Search for "werner p.g.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "WERNER": 1 article found.
BOROVIČKA J., ROCKEFELLER A., WERNER P.G. (2012): Psilocybe allenii - a new bluing species from the Pacific Coast, USA. [Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Strophariaceae, taxonomy, molecular phylogeny] Czech Mycology 64(2): 181-195 (published: 7th December, 2012)
Psilocybe allenii is a new bluing wood-rotting species from the Pacific Coast, USA. Both morphological and molecular features (ITS rDNA phylogeny) indicate its close relationship to Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef. Despite the shape and size of spores and cystidia of this new species falling within the variability of P. cyanescens, P. allenii can be distinguished by its convex to hemispheric pileus, not wavy at maturity, and ITS rDNA sequence. The description of P. allenii is accompanied by sequences obtained from the holotype and paratype collections (ITS rDNA, LSU, EF-1α and RPB2). Furthermore, similar species of this relationship are discussed and an epitype of P. cyanescens is designated.
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