Czech Mycology 74(1): 77–92             Article published online: 22nd April, 2022 doi: 10.33585/cmy.74106


Cyphella digitalis (Fungi, Agaricales) – new data on ITS barcode, ecology and distribution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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Records of Cyphella digitalis from the Czech Republic and Slovakia are summarised and discussed. ITS barcode of two collections was obtained to document their conspecificity with the only so far sequenced sample originating from the Alps. In the study area, C. digitalis is rare with ten localities known from the 20th century and nine recorded in the 21st century. They are situated in the Bohemian Forest and several mountain ranges of the Western and Eastern Carpathians. The elevation range of the records is 525–1200 m a.s.l. All records are from Abies alba, mostly branches attached to freshly fallen trunks and sticking out into the air. Basidiomata occur in Fagus-Abies or Fagus-Abies-Picea forests from September to March with a peak in September–November. Most stands represent old-growth forests under protection. Ecology and distribution are discussed in a broad European context. The much lower number of records in the Czech Republic and Slovakia compared to more western countries could have, among other things, also biogeographical reasons, i.e. decrease in occurrence with increasing continentality to the east.

Keywords:     Cyphellaceae, Abies alba, old-growth forests, substrate, phenology.

Article history: received 21 February 2022, revised 30 March 2022, accepted 3 April 2022, published online 22 April 2022 (including Electronic supplement)

Full citation:

Holec J., Kunca V., Kříž M., Zehnálek P. (2022): Cyphella digitalis (Fungi, Agaricales) – new data on ITS barcode, ecology and distribution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Czech Mycology 74(1): 77–92. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.74106

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