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Probable match (100%) "ECKSTEIN": 3 articles found.
SOCHOROVÁ Z., ECKSTEIN J., SOCHOR M. (2024): Octospora pulchrispora (Pezizales) – a new bryophilous species on Cynodontium polycarpon [bryoparasitic Pezizales, bryophilous ascomycetes, Rhabdoweisiaceae, rhizoid galls, vital taxonomy.] Czech Mycology 76(1): 45-62 (published: 3rd May, 2024)
Octospora pulchrispora Sochorová et Eckstein is described as a new species based on finds from the Czech Republic. It features a remarkable ascospore ornamentation formed by low, branching, cyanophilous ridges. It parasitises the acrocarpous moss Cynodontium polycarpon (Rhabdoweisiaceae) and induces galls on the rhizoids. In the phylogenetic analysis based on the LSU, SSU and EF1α loci, O. pulchrispora formed a highly supported clade with Octospora gyalectoides agg., O. leucoloma, O. gemmicola, O. axillaris, O. excipulata, O. bridei and two undescribed Octospora species.
NÉMETH C., ECKSTEIN J., SOCHOR M. (2022): Disentangling the taxonomy of Octospora meslinii (Pezizales), a bryophilous ascomycete on Grimmia pulvinata. [bryoparasitic fungi, EF1α, Grimmia pulvinata, LSU, SSU.] Czech Mycology 74(1): 1-24 (published: 1st January, 2022)
The bryophilous ascomycete Octospora meslinii is a rarely reported species growing exclusively in cushions of the saxicolous moss Grimmia pulvinata. The taxon has been misunderstood in the past and hitherto reliably only reported from France and Germany. Many recent collections from Hungary have made it possible to get a better understanding of O. meslinii, which is comprehensively described and illustrated in this paper. Because of the lack of original material, we designate an illustration in the protologue as the lectotype and one of the recent collections as the epitype of this fungus. Octospora meslinii is compared with other species of Octospora growing in the same type of habitat or having similar ascospores. The most closely related species to O. meslinii is O. pseudoampezzana. Both share apothecia with blackish pigmentation, a unique feature compared to bryophilous Pezizales as a whole, ellipsoid ascospores ornamented with isolated warts, moss hosts in the family Grimmiaceae, and the infection inducing galls on the rhizoids. A phylogenetic analysis using the EF1α, LSU and SSU rDNA loci confirms our morphological findings showing that O. meslinii forms a monophyletic clade with O. pseudoampezzana, whereas other species with which O. meslinii was confused in the past, e.g. O. similis, are related only distantly.
EGERTOVÁ Z., ECKSTEIN J., VEGA M. (2015): Lamprospora tuberculata, Octospora ithacaensis, O. orthotrichi and O. affinis - four bryoparasitic ascomycetes new to the Czech Republic. [bryoparasitic Pezizales, Ascomycota, Pyronemataceae, rhizoid galls, central Europe] Czech Mycology 67(2): 119-133 (published: 2nd July, 2015)
Four bryoparasitic ascomycetes, Lamprospora tuberculata, Octospora ithacaensis, O. orthotrichi and O. affinis were recently found in the Czech Republic for the first time. For each species, basic description of macroscopical and microscopical characters, information about its habitat, distinguishing features of similar species as well as notes on the distribution in Europe are provided. Furthermore, apothecia, spores and parasitising structures are illustrated. The following parasite-host relationships were observed: L. tuberculata on Pleuridium subulatum, O. ithacaensis on Marchantia polymorpha, O. orthotrichi on Orthotrichum diaphanum and O. affinis on Orthotrichum affine.One locality of L. tuberculata, two of O. ithacaensis, eight of O. orthotrichi and one of O. affinis were found. Internal cavities in the warts of spores in O. affinis and L. tuberculata are newly reported as well as the infection of leaf cells in O. affinis.
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