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FRAGNER P., MIŘEJOVSKÝ P. (1990): Key to histological identification of causative agents in systemic mycoses II. Česká Mykologie 44(2): 65-76 [published: 22nd June, 1990]
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SVRČEK M. (1960): Species rarissimae Basidiomycetum ex anno 1959. Česká Mykologie 14(3): 150-152 [published: 20th July, 1960]
KOCKOVÁ-KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A., PETROVÁ M. (1959): The occurence of yeasts and yeast like micro-organism in the montainous region of Malé Karpaty. Česká Mykologie 13(1): 37-50 [published: 20th January, 1959]
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KOCKOVÁ - KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A., SLÁVIKOVÁ E., KOVAČOVSKÁ R., WAI YIN MOK (1988): Unusually occurring yeast-like organisms isolated from the equatorial locality in the basin of the river Amazon. Česká Mykologie 42(3): 170-175 [published: 12th August, 1988]
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KOCKOVÁ - KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A., SLÁVIKOVÁ E., KOVAČOVSKÁ R. (1988): Yeasts isolated from fruitbodies of mushrooms of the Lowland of Záhorie (Slovakia). Česká Mykologie 42(2): 114-121 [published: 10th May, 1988]
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FRAGNER P., KUNZOVÁ E. (1987): The problem of reliability of microscopic demonstration of yeasts in smears. Česká Mykologie 41(1): 46-49 [published: 16th February, 1987]
FASSATIOVÁ O., KUBÁTOVÁ A., PRÁŠIL K., VÁŇOVÁ M. (1987): Microscopical fungi in archive environment. Česká Mykologie 41(1): 8-15 [published: 16th February, 1987]
HOLUBOVÁ - JECHOVÁ V., CASTAÑEDA RUIZ R.F. (1986): Studies on Hyphomycetes from Cuba III. New and interesting dematiaceous taxa from leaf litter. Česká Mykologie 40(2): 74-85 [published: 10th May, 1986]
FRAGNER P., MIŘEJOVSKÝ P., LUKÁŠOVÁ M. (1985): Stomatomaxillary and rhinoorbital absidiosis. Česká Mykologie 39(3): 150-154 [published: 1985]
FRAGNER P., SOUKUP K. (1985): Contemporary views on mycotic colpitis. Česká Mykologie 39(2): 106-118 [published: 1985]
KOCKOVÁ-KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A., RONALDO CONTRERAS O. (1985): Yeast-like organisms isolated form plant material on Cuba. Česká Mykologie 39(1): 44-50 [published: 1985]
KOCKOVÁ-KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A., SLÁVIKOVÁ E., BREIEROVÁ E. (1984): Yeasts isolated from fruitbodies of mushrooms of the Lowland of Zahorie. Česká Mykologie 38(4): 218-229 [published: 1984]
Varia. Česká Mykologie 38(1): 55-57 [published: 1984]
FRAGNER P., MICHÁLKOVÁ B. (1982): Is there a professional hazard of yeast incidence in stomatologic personnel? Česká Mykologie 36(4): 243-247 [published: 1982]
FRAGNER P., ŠKOPEK J. (1982): Incidence of yeasts in the mouth cavity in person with removable dentures. Česká Mykologie 36(3): 166-172 [published: 1982]
BENDA J., FRAGNER P. (1982): Problems of chronic candida tonsillitis in children. Česká Mykologie 36(2): 122-127 [published: 1982]
KAUSAR T., ŠAŠEK V., MUSÍLEK V. (1982): Physiological aspects of antibiotic formation in the pyrenomycete Melanconis flavovirens. I. Role of inoculum. Česká Mykologie 36(2): 118-121 [published: 1982]
ŠUTARA J. (1982): Nomenclatural problems concerning the generic name Krombholziella R. Maire. Česká Mykologie 36(2): 77-84 [published: 1982]
FRAGNER P., PREISLER M. (1982): Incidence of yeasts in the mouth cavity of patients with parodontopathias. Česká Mykologie 36(1): 52-56 [published: 1982]
FRAGNER P., HEJZLAR J. (1981): Yeasts flora of the tonsills. Česká Mykologie 35(4): 227-233 [published: 1981]
HUBÁLEK Z. (1981): A systematic survey of dimorphic and polymorphic fungi. Česká Mykologie 35(4): 209-226 [published: 1981]
FRAGNER P. (1981): Further experience with Castellani’s „Water cultures“. Česká Mykologie 35(3): 161-164 [published: 1981]
FRAGNER P., ŠIMKOVÁ M. (1980): Yeasts in children. Česká Mykologie 34(2): 82-91 [published: 1980]
FRAGNER P., HEJZLAR J., RUBEŠ M. (1979): Otomycoses and mycoflora of otitides. Česká Mykologie 33(4): 229-236 [published: 1979]
SVRČEK M. (1979): Fungi in Hungaria Mense Septembri 1978 lecti. Česká Mykologie 33(3): 150-158 [published: 1979]
HOLUBOVÁ-JECHOVÁ V. (1979): Lignicolous and some other saprophytic Hyphomycetes from Hungary. Česká Mykologie 33(3): 138-149 [published: 1979]
HUBÁLEK Z., ROSICKÝ B., OTČENÁŠEK M. (1979): Fungi on the hair of small wild mammals in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Česká Mykologie 33(2): 81-93 [published: 1979]
Varia. Česká Mykologie 33(1): 60-61 [published: 1979]
FRAGNER P. (1978): Yeasts in human material in our country and their differentiation. Part III. Česká Mykologie 32(3): 144-156 [published: 1978]
Abstracts of papers delivered at the 6th Conference of Czechoslovak mycologists held at Pezinok, 19.-23. September 1977. Česká Mykologie 32(2): 99-122 [published: 1978]
PRÁŠIL K., ŠAŠEK V. (1977): Antibiotic activity of some Pyrenomycetes. Česká Mykologie 31(1): 1-7 [published: 1st March, 1977]
MINÁRIK E. (1975): RNDr. Anna Kocková-Kratochvílová, DrSc., sexaginta ad salutem. Česká Mykologie 29(4): 229-236 [published: 1975]
KUBIČKA J. (1975): Doctor rerum naturalium et scientiarum biologicarum candidatus Mirko Svrček quinquagintagenarius. Česká Mykologie 29(4): 219-228 [published: 1975]
MUSÍLKOVÁ M., MUSÍLEK V., ŠAŠEK V. (1975): Release of yeast spheroplasts by an enzyme complex from Lycoperdon perlatum Pers. ex Pers. Česká Mykologie 29(3): 153-156 [published: 1975]
Summa actionum, quae in Quinto Consilio Mycologorum Cechoslovacorum in urbe Olomouc 25.-27.septembri 1973 traditae sunt. Česká Mykologie 28(2): 104-126 [published: 1974]
FRAGNER P., HEROLD K. (1971): Candida-Paronychien und Candida-Onychomykosen. Auftreten, Mykologie und Therapie. Česká Mykologie 25(1): 47-54 [published: 28th January, 1971]
FRAGNER P. (1970): Spannweite der Art Trichosporon cutaneum. Česká Mykologie 24(3): 153-161 [published: 20th July, 1970]
FRAGNER P. (1969): Die Möglichkeiten der mikroskopischen Unterscheidung von Scopulariopsis brevicaulis und Dermatophyten in den Nägeln bei Onychomykosen. Česká Mykologie 23(1): 45-49 [published: 1969]
FRAGNER P., MAŇÁK J. (1968): Absidia corymbifera in der trepanationshöle nach tympanoplastischer Operation. Česká Mykologie 22(1): 68-76 [published: 1968]
ŠAŠEK V., MUSÍLEK V. (1968): Antibiotic activity of mycorrhizal Basidiomycetes and their relation to thehost-plant parasites. Česká Mykologie 22(1): 50-55 [published: 1968]
FRÁGNER P., MÚČKA V. (1966): Rubronigrin, new antibiotic substance from Trichophyton rubrum var. nigricans. Česká Mykologie 20(3): 182-183 [published: 1966]
KOCKOVÁ-KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A., PETROVOVÁ T., ŠANDULA J., HRONSKÁ L. (1964): Ein Beitrag zur Ökologie der hefeartigen Mikroorganismen. Die hefeartigen Mikroorganismen auf der Oberfläche der höheren Pilze aus dem Urwald von Dobroč. Česká Mykologie 18(2): 91-98 [published: 16th April, 1964]
KOCKOVÁ-KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ A. (1964): Beitrag zur Ökologie der hefeartigen Mikroorganismen aus Pflanzenblüten. Česká Mykologie 18(1): 29-35 [published: 25th January, 1964]
ŠMARDA F. (1964): Beitrag zur mykozönologischen Charasteristik des pannonischen Gebietes in der Umgebung von Brno. Česká Mykologie 18(1): 7-15 [published: 25th January, 1964]
KREISEL H. (1963): Ergänzungen und kritische Bemerkungen zur „Flora ČSR-Gasteromycetes“. Česká Mykologie 17(4): 203-206 [published: 18th October, 1963]
KRÁLOVÁ-KŘÍSOVÁ M. (1962): Yeastlike micro-organism in milk and some liquid milk products. Česká Mykologie 16(4): 237-244 [published: 15th October, 1962]
FRÁGNER P. (1961): Cryptococcus Kützing emen. Vuillemin (Monographia generis). Česká Mykologie 15(2): 107-123 [published: 20th April, 1961]
KŘÍŽ K., SVRČEK M., ŠMARDA F. (1961): Pilzausstellung in Brünn 1960. Česká Mykologie 15(1): 13-26 [published: 20th January, 1961]
PILÁT A. (1960): Cyphella friesii Crouan in Bohemia. Česká Mykologie 14(4): 241-244 [published: 20th October, 1960]
ŠMARDA F. (1960): Mykoflora der Pflanzengesellschaften des Hügels Čebínka bei Brünn. Česká Mykologie 14(4): 222-228 [published: 20th October, 1960]
FRÁGNER P. (1960): Ein Beitrag zur Variabilität Candida robusta Diddens et Lodder. Česká Mykologie 14(3): 152-157 [published: 20th July, 1960]
SVRČEK M. (1960): Eine mykofloristische Skizze der Umgebung von Karlštejn (Karlstein) im Mittelböhmen. Česká Mykologie 14(2): 67-86 [published: 20th April, 1960]
FRÁGNER P. (1960): Mykoflora des Flaschenbiers. Česká Mykologie 14(1): 52-59 [published: 20th January, 1960]
SAMŠIŇÁKOVÁ A. (1960): Ein neuer Fund des Pilzes Rickia berlesiana (Bacc.) Paoli (Laboulbeniales). Česká Mykologie 14(1): 49-52 [published: 20th January, 1960]
FRÁGNER P. (1959): Zur Mykoflora des Flaschenbiers. Česká Mykologie 13(4): 227-233 [published: 20th October, 1959]
HEJTMÁNEK M., DADÁK V. (1959): Antimykotische Wirkung der Quecke (Agropyrum repens (L.) P. Beauv.). Česká Mykologie 13(3): 183-188 [published: 20th July, 1959]
FRÁGNER P. (1959): Pathogene Hefen in der Milchindustrie. Česká Mykologie 13(3): 160-163 [published: 20th July, 1959]
FRÁGNER P. (1959): Ein Beitrag zur Mykoflora des Ohrenganges. Česká Mykologie 13(2): 119-124 [published: 20th April, 1959]
KOTLABA F., POUZAR Z. (1959): Polypori novi vel minus cogniti Čechoslovakiae IV. Česká Mykologie 13(1): 27-37 [published: 20th January, 1959]
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