Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie.
Currently contains 28306 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera .
Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)
Index usage instructions.
How to search...
At least 3 characters are required in the query.
Partial search is supported - it is NOT necessary to type whole keyword, and you doesn't even have to type the word from the beginning - you can start in the middle.
Multisearch supported - You can search for more keywords in one attempt - separate the keywords/phrases by comma (", "). Max 2 commas allowed in the query.
If no match is found, results are given for similar query (if found). Minimum query length required for "simsearch" to happen is 6 characters.
Index filtered by 'DIAPORTHE ' [52 matches found]:
12: 23 ,
26 ;
13: 154 ;
26: 44 ,
46 ,
54 ;
27: 86 ;
28: 3 ,
6 ,
10 ,
11 ,
15 ,
16 ,
17 ,
222 ;
31: 2 ;
35: 240 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE aesculi 49: 194 ,
195 ,
196 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE apiculata 28: 222 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE hranicensis 12: 24 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE hystrix 28: 3 ,
6 ,
10 ,
15 ,
16 ,
17 ;
31: 2 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE oxystoma 12: 23 ,
24 ,
25 ,
26 ;
27: 86 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE rostellata 28: 222 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE salicella 13: 154 ;
26: 44 ,
54 ;
28: 222 ;
CRYPTODIAPORTHE salicina 26: 44 ,
46 ,
54 ;
35: 240 ;
DIAPORTHE 11: 185 ;
13: 153 ,
154 ,
155 ,
157 ,
158 ,
218 ,
219 ,
221 ,
222 ;
18: 187 ,
188 ;
26: 44 ,
45 ,
54 ;
27: 86 ;
28: 1 ,
4 ,
6 ,
8 ,
11 ,
12 ,
13 ,
14 ,
15 ,
16 ,
17 ;
31: 1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 ;
35: 94 ,
97 ,
171 ;
45: 65 ;
55: 132 ;
57: 130 ;
63: 193 ;
65: 95 ;
73: 10 ,
102 ,
103 ;
DIAPORTHE alnea 27: 86 ;
DIAPORTHE arctii 13: 158 ;
DIAPORTHE carpini 13: 154 ,
155 ,
157 ;
DIAPORTHE cydoniicola 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE decedens 13: 157 ;
DIAPORTHE decipiens 13: 218 ;
DIAPORTHE densa 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE eres 13: 153 ;
35: 94 ,
97 ;
72: 72 ;
DIAPORTHE eucalyptorum 73: 98 ,
99 ,
103 ;
DIAPORTHE fasciculata 35: 171 ;
DIAPORTHE fibrosa 13: 155 ;
DIAPORTHE fleischhakii 74: 200 ;
DIAPORTHE fuchsiae 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE genistae 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE hranicensis 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE impulsa 13: 222 ;
28: 3 ,
6 ,
8 ,
11 ,
15 ,
17 ;
31: 1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 ;
61: 87 ;
DIAPORTHE insularis 35: 171 ;
DIAPORTHE leiphaemia 13: 155 ,
158 ,
222 ;
DIAPORTHE ligustri 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE ligustri-vulgaris 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE longicolla 73: 7 ,
8 ,
10 ,
97 ,
98 ,
99 ,
100 ;
DIAPORTHE mamiania 27: 86 ;
DIAPORTHE marginalis 27: 86 ;
DIAPORTHE niesslii 18: 187 ,
188 ;
DIAPORTHE padi 57: 313 ;
DIAPORTHE phaseolorum 65: 93 ;
DIAPORTHE phaseolorum var. sojae 45: 65 ;
DIAPORTHE pusilla 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE pustulata 13: 154 ;
28: 4 ,
6 ,
8 ,
12 ,
16 ,
17 ;
31: 1 ,
2 ,
3 ;
DIAPORTHE recedens 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE rhamnigena 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE rostellata 13: 153 ;
DIAPORTHE sarothamni 13: 157 ;
DIAPORTHE sordida 13: 218 ;
DIAPORTHE strumella 13: 158 ;
26: 44 ,
45 ,
54 ;
28: 4 ,
13 ,
17 ;
31: 2 ;
DIAPORTHE sulphurea 13: 221 ;
DIAPORTHE taleola 35: 171 ;
DIAPORTHE transiens 52: 55 ;
DIAPORTHE tulasnei 13: 157 ;
DIAPORTHE velata 13: 221 ;
DIAPORTHE woodii 45: 65 ;
PARADIAPORTHE artemisiae 72: 251 ,
252 ,
255 ,
257 ;
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