Search for "FAMILONI T.V.": 1 article found.
FAMILONI T.V., OGIDI C.O., AKINYELE B.J., ONIFADE A.K. (2018): Evaluation of yield, biological efficiency and proximate composition of Pleurotus species cultivated on different wood dusts. [edible fungi, nutraceuticals, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pleurotus “florida”, agro wastes] Czech Mycology 70(1): 33-45 (published: 26th January, 2018)
Cultivation of edible fungi, notably Pleurotus species, have been considered as alternative food supplement due to their functional qualities. In this study, the effect of different substrates on the yield, biological efficiency and proximate composition of Pleurotus spp. was evaluated. Proximate analysis of the substrates and cultivated mushrooms was carried out using standard methods. Pleurotus ostreatus harvested from Terminalia ivorensis and Triplochiton scleroxylon had the highest yield of 46.97 g and 45.81 g, respectively, with a biological efficiency (BE) of 48.83% and 48.40%, which were significantly different from other mushrooms cultivated on wood dusts.Pleurotus pulmonarius cultivated on T. ivorensis and Gossypium hirsutum had a BE of 43.54 % and 42.28%, which are similar values to the BE of P. “florida” (43.09 %) cultivated on Ceiba pentandra.Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated on Terminalia ivorensis and Alstonia congensis have the highest protein and crude fibre contents of 30.09% and 21.06%, respectively. Pleurotus “florida” harvested from Gossypium hirsutum, Persea americana and T. ivorensis have the highest values of moisture (4.91%), fat (3.96%) and ash (13.98%), respectively, while P. pulmonarius cultivated on Ficus mucuso has a carbohydrate content of 57.66%. The cultivated Pleurotus mushrooms on wood dusts are means of providing foods that are richly endowed with nutritive components, which can be supplemented to low dietary foods to eliminate malnutrition.
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