Czech Mycology 47(4): 293–302
Article published: 16th February, 1995
doi: 10.33585/cmy.47407
Production of abscisic acid and cytokinins in static liquid culture by Schizophyllum commune.
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The superficialcultivation of fungus Schizophyllum commune Fr. in static liquid cultures showed production of abscisic acid - type inhibitor (ABA) and isopentyl - adenine type cytokinins (2iP) by this fungus. The analyses were done after 28 days of cultivation.
Keywords: production abscisic acid, cytokinins, static liquid culture, Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Full citation:
Janitor A., Vizárová G. (1994): Production of abscisic acid and cytokinins in static liquid culture by Schizophyllum commune. – Czech Mycology 47(4): 293–302.
doi: 10.33585/cmy.47407
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