Search for "VOLOBUEV S.V.": 1 article found.
VOLOBUEV S.V., IVANUSHENKO YU.YU. (2020): Aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) on juniper on the Gunib Plateau, inner-mountain Dagestan. [Agaricomycetes, biodiversity, mountain habitat, Juniperus oblonga.] Czech Mycology 72(1): 83-93 (published: 4th June, 2020)
Aphyllophoroid fungi growing on Juniperus oblonga on the Gunib Plateau (1630–1910 m a.s.l.) were studied. An annotated list of 18 species in 14 genera of Agaricomycetes is presented. Among them, 17 species are recorded for the first time for the Plateau. Amphinema byssoides, Brevicellicium olivascens, Heterobasidion annosum s. str., Hyphodontia arguta, Lyomyces juniperi, Peniophora junipericola, Radulomyces confluens, Rhizoctonia fusispora, R. ochracea, Steccherinum fimbriatum, Tomentella atramentaria, T. badia and Tyromyces lacteus are reported as new to the Republic of Dagestan and the North-Eastern Caucasus. Rhizoctonia ochracea is listed for the first time for the Caucasus and for the third time in Russia.
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