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Probable match (100%) "HAUSKNECHT": 5 articles found.
HAUSKNECHT A., ANTONÍN V., POLČÁK J. (2007): A new, conspicuously coloured Bolbitius species from the Czech Republic. [Agaricales, Bolbitiaceae, Bolbitius psittacinus, new species, Czech Republic, Moravia] Czech Mycology 59(1): 1-9 (published: 28th June, 2007)
A new species, Bolbitius psittacinus Hauskn., Antonín et Polčák, found in the Hostýnské vrchy hills (NW Moravia, Czech Republic) is described. It belongs to subgen. Bolbitius and is characterised by having a wrinkled, very variably coloured pileus with green, orange, yellow, ochre, olive and red colours and transitions between them. It grows on Fagus sylvatica sawdust and wood remnants.A comparison with some similar extra-European species is given.
HAUSKNECHT A. (2001): The problem of Pholiotina sulcatipes - P. aberrans. [Agaricales, Bolbitiaceae, Pholiotina, Pholiotina sulcatipes, P. aberrans, P. rimosa. - Mykoflora of Europe, North America] Czech Mycology 52(4): 299-306 (published: 5th March, 2001)
After revising the type collections of Agaricus sulcatipes, Conocybe aberrans and Galera rimosa (besides a great number of other European collections), the three taxa are considered to represent one species, viz. Pholiotina sulcatipes (Peck) Bon. A compiled description and microscopical drawings are given.
HAUSKNECHT A. (1999): Revision von Velenovskýs Galera-Arten, die den Gattungen Conocybe und Pholiotina angehören. [Agaricales, Bolbitiaceae, Galera, Conocybe, Pholiotina, Velenovský - Mycoflora of the Czech Republic] Czech Mycology 51(1): 41-70 (published: 29th January, 1999)
All species of Galera described by Velenovský and belonging to the genera Conocybe and Pholiotina are critically revised. Of 31 species cited in Velenovský’s papers many are considered dubious, the herbarium material being in a too bad state to allow a correct interpretation; in a number of cases such material is even not existing. Two species are described as new, nine new combinations are proposed and six species are reduced to synonyms.
HAUSKNECHT A., ZUCCHERELLI A. (1996): Ein interesanter Fund von Marasmiellus omphaliformis aus Italien. [Agaricales, Tricholomataceae, Marasmiellus omphaliformis, Italy] Czech Mycology 48(4): 257-260 (published: 14th March, 1996)
Marasmiellus omphaliformis (Kühn.) Noordel., a very rare species collected only once before in Europe (France), has been rediscovered recently in Italy. This collection perfectly agrees with the conception given by Antonín and Noordeloos (1993), but is remarkable by the presence of true cheilocystidia. A full macroscopical description is given and drawings of microscopical features are provided.
ANTONÍN V., HAUSKNECHT A. (1994): First European records of Hohenbuehelia angustata (Berk.) Sing. [Basidiomycetes, Tricholomataceae, Hohenbuehelia angustata, Austria, Czech Republic] Czech Mycology 47(1): 39-42 (published: 6th January, 1994)
First European records of Hohenbuehelia angustata (Berk.) Sing, from Austria and the Czech Republic are published. Macroscopical and microscopical features are described according to collected specimens. European findings are compared with North American collection and with description in recent literature.
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