Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 161–172             Article published: 22nd December, 2003 doi: 10.33585/cmy.55302


Gymnopilus igniculus - find from the Czech Republic and notes on its variability.

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Gymnopilus igniculus Deneyer, P.-A. Moreau et Wuilbaut (Agaricales, Cortinariaceae), a violet-coloured species described in 2002 from Belgium, was found in the city of Ostrava, part Radvanice, Czech Republic. The fruitbodies grew on decaying wood of Fraxinus in a unique habitat - a burning coal mine dump, the surface of which reached about 45'C. The most important characters of the fruitbodies are the purplish to vinaceous- or reddish-brown colour of the pileus covering which is tomentose-fibrillose when young and fibrillose-squamulose to distinctly scaly at maturity, they ellow pileus ground, the absence of any ring, the whitish membranaceous to fibrillose veil, the stipe distinctly longitudinally purplish brown fibrillose on the dirty white or slightly violaceous ground, the context yellowish with reddish-violaceous tinge and fungoid smell, there latively large spores [8.0-9.5(-ll) X 6.0-6.8(-7.2) fim] with rough verrucose to verrucose-rugulose ornamentation, the variable shape of cheilocystidia and the absence of pleurocystidia. A detailed description of macro- and microcharacters, colour photographs of fresh fruitbodies and line drawings are provided. Some characters deviating from the Belgian collections are discussed and remarks on other European finds of Gymnopilus with violet colours are added.

Keywords:     fungi, Agaricales, Cortinariaceae, violet-coloured Gymnopilus, Europe, taxonomy, ecology, coal mine dumps

Full citation:

Holec J., Antonín V., Graca M., Moreau P. -A. (2003): Gymnopilus igniculus - find from the Czech Republic and notes on its variability. – Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 161–172. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.55302

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