Search for "ISMAIL M. A.": 3 articles found.
ISMAIL M.A., ABDEL-HAFEZ S.I.I., HUSSEIN N.A., ABDEL-HAMEED N.A. (2013): Contribution to physiological and biochemical diagnostics of Fusarium taxa commonly isolated in Egypt. [Fusarium, taxonomy, physiological features, acetylmethylcarbinol, diagnostic] Czech Mycology 65(1): 133-150 (published: 10th June, 2013)
Fusarium isolates belonging to 24 species and 8 sections were subjected to 11 growth, physiological and biochemical tests (166 isolates). All species were able to grow on 25% Glycerol nitrate agar (G25N), Mannitol medium, Czapek iprodione dichloran agar (CZID) and Dichloran chloramphenicol peptone agar (DCPA). Growth rate, colony colour and reverse on G25N and CZID were promising diagnostic criteria for separating species within sections. The growth rate and reverse on Mannitol agar was diagnostic not only for separation of F. oxysporum from F. solani, but also for separation of many other Fusarium species treated. The ability to grow on Tannin-sucrose agar could distinguish some species of sections Liseola and Sporotrichiella. Acid production on Creatine-sucrose agar distinguished some species of section Liseola and F. trichothecioides of section Discolor. Acetylmethylcarbinol production revealed for the first time that all isolates of F. subglutinans can produce this substance, while most remaining isolates lacked this ability. Tests for peroxidase, urease and pyrocatechol oxidase proved to be very useful. The phosphatase enzyme seems to be common in Fusarium species and therefore it is only diagnostic for F. camptoceras (negative results). Some physiological features could be used as criteria to distinguish some sections or species within the same section.
TALIGOOLA H.K., ISMAIL M.A., CHEBON S.K. (2011): Mycobiota and aflatoxins associated with imported rice grains stored in Uganda. [rice grain, xerophilic fungi, nephrotoxigenic penicillia, Fusarium, aflatoxins] Czech Mycology 63(1): 93-107 (published: 10th August, 2011)
Milled rice grains imported into Uganda from Pakistan were investigated for natural contamination by fungi and aflatoxins. The direct plating method using five isolation media was used to enumerate and isolate the fungi during a 270-day storage period. Fungi were isolated and identified to species level and the percentage contamination levels were calculated. A total of 35 species belonging to 16 genera were recorded. The broadest species spectrum were found in the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Eurotium and Fusarium, which were represented by 11, 7, 4, and 3 species, respectively. Throughout the storage period, xerophilic fungi including Aspergillus candidus, Eurotium amstelodami and E. chevalieri were predominantly isolated. Species of the genus Penicillium (particularly P. pinophilum) and its teleomorph Talaromyces ranked second in predominance, while Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium spp. and other field fungi occurred only sporadically. Aflatoxins were recorded in rice samples during most storage periods with one sample recording 20–50 ppb. The moisture content increased in rice grains attaining values of over 14 % from the 180th day of storage onwards. A positive correlation was observed between moisture content and incidence of xerophiles, including A. candidus and E. amstelodami.
ISMAIL M.A., TALIGOOLA H.K., NAKAMYA R. (2008): Mycobiota associated with baby food products imported into Uganda with special reference to aflatoxigenic aspergilli and aflatoxins. [mycobiota, aflatoxigenic aspergilli, aflatoxins, imported baby foods] Czech Mycology 60(1): 75-89 (published: 4th July, 2008)
Five baby food products imported into Uganda were collected from different shops and investigated for contamination by fungi and aflatoxins. Forty-two species belonging to 21 genera in addition to some unidentified fungi were recovered on dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol agar. Cornflakes followed by Cerelac were the most heavily contaminated products while Heinz mixed cereal was the least. Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Fusarium tricinctum and Penicillium oxalicum were the most predominant fungi. On the other hand, using Aspergillus flavus/parasiticus agar, 34 % of the samples were positive for aflatoxigenic aspergilli. Aflatoxigenic aspergilli constituted 78.8 % of all aspergilli and 4.9 % of all contaminating fungi. Samples from all products were contaminated with aflatoxigenic aspergilli, but samples of Cerelac were the most, while those of Porridge oats were the least. Aflatoxin analysis of food samples revealed that 9 out of 13 analysed samples were contaminated with aflatoxins in the range of 1–10 ppb (6 samples) and 11–20 ppb (3 samples). Only samples of Cerelac were aflatoxin–free, although aflatoxigenic aspergilli were detected in some samples. It was noted that samples of Cerelac had the least moisture content compared to the other products. Contaminated foods constitute a health hazard to human consumption. These foods, especially those for babies, must therefore be examined at regular intervals in order to assess their hygienic quality.
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