibberosum   14: 96; 23: 205;
LYOPHYLLUM   immundum   14: 225; 43: 57;
LYOPHYLLUM   infumatum   14: 73, 112, 125, 225;
LYOPHYLLUM   inolens   20: 127;
LYOPHYLLUM   ionides var. conicosporum   30: 228;
LYOPHYLLUM   leucophaeatum   65: 199, 203;
LYOPHYLLUM   loricatum   15: 225; 36: 186;
LYOPHYLLUM   ovisporum   43: 56;
LYOPHYLLUM   ozes   14: 77, 225; 21: 53; 23: 205;
LYOPHYLLUM   paelochroum   43: 55, 57; 52: 8, 13;
LYOPHYLLUM   palustre   14: 96; 16: 157; 18: 223; 21: 54; 23: 79; 26: 123; 65: 47;
LYOPHYLLUM   plexipes f. atrum   26: 211;
LYOPHYLLUM   plexipes f. typicum   10: 180;
LYOPHYLLUM   rancidum   5: 120; 10: 29, 181; 14: 77, 225; 19: 16;
LYOPHYLLUM   semitale   18: 13; 31: 33;
LYOPHYLLUM   shimeji   75: 85, 91, 92, 96;
LYOPHYLLUM   sphaerosporum   23: 205;
LYOPHYLLUM   transforme   52: 8;
LYOPHYLLUM   ulmarium   14: 73; 30: 52; 34: 58, 59; 36: 186; 41: 51; 44: 222;

LYSURUS     17: 203; 20: 242; 28: 181, 182, 183;
LYSURUS   archeri   12: 122;
LYSURUS   gardneri   17: 203; 20: 242; 28: 181, 182, 183;

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