Czech Mycology 48(1): 77–86             Article published: 16th May, 1995 doi: 10.33585/cmy.48111


Micromycetes in archives and book depositories in the Czech Republic.

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Species representation of micromycetes and their frequency were studied in the period 1981-1988 in four archives in Prague and near Prague and in one depository in West Bohemia. Representants of genera Penicillium, Cladosporium, Alternaría, Aspergillus, Mucor and Rhizopus isolated by sediment plate method and from the surfaces of the archive depots were the most frequent in all observed spaces. The higher number of the most frequent species was always found in older and for the archive purposes less convenient buildings, while inside the new building the number of the most frequent species was very low. In suitable conditions only a limited number of species for which the given specific conditions are convenient, act as destructive. They are mostly penicillia which form coherent growing covers on the backs of the books and cartons. Spores of these fungi released by their growth contaminate the atmosphere of these spaces and can cause allergies in sensitive persons.

Keywords:     Micromycetes, archives, allergies, Czech Republic

Full citation:

Fassatiová O. (1995): Micromycetes in archives and book depositories in the Czech Republic. – Czech Mycology 48(1): 77–86. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.48111

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