Search for "CAMBONI M.": 1 article found.
MIGLIOZZI V., CAMBONI M. (2002): The mycoflora of Roman coastal woodlands. 7th contribution: some species of the WWF oasis of Macchiagrande - Chaetocalathus craterellus and Crepidotus calolepis. [Basidiomycetes, Chaetocalathus, Crepidotus, Chaetocalathuscraterellus, Crepidotus calolepis, taxonomy, Italy, Latium] Czech Mycology 54(1-2): 93-100 (published: 3rd October, 2002)
In this seventh contribution dedicated to the knowledge of the myc oflora of Roman coastal woodlands, the authors describe two species collected in the Macchiagrande (RM) World Wildlife Fund oasis, i.e. Chaetocalathus craterellus and Crepidotus calolepis. The twospeciesare described in detail and illustrated with (colour photographs and ) line drawings; their taxonomy is briefly discussed.
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