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Probable match (100%) "GHATE": 2 articles found.
GHATE S.D., SRIDHAR K.R. (2016): Aquatic hyphomycetes associated with leaves, leaf detritus and crown humus in palm canopies. [Caryota urens, Cocos nucifera, hyphomycetes diversity, abiotic factors, dry and wet season, India] Czech Mycology 68(2): 111-126 (published: 8th July, 2016)
Aquatic hyphomycetes associated with attached dead leaves (autochthonous), accumulated leaf litter (allochthonous) and crown humus in canopies of wild palm (Caryota urens) and cultivated palm (Cocos nucifera) were assessed during wet and dry seasons by means of bubble chamber incubation.The canopy of C. urens trapped allochthonous leaf litter of seven tree species (Alstonia scholaris, Artocarpus hirsutus, Ficus benghalensis, F. religiosa, Garcinia indica, Holigarna arnottiana and Mangifera indica), while in the canopies of C. nucifera leaf litter of four tree species was found (Acacia mangium, Delonix regia, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Polyalthia longifolia). Although the total number of species of aquatic hyphomycetes was almost identical during the dry season (17-18 spp.), in the wet season it was higher in Caryota urens than in Cocos nucifera (31 vs. 23 spp.). Based on conidium production, Anguillospora crassa, Flagellospora curvula and Lunulospora curvula were among the top five species during the wet and dry seasons in both palms.Shannon diversity was higher in the wet season than in the dry season in all samples of C. urens, while it was higher only in leaf samples of C. nucifera. Sřrensen’s similarity of aquatic hyphomycete communities between the samples was higher in C. urens than in C. nucifera. Three-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in species richness and conidium production between the seasons, palms and substrate assessed.
GHATE S.D., SRIDHAR K.R. (2015): Rain-borne fungi in stemflow and throughfall of six tropical palm species. [Canopy, hyphomycetes, conidia, species richness, diversity, abiotic factors] Czech Mycology 67(1): 45-58 (published: 29th May, 2015)
The present survey documents rain-borne hyphomycetes in stemflow and throughfall of six palm species on the west coast of India during the monsoon season. A total of 61 species were recovered.Irrespective of the palms, throughfall was represented by a higher number of species than stemflow.Pearson correlation was significant and positive between richness of species and conidia with air humidity, air temperature, water temperature and water conductivity. Except for Areca, Shannon diversity was higher in throughfall compared to stemflow. Jaccard’s percent similarity of species in stemflow was lowest between Cocos vs. Roystonea (16%) and highest between Borassus vs. Caryota (55.5%), while in throughfall it was lowest between Areca vs. Livistona (16.7%) and highest between Caryota vs. Cocos and Livistona vs. Cocos (50%).Two-way ANOVA revealed that the richness of species and that of conidia were significantly more dependent on palm species than stemflow or throughfall. The number of rain-borne fungi in palm species exceeded that in the nearby coastal stream with an overlap of about 40%.
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