Czech Mycology 65(1): 45–67             Article published online: 10th June, 2013 doi: 10.33585/cmy.65104


Rare macromycetes from raised bogs in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. (Czech Republic).

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During a mycobiota study of raised bogs in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts., the rare fungi Omphaliaster borealis, Galerina sphagnicola, Clavaria argillacea var. sphagnicola, Ramariopsis subarctica and Ascocoryne turficola were found. Descriptions and figures of microscopic characters, photos and a summary of the knowledge on the ecology and distribution of these species in Europe, and a brief comparison with similar species are given. The boreo-alpine species Omphaliaster borealis is reported from the Czech Republic for the first time. It can be confused with Arrhenia onisca in the field. Another species new to the Czech Republic, the strictly sphagnicolous Galerina sphagnicola, can be overlooked and confused with several other sphagnicolous Galerina species. The newly reported variety of Clavaria argillacea, var. sphagnicola, is distinguished from the nominate variety by shape and size of its spores, as well as its habit and ecology. Ramariopsis subarctica was known in the Czech Republic so far only from the Giant Mts. (Krkonoše). Within Europe, the two Czech localities, along with a find in the High Tatra Mts. (Slovakia), are the only ones known outside Fennoscandia. Ascocoryne turficola is reported from Moravia for the first time.

Keywords:     macrofungi, peatland, raised bog, distribution

Full citation:

Vašutová M., Dvořák D., Beran M. (2013): Rare macromycetes from raised bogs in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. (Czech Republic). – Czech Mycology 65(1): 45–67. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.65104

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