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Probable match (100%) "KOUT": 11 articles found.
KOUT J., MARTÍNEK O., HOLEC J., ZÍBAROVÁ L. (2024): New records of Pseudomerulius montanus (Basidiomycota, Boletales) in Czechia and Slovakia. [Leucogyrophana, Tapinellaceae, merulioid fungi, lignicolous fungi, brown rot.] Czech Mycology 76(1): 95-110 (published: 25th June, 2024)
This article presents the first records of Pseudomerulius montanus in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The species was found at colder localities in unmanaged forests. Basidiomata of Pseudomerulius montanus were found on dead wood of pine and spruce. Descriptions of its microscopic and macroscopic features are provided as well as a list of localities and notes on its ecology. Photographs of the macroscopic and microscopic features are included and differences from similar species are discussed.
ZÍBAROVÁ L., KOUT J., TEJKLOVÁ T. (2021): Notes on Hapalopilus eupatorii and Erastia ochraceolateritia. [Phanerochaetaceae, polypores, white-rot fungi, lignicolous fungi.] Czech Mycology 73(1): 59-77 (published: 30th March, 2021)
Two species of polypores from the genus Hapalopilus s.l. are discussed. Hapalopilus eupatorii is published for the first time outside of Europe (Canary Islands) and in the Czech Republic. This species is shown to be more plastic in both morphology and ecology than previously thought. Revision of a type specimen of Phaeolus rutilans f. resupinatus has demonstrated that this taxon is microscopically different from Hapalopilus eupatorii in its spore shape. Erastia ochraceolateritia is published for the first time from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The identities of these two species were confirmed both based on morphology and by sequencing of ITS DNA regions. Maps of their current and historic distribution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are provided. A new combination, Erastia aurantiaca, is formally proposed.
ZÍBAROVÁ L., KOUT J., KŘÍŽ M. (2019): First records of Cartilosoma rene-hentic (Polyporales) in the Czech Republic. [Antrodia, Fomitopsidaceae, polypore, brown-rot fungi, lignicolous fungi.] Czech Mycology 71(1): 37-47 (published: 29th March, 2019)
The recently described polypore Cartilosoma rene-hentic is recorded, described and illustrated from several localities in the Czech Republic for the first time. Its identity was confirmed both based on morphology and by sequencing ITS regions. The species variability and ecology is discussed and a map of its distribution in the Czech Republic is provided
HOLEC J., BĚŤÁK J., POUSKA V., DVOŘÁK D., ZÍBAROVÁ L., KOUT J., ADAM D. (2018): Old-growth forest fungus Antrodiella citrinella - distribution and ecology in the Czech Republic [macrofungi, polypore, habitats, substrates, phenology, indicator fungus, forest naturalness, Europe] Czech Mycology 70(2): 127-143 (published: 24th October, 2018) Electronic supplement
Localities and records of Antrodiella citrinella (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) in the Czech Republic are summarised and the ecology of the species is evaluated. The 31 localities are mostly situated in mountain regions, the highest number of records coming from elevations of 1200–1299 m.Less frequently, A. citrinella is found in highland regions, growing either on slopes of hills or on steep slopes and bottoms of deep river or stream valleys. Most records are from montane and supramontane spruce forests and submontane to montane mixed forests dominated by beech, spruce and fir. The fungus also occurs in waterlogged spruce forests and ravine forests. Most of the localities are protected as nature reserves or strictly protected zones of national parks. Picea abies is a preferred substrate, followed by Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, and basidiomata of Fomitopsis pinicola. Almost all records are from fallen trunks 10–100 cm in diameter, rarely stumps or pieces of wood. The wood decay stage is 2–5, its peak in stage 3. The main fructification period is autumn, mainly October and November, and spring from March to the first half of June with the maximum in May. Summer records are rare. A distribution map for the Czech Republic is published and data on occurrence in other European countries are compiled and discussed. The Czech distribution data are confronted with the GIS map layer of the Czech natural forests databank containing exact data on naturalness of forest stands. This analysis shows that A. citrinella clearly prefers virgin, natural and near-natural forest stands, i.e. old-growth forests, therefore it can be used as an indicator of this habitat.
ZÍBAROVÁ L., KOUT J. (2017): Xylariaceous pyrenomycetes from Bohemia: species of Biscogniauxia and Hypoxylon new to the Czech Republic, and notes on other rare species. [ascomycetes, ecology, lignicolous fungi, Xylariales] Czech Mycology 69(1): 77-108 (published: 29th June, 2017)
Two species of pyrenomycetes, Biscogniauxia mediterranea and Hypoxylon fuscoides, are reported from the Czech Republic for the first time. Descriptions of both species, based on the authors’ collections, are provided together with notes on their distribution and ecology in the Czech Republic and Europe. Additionally new records and short discussions regarding 20 other less common taxa of pyrenomycetes of the genera Biscogniauxia, Euepixylon, Hypoxylon and Nemania (traditionally placed in Xylariaceae) in Bohemia, Czech Republic, are supplied, and recommendations for a future version of the Czech Red list of macromycetes are given.
KOUT J., HAJŠMANOVÁ P. (2015): Kavinia alboviridis in the Czech Republic. [Basidiomycetes, Gomphales, corticioid species, Bohemia] Czech Mycology 67(1): 59-67 (published: 29th May, 2015)
The distribution of the rare lignicolous species Kavinia alboviridis in the Czech Republic is summarised. Recently the species has been found at three localities in West Bohemia and at one locality in NW Bohemia. It is considered a boreal species rare in Europe and listed as extinct from the Czech Republic. The species is well distinguishable microscopically by the spores which clearly differ from other species with a resupinate, hydnoid basidioma. Remarks on its world distribution are added.
ZÍBAROVÁ L., KOUT J. (2014): First record of Skeletocutis ochroalba (Polyporales) in the Czech Republic. [polypore, boreal species, taxonomy, rare species] Czech Mycology 66(1): 61-69 (published: 4th June, 2014)
The polypore species Skeletocutis ochroalba is newly reported from the Czech Republic and for the first time from Central Europe. Both morphology and sequencing of DNA (ITS region) confirmed the identity of the species. It is characterised by pileate basidiocarps, narrow allantoid spores and ecology. Its similarity to S. nivea is discussed. An in situ photo of S. ochroalba is included.
KOUT J., VLASÁK J., SPIRIN V. (2014): Contribution to the Antrodiella americana species complex (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). [polypores, Basidiomycota, taxonomy, ecology] Czech Mycology 66(1): 53-60 (published: 4th June, 2014)
Two recently described polypores, Antrodiella niemelaei and A. chinensis, are newly reported from the Russian Far East and the first of them also from the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The correctness of the identification of both species was confirmed by sequencing of ribosomal DNA.Antrodiella chinensis is reported as a record new to Russia. Antrodiella niemelaei was collected on dead fruitbodies of Hymenochaete intricata and H. tabacina. Photographs of both species are presented.
KOUT J., ZÍBAROVÁ L. (2013): Revision of the genus Cotylidia (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) in the Czech Republic. [hymenochaetoid clade, taxonomy, distribution, threatened fungi, Europe] Czech Mycology 65(1): 1-13 (published: 10th June, 2013)
To date, three species of the genus Cotylidia have been identified in the Czech Republic: C. muscigena, C. pannosa, and C. undulata. The occurrence of Cotylidia undulata in the Czech Republic was already confirmed and a new locality is published here. The other two species are newly reported from the Czech Republic. The remaining two European Cotylidia species are not yet known from the area studied: C. carpatica and the badly known Mediterranean C. marsicana. Finally one specimen found during the study of herbarium material does not correspond well to any known European species. The genus was reviewed based on fresh and herbarium specimens. The species of Cotylidia are described and an identification key is added. All three species are rarely reported fungi.
VLASÁK J., KOUT J. (2010): Sarcoporia polyspora and Jahnoporus hirtus: two rare polypores collected in South Bohemia, Czech Republic. [Parmastomyces transmutans, Albatrellus, Polyporales, Czech Republic] Czech Mycology 61(2): 187-195 (published: 10th August, 2010)
Two very rare polypores are reported from the Czech Republic: Sarcoporia polyspora, for the first time, and Jahnoporus hirtus, for the second time. Several basidiocarps of both polypores were collected and their growth and development were monitored for a period of three months. The collections and localities are described and their world distribution as well as affinities with other fungi are commented.
KOUT J. (2008): Sistotrema dennisii (Basidiomycetes, Sistotremataceae) - a new species for the Czech Republic. [Sistotrema, Sistotremataceae, polypores, central Bohemia] Czech Mycology 60(1): 105-111 (published: 4th July, 2008)
Sistotrema dennisii Malençon (Basidiomycetes, Sistotremataceae) was discovered in the Czech Republic for the first time. It is an inconspicuous, resupinate species with arachnoid pores that could have been neglected in the field. Characteristic features of this and similar species are presented, together with a description of the locality and notes on its distribution.
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