Czech Mycology 49(3-4): 207–227             Article published: 23rd May, 1997 doi: 10.33585/cmy.49306


New records of Pyrenomycetes from the Czech and Slovak Republics II. Some rare and interesting species of the orders Dothideales and Sordariales.

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The paper deals with 12 lignicolous species of Pyrenomycetes; Actidium hysterioides Fr., Actidium nitidum (Cooke et Ellis) Zogg, Capronia borealis M. E. Barr, Capronia chlorospora (Ellis et Everh.) M. E. Barr, Cercophora caudata (Currey) Lundq., Farlowiella carmichaelina (Berk.) Sacc., Gloniopsis curvata (Fr.) Sacc., Mytilinidion rhenanum Fuckel, Pseudotrichia mutabilis (Pers.: Fr.) Wehm., Rebentischia massalongii (Mont.) Sacc., Trematosphaeria fissa (Fuckel) Winter and Trematosphaeria morthieri Fuckel, most of which are reported from the Czech and Slovak Republics for the first time. Species are listed with localities, descriptions, illustrations and taxonomical and ecological notes. Most of them occur rarely in both countries or have very interesting habitats. Capronia borealis and Capronia chlorospora, so far known only from the temperate zone of North America, are reported from Europe for the first time. The systematic position of these species is arranged according to Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993).

Keywords:     New records, lignicolous Pyrenomycetes, Dothideales, Sordariales, Czech and Slovak Republics

Full citation:

Réblová M., Svrček M. (1997): New records of Pyrenomycetes from the Czech and Slovak Republics II. Some rare and interesting species of the orders Dothideales and Sordariales. – Czech Mycology 49(3-4): 207–227. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.49306

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