Search for "PERINI C.": 3 articles found.
PERINI C., SALERNI E., CANTINI D., ANTONINI D., ANTONINI M., BISTOCCHI G., ARCANGELI A., PADULA R., ANGELES FLORES G., VENANZONI R., ANGELINI P. (2021): New insights confirming the presence of Myriostoma coliforme in Italy. [Basidiomycota, gasteroid fungi, morphology, molecular characters, red list evaluation, central Italy.] Czech Mycology 73(2): 203-214 (published: 2nd December, 2021)
The genus Myriostoma, until recently regarded as monotypic, is nowadays considered to be a polytypic genus, in which six species with a distinct geographic distribution have been distinguished. Myriostoma coliforme has been demonstrated to be restricted to the Holarctic realm. The main objective of the present study is to identify new finds from Umbria and Tuscany. Based on both macro- and micro-morphological features they were identified to be M. coliforme s. str., which was also confirmed by molecular analysis (ITS nrDNA). Thanks to this investigation this rather rare saprotroph has shown to be present at a few sites and seems to be extinct at some others. A continuing decrease in the already small total population size is foreseen. An assessment at the regional level proposes the IUCN category Near Threatened.
SALERNI E., LAGANÀ A., PERINI C., DE DOMINICIS V. (2000): Effects of various forestry operations on the fungal flora of fir woods - first results. [Species diversity, macromycetes, forestry operations, fir woods] Czech Mycology 52(3): 209-218 (published: 7th December, 2000)
The first results of the effects of some parameters on the composition of the fungal flora in Abies alba Miller woods are reported. Medium thinning and removal litter seems to have contributed to a slight increase in species diversity. Moreover, the results suggest that this type of study should be continued and extended to other areas, to obtain a large amount of data.
LAGANÀ A., SALERNI E., BARLUZZI C., PERINI C., DE DOMINICIS V. (2000): Mycocoenological studies in Mediterranean forest ecosystems: calcicolous deciduous oak woods of central-southern Tuscany (Italy). [mycocoenology, calcicolous deciduous oak woods, Mediterranean] Czech Mycology 52(1): 1-16 (published: 21st January, 2000)
The results of mycocoenological studies carried out in calcicolous deciduous oak woods of central-southern Tuscany are reported. Comparison with there sults of studies in other for est ecosystems of the same area revealed exclusive differential species of deciduous oak woods and clarified the knowledge on mycocoenoses of central-southern Tuscany. The obtained in formation on individual species is also useful for understanding the relatively unexplored field of the ecology of macrofungi.
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