Search for "KARAMCHAND K. S.": 2 articles found.
RAVIKUMAR M., SRIDHAR K.R., SIVAKUMAR T., KARAMCHAND K.S., SIVAKUMAR N., VELLAIYAN R. (2009): Diversity of filamentous fungi on coastal woody debris after tsunami on the southeast coast of India. [tsunami, Bay of Bengal, southeast coast of India, woody litter, fungal diversity] Czech Mycology 61(1): 107-115 (published: 29th September, 2009)
Five coastal locations on the southeast coast of India severely disturbed after the tsunami on December 26, 2004 were surveyed for the occurrence of filamentous fungi on woody debris by means of short-term (1 month) and long-term (12 months) damp incubation. Short-term incubation revealed 26 mitosporic fungi (8 genera) ranging from 14 to 17 taxa per location with a total frequency of occurrence between 0.4 and 5.6 %. Aspergillus taxa were dominant and six of them were common to all locations.Long-term incubation yielded 35 fungi (25 genera) (22 ascomycetes, 1 basidiomycete and 12 mitosporic fungi). The total fungal taxa per location ranged from 25 to 28 with a total frequency of occurrence of 0.8 to 46.8 %. Corollospora gracilis was the most dominant ascomycete (46.8 %), while Cirrenalia tropicalis and Dictyosporium pelagicum dominated among mitosporic fungi (18 %). The total frequency of occurrence of 11 ascomycetes and four mitosporic fungi was above 10 %. Twelve ascomycetes and two mitosporic fungi were common to all locations. The richness of fungi was higher after long-term than short-term incubation. The occurrence of 61 fungal taxa in this study suggests that the tsunami-dumped woody litter on the southeast coast of India might have at least partially originated from the ocean, thus representing a mosaic of fungi existing in seawater and sediments.
KARAMCHAND K.S., SRIDHAR K.R. (2008): Water-borne conidial fungi inhabiting tree holes of the west coast and Western Ghats of India. [tree holes, canopy, leaf litter, water-borne fungi, conidia, diversity] Czech Mycology 60(1): 63-74 (published: 4th July, 2008)
The present study focuses on water-borne conidial fungi associated with leaf litter in riparian tree holes of the west coast (Konaje) and Western Ghats (Sampaje) of India during dry (summer) and wet (monsoon) seasons. Out of a total of 34 fungal taxa recovered from leaf litter trapped in tree holes, 26 fully identified taxa constitute the first record for the tree hole habitat. Paired t-test revealed no significant difference in number of taxa (P = 0.1177) and conidial output (P = 0.1816) between Konaje and Sampaje tree holes, while they significantly differed between seasons of Konaje (P = 0.0258) and Sampaje (P = 0.0206). The Simpson and Shannon diversity of fungi were highest in Sampaje than Konaje tree holes. Tree-wise diversity of fungi revealed that banyan (Ficus benghalensis) tree holes are highly diverse during the summer and monsoon seasons in Konaje, but only during summer in Sampaje. In spite of a low conidial output, tree hole leaf litter of Konaje yielded 18 taxa against 20 taxa in the Konaje stream, wheras 29 taxa were recorded in Sampaje tree holes against 68 taxa in the Sampaje stream. The current study has been compared with earlier investigations on the occurrence of water-borne conidial fungi in tree canopies (e. g. intact leaves, leaf litter, tree holes, stemflow and throughfall).
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