Search for "prydiuk m.": 6 articles found.
PRYDIUK M.P., LOMBERG M.L. (2021): First record of Coprinopsis strossmayeri (Psathyrellaceae) in Ukraine: morphological and cultural features. [Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, SEM, mycelium, morphological characteristics, growth rate.] Czech Mycology 73(1): 45-58 (published: 25th February, 2021)
The article presents data on the first record of the rare wood-rotting species of the Coprinopsis strossmayeri aggregate in Ukraine. A full description of its macro- and micromorphological features as well as an original drawing are provided. Morphological characters and data on mycelial growth on different agar media are reported. The growth optimum was observed on compost agar medium. Mycelial colonies of C. strossmayeri are white, cottony, very dense with fluffy aerial mycelium growing in concentric zones. Colonies have a characteristic yellow pigmentation and stain the agar yellowish. Microscopic features of vegetative mycelia are described. In the mycelium of C. strossmayeri, spherical structures inside storage hyphae, clamp connections, anastomoses, chlamydospores, and crystals on hyphae were observed.
PRYDIUK M.P. (2011): New records of dung inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine II. Section Coprinus. [Basidiomycetes, fimicolous mushrooms, Agaricales, Coprinaceae, Coprinus, Lanatuli, Narcotici, Nivei] Czech Mycology 63(1): 13-32 (published: 10th August, 2011)
In this part of the article on dung inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine data on new records of fimicolous representatives of the section Coprinus in Ukraine are reported. As a result of the study 9 taxa belonging to the subsections Lanatuli J.E. Lange, Narcotici Uljé et Noordel. and Nivei Citérin were found. Coprinus cordisporus Gibbs, C. foetidellus P.D. Orton, C. pseudoniveus Bender et Uljé, C. pseudoradiatus Kühner et Joss. ex Watling and C. utrifer (Joss.) Watling were collected for the first time in Ukraine. One new variety (C. pachyspermus var. tetrasporus) is described. For each taxon a description and drawings are provided.
PRYDIUK M.P. (2010): New records of dung-inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine I. Section Pseudocoprinus. [Basidiomycetes, fimicolous mushrooms, Agaricales, Coprinaceae, Glabri, Pseudocoprinus, Setulosi] Czech Mycology 62(1): 43-58 (published: 15th February, 2011)
Data on new records of fimicolous representatives of the section Pseudocoprinus (Kühner) P.D. Orton et Watling of the genus Coprinus Pers. in the territory of Ukraine are reported. As result of both field research and the use of moist-chambers 8 species belonging to the subsections Glabri J.E. Lange and Setulosi J.E. Lange have been found. Coprinus bisporus J.E. Lange, C. brevisetulosus Arnolds, C. curtus Kalchbr., C. heterosetulosus Watling and C. pellucidus P. Karst. were collected in Ukraine for the first time. For each species a description and drawings are provided.
PRYDIUK M.P. (2007): New records of Conocybe species from Ukraine. II. The section Conocybe. [Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Conocybe, distribution, ecology] Czech Mycology 59(1): 39-50 (published: 28th June, 2007)
Data about new records of representatives of the genus Conocybe Fayod (section Conocybe) on the territory of Ukraine are given. Information is added about the habitats of 6 taxa (C. brachypodii, C. echinata, C. graminis, C. juniana var. subsejuncta, C. microspora var. microspora, and C. subxerophytica var. brunnea) new to Ukraine. For all the taxa descriptions and drawings are provided.
PRYDIUK M.P. (2007): New records of Conocybe species from Ukraine. I. The sections Mixtae and Pilosellae. [Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Conocybe, Mixtae, Pilosellae] Czech Mycology 59(1): 25-38 (published: 28th June, 2007)
Data about new records of representatives of the genus Conocybe (sections Mixtae and Pilosellae) on the territory of Ukraine are cited. Information about the habitats of 7 species (C. macrospora, C. microrrhiza, C. moseri, C. pulchella, C. siliginea, C. subpubescens and C. velutipes) new for Ukraine is added. For all the species descriptions and drawings are provided.
PRYDIUK M.P. (2006): New records of Pholiotina species in Ukraine. [Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Pholiotina, Piliferae, Vestitae] Czech Mycology 58(3-4): 273-285 (published: 29th December, 2006)
In the article, data about new records of representatives of the genus Pholiotina Fayod (sections Pholiotina, Piliferae (Kühner) Singer and Vestitae Watling) from the territory of Ukraine are cited. Information about the habitats of 6 species new to Ukraine (P. aberrans, P. cyanopus, P. dasypus, P. filaris, P. mairei, P. vestita) is given. For each species a description and drawings are provided.
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