Search for "AL-BAHRY S.N.": 1 article found.
AL-ARAIMI S.H., AL-HATMI A.M.S., ELSHAFIE A.E., AL-BAHRY S.N., AL-WAHAIBI Y.M., AL-BIMANI A.S., DE HOOG S. (2019): New record of Aureobasidium mangrovei from plant debris in the Sultanate of Oman. [Ascomycota, Dothideales, ITS, LSU, morphology, physiological characteristics, saprotroph.] Czech Mycology 71(2): 219-229 (published: 19th December, 2019)
Aureobasidium mangrovei was isolated from plant debris in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The isolate was characterised and compared with related species of this genus for its growth, colony morphology, and micromorphology. Molecular analysis of the LSU and ITS rDNA supported final identification of the isolate. Our record is the second find in the world and the first in the Sultanate of Oman. DNA sequences of the isolated strain showed 99% (ITS) and 100% (LSU) similarity, respectively, with the sequences of the type isolates from Iran, as well as similar growth and colony morphology. A complete microscopic characterisation, which was not described for the Iranian strain, was made. The Iranian strains were isolated from saline habitats of the protected Hara forests, while our strain was isolated from the leaves of freshwater habitats. A comparison of growth characteristics of both strains under different conditions is provided.
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