Search for "HARIHARAN G.N.": 1 article found.
BALAJI P., HARIHARAN G.N. (2013): Checklist of microlichens in Bolampatti II Forest Range (Siruvani Hills), Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. [microlichen diversity, substratum, forest types, photobiont, conservation, Western Ghats] Czech Mycology 65(2): 219-232 (published: 20th December, 2013)
A checklist of 137 microlichen species is provided based on the identification of specimens collected from three different vegetation types within the Bolampatti II Forest range (Siruvani Hills), Western Ghats. The dominant family is Porinaceae with 23 species. The dominant genus is Porina with 21 species. The diversity (87) and number of specific species (31) are highest at the Moist Mixed Deciduous Forest (MMDF) type, while there are about 30 lichen species common to all three different forest types studied. A total of 58 lichen species are new to this area. Study on habitat preferences of the lichens showed that most lichens grow on bark (75 %), followed by rock and leaf substrata. Concerning photobiont distribution, most Trebouxia containing lichens were found in the Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest (DMDF), while Trentepohlia is most frequent in MMDF. The presented number and types of lichens, and their ecological preferences will be a basis for conducting their future conservation and biomonitoring studies in various habitats of India.
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