Search for "gannibal p.": 1 article found.
GANNIBAL P.B., KAZARTSEV I.A. (2013): Development of a PCR assay for amplification of mating-type loci of Alternaria spp. and related fungi. [population genetics, recombination, Ulocladium] Czech Mycology 65(1): 69-78 (published: 10th June, 2013)
A large number of ascomycete anamorphs including Alternaria spp. are considered asexual, but carry structurally conserved genes in a mating-type locus (MAT1) with two alternate idiomorphs, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2. Since the locus has lost its main function in many species, different directions of natural selection acting on the idiomorphs can be observed. Thus identification of mating types can be used in population biology studies. Also analysis of MAT1 locus sequences is needed for evolution and phylogeny reconstruction. Eighteen primers from previous works and this study were assessed for their ability to amplify MAT1 in 25 Alternaria and 7 Ulocladium, Embellisia and Alternariaster species. The most suitable primer pairs for 6 sections of Alternaria and several Ulocladium species were revealed.
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