Search for "DORT K. VAN": 0 articles found.
Probable match (66%) "ÓDOR": 1 article found.
ADAMČÍK S., AUDE E., BÄSSLER C., CHRISTENSEN M., DORT K.VAN, FRITZ Ö., GLEJDURA S., HEILMANN-CLAUSEN J., HOLEC J., JANČOVIČOVÁ S., KUNCA V., LACKOVIČOVÁ A., LÜTH M., ÓDOR P. (2016): Fungi and lichens recorded during the Cryptogam Symposium on Natural Beech Forests, Slovakia 2011. [old-growth beech forests, diversity, conservation, indicator, red-list, Europe] Czech Mycology 68(1): 1-40 (published: 1st February, 2016)
In September 2011, an international team of cryptogam experts visited seven national nature reserves in five mountain areas of Slovakia: Havešová and Stužica in the Poloniny Mts., Vihorlat in the Vihorlatské vrchy Mts., Oblík in the Slanské vrchy Mts., Dobročský prales and Klenovský Vepor in the Veporské vrchy Mts. and Badínsky prales in the Kremnické vrchy Mts. The reserves were selected to represent examples of the best protected old-growth beech forests in the country. The aim was to study the diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi on fallen beech logs and epiphytic lichens on standing beech trees. In total, 215 fungal species and 128 lichens were recorded on beech wood and bark, and 27 fungi and 26 lichens on additional substrates. The site of the highest conservation value is Stužica with 126 fungi and 79 lichens recorded on beech, of which 12 fungi and 19 lichens are indicators of high nature conservation value. Combined with historical records, a total of 19 non-lichenised fungal indicators are now reported from the site, making it the highest ranked natural beech forest in Europe. The second most important reserve for fungal diversity is Havešová with 121 species, including 14 indicator species recorded on beech wood. For lichens, the second most important reserve is Klenovský Vepor with 69 species including 18 lichen indicators recorded on beech. Nine fungus species are here reported as new to Slovakia: Asterostroma medium, Entoloma hispidulum, E. pseudoparasiticum, Gloeohypochnicium analogum, Hohenbuehelia valesiaca, Hymenochaete ulmicola, Hypocrea parmastoi, Melanomma spiniferum and Scutellinia colensoi. Lichen species Alyxoria ochrocheila is reported as new to Slovakia and Lecanographa amylacea, which was considered extinct in the Slovak Red list, was also recorded. This is the first list of wood-inhabiting fungi and epiphytic lichens of old-growth beech forests in Slovakia, and hence an important contribution to the exploration of biodiversity in Slovakia.
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