Czech Mycology 48(1): 11–19             Article published: 16th May, 1995 doi: 10.33585/cmy.48103


Worldwide occurrence of psychoactive mushrooms - an update.

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An update is given on there corded psilocybin - and ibotenic acid containing mushrooms on a worldwide scale. Many new psilocybian species have been discovered during the last 15 years, including representatives of the genera Psilocybe, Panaeolus, Inocybe, Gymnopilus and Pluteus, whereas only Amanita regalis was identified as a new and potent source of ibotenic acid. Recreational use of psychoactive mushrooms has spread from the USA to Europe, but here, like anywhere else, it remains a marginal phenomenon. The mushrooms commonly used are limited to a few species: in Europe it is almost invariably Psilocybe semilanceata, whereas in the USA Ps. cubensis, is widely used. Locally, Ps. stuntzii and Panaeolus subbalteatus have also gained some popularity. Misuse in South America or Asia is virtually unknown, inspite of the easy availability of psychoactive fungi. The trade in “magic mushrooms” e.g. Ps. cubensis and Copelandiacyanescens on the Thai island of Koh Samui, or in Indonesian Bali only caters to European and American tourists. Finally, young people and members of the drug-using subculture in Australia and New Zealand have also become aware of the psychoactive fungi growing in their respective countries

Keywords:     Psychoactive mushrooms, psilocybin, ibotenic acid, recreational use

Full citation:

Stijve T. (1995): Worldwide occurrence of psychoactive mushrooms - an update. – Czech Mycology 48(1): 11–19. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.48103

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