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Probable match (100%) "SOLIMAN": 3 articles found.
MOUBASHER A.H., ABDEL-SATER M.A., SOLIMAN Z.S.M. (2018): First records of Aspergillus porphyreostipitatus and Aspergillus carlsbadensis since their original descriptions. [Aspergillus, section Usti, orange plantations, Assiut, Egypt, phenotypic and genotypic characterisation] Czech Mycology 70(1): 67-82 (published: 29th May, 2018)
During a survey of phyllosphere and non-rhizosphere soil fungi of orange plantations in the Assiut area, Egypt, several isolates of species of Aspergillus belonging to the section Usti were isolated at 25 °C. These were identified using phenotypic and genotypic characters as Aspergillus porphyreostipitatus and Aspergillus carlsbadensis. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first global records since their original descriptions and indicate their probable wide distribution. The strains of both species could grow at 37 °C (a character contrasting to that of the original description of A. carlsbadensis), but both were not able to grow on CYA at 5 °C or 45 °C or to produce acid on creatine. It is interesting to report that both strains produced the urease enzyme (however weakly in A. porphyreostipitatus) and failed to grow on G25N at 25 °C, characters not examined in the original descriptions.
MOUBASHER A.H., ABDEL-SATER M.A., SOLIMAN Z.S.M. (2018): Diversity of yeasts and filamentous fungi in mud from hypersaline and freshwater bodies in Egypt. [fungal diversity, alkalinity, Wadi El-Natrun, lakes, Ibrahimia Canal, River Nile, molecular characterisation, ITS] Czech Mycology 70(1): 1-32 (published: 26th January, 2018)
The diversity of yeasts and filamentous fungi in muds from hypersaline alkaline lakes of Wadi ElNatrun and fresh water of the Nile River and Ibrahimia Canal was evaluated. The mean pH of saline water mud was 9.21, but fresh water mud registered 8.07. A total of 193 species (two varieties were distinguished in two of them) belonging to 67 genera were recovered from both muds investigated on DRBC (55 genera, 164 species), DG18 (36 genera, 117 species) and MY50G (23 genera, 76 species) media. From these, 17 species assigned to 12 genera were yeasts and 176 species and 2 varieties assigned to 55 genera were filamentous fungi. The highest numbers of fungal propagules were recovered on DRBC from freshwater mud, while the lowest on MY50G from saline water mud. Yeasts constituted a small proportion of all propagules from the two mud types on all three media, whereas filamentous fungi were the major component. However, freshwater mud samples yielded higher numbers of yeast genera and species using all three media. Candida was common in freshwater mud and rare in saline water mud, while Meyerozyma and Rhodotorula were infrequent in both muds. The remaining yeast species were recovered from freshwater mud only. Aspergillus (46 species) was the most common genus of filamentous fungi encountered in all samples, ranging in frequency from 39.82% to 96.62%; A. terreus, A. flavipes and A. niger dominated in both types of mud. Cladosporium (9 species), Fusarium (8 species), Penicillium (18 species) and Scopulariopsis (7 species) were encountered in both types of mud. Notably, 47 filamentous species were isolated only on the media with lower water activity (DG18, MY50G).
ABDEL-SATER M.A., MOUBASHER A.H., SOLIMAN Z.S.M. (2016): Diversity of filamentous and yeast fungi in soil of citrus and grapevine plantations in the Assiut region, Egypt. [Mycobiota, biodiversity, phenotypic and biochemical characterisation, ITS sequence, Coniochaeta canina, Aspergillus stella-maris] Czech Mycology 68(2): 183-214 (published: 20th December, 2016)
An extensive survey of soil mycobiota on citrus and grapevine plantations in Sahel-Saleem City, Assiut Governorate, Egypt was carried out using the dilution-plate method and 2 isolation media at 25 °C. Sixty-four genera and 195 species of filamentous fungi and 10 genera and 13 species of yeasts were recovered. A higher diversity (number of genera and species) and gross total counts were recovered from citrus than from grapevine soil. The peak of filamentous fungi recovered from both soils was found to be in February. Aspergillus (45 species) was the most dominant genus; A. ochraceus predominated in citrus plantations, while A. niger and A. aculeatus in grapevine. The Penicillium count came second after Aspergillus in citrus (23 species) and after Aspergillus and Fusarium in grapevine (11 species).Penicillium citrinum, P. ochrochloron and P. olsonii were more common in citrus plantations, but they were replaced by P. oxalicum in grapevine soil. Fusarium (19 species) was represented in 88.9–100% of both soils on both media; F. solani predominated in both soils, while F. incarnatum came next in citrus, and F. babinda and F. oxysporum in grapevine. Humicola (3 species) with the dominant H. fuscoatra was recorded in 61.1–83.3% of soil of both plantations, while Talaromyces (with T. purpureogenus followed by T. pinophilus being the most common) was recorded in 83.3–100% on DRBC and 38.9–50% on DYM from the soil of plantations of both crops. Volutella (5 species) was common in citrus but missing from grapevine soil. The present study reveals that hyaline fungi predominated over dark-coloured ones. Yeasts comprised only minor proportions in both soils (maximum 0.5%). They showed their peak in the soil of citrus plantations in April and in grapevine in February. All species were recovered in one or two samples only. Diutina catenulata, Debaryomyces hansenii, Galactomyces (3 species), Hanseniaspora occidentalis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Meyerozyma caribbica, and Schwanniomyces pseudopolymorphus were encountered in citrus only, while Cryptococcus laurentii, Pichia kudriavzevii, Meyerozyma guilliermondii and Rhodotorula sp. in grapevine only. Physiological and growth characteristics were obtained for most of the recovered yeasts.
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