Czech Mycology 73(2): 121–135             Article published online: 1st July, 2021 doi: 10.33585/cmy.73201


Remarks on taxonomy and ecology of Dentipratulum bialoviesense based on records from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic.

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Two recent records of the rare fungus Dentipratulum bialoviesense from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic were documented morphologically and molecularly. One collection from the type locality, Białowieża virgin forest in Poland, was used for morphological comparison.The Boubínský prales collections agree with the Białowieża collection in macro- and micromorphological characters and ecology, namely their growth on decaying wood of Picea abies in natural forest. Simultaneously, Boubínský prales collections clearly differ in their ITS rDNA region from the only published Dentipratulum sequence based on a collection from France, originally identified as D. bialoviesense but currently representing a paratype of the recently described species D. crystallinum. Consequently, the Boubínský prales sequences most likely represent the first sequence data of D. bialoviesense. Notes on the taxonomy and ecology of D. bialoviesense and D. crystallinum are added, suggesting that the identity of all collections should be verified molecularly in future, especially those from wood of broadleaved trees in France. Photographs of dried basidiomata and key micromorphological characters of D. bialoviesense from Boubínský prales and Białowieża are provided.

Keywords:     Fungi, Basidiomycota, Russulales, Auriscalpiaceae, ITS rDNA, natural forests.

Article history: received 26 April 2021, revised 10 June 2021, accepted 11 June 2021, published online 1 July 2021

Full citation:

Holec J., Zehnálek P. (2021): Remarks on taxonomy and ecology of Dentipratulum bialoviesense based on records from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic. – Czech Mycology 73(2): 121–135. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.73201

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