Search for "SAMBYLA CH.N.": 1 article found.
VLASENKO A.V., SAMBYLA CH.N., NOVOZHILOV YU.K., VLASENKO V.A. (2021): Rare myxomycete species from Siberia and first record of Tubifera dimorphotheca in Russia. [morphology, new records, Novosibirsk Region, Republic of Tuva, SEM, slime moulds.] Czech Mycology 73(2): 215-228 (published: 2nd December, 2021)
The study documents finds of four rare myxomycete species: Tubifera dimorphotheca is reported for the first time from Russia and North Asia, Physarum auripigmentum from Siberia, Cribraria macrostipitata from Eastern Siberia, and Arcyria globosa from Western Siberia. The morphology of representative specimens of C. macrostipitata and P. auripigmentum was examined for the first time using scanning electron microscopy, and micrographs with relevant details of sporocarps and spores obtained for all four species are published. Additionally, these species are described and compared with morphologically similar species in the paper.
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