Search for "CHANG I.-M.": 1 article found.
YAMAURA Y., CHANG I.-M. (1995): Protective action against Amanita poisoning by iridoid glucoside, aucubin. [Aucubin, antidote, Amanita poisoning, hepatic injury, beagle dog] Czech Mycology 48(1): 67-72 (published: 16th May, 1995)
Aucubin, an iridoid glucoside, exhibits significant protective activities against Amanita poisoningin beagledogs. The post-injection of aucubin helps beaglessurvivefrom lethalpoisoning caused byAmanita virosa. Protective activities of aucubin resultfrom primarily preventing hepatic injury caused by Amanita poisoning, and is partly due to a protective affect of aucubin on the depression of m-RNA biosynthesis in the liver caused by a-amanitin intoxication.
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